Watch movie with supernatural elements

>Watch movie with supernatural elements
>Feel crippling depression knowing that there's nothing supernatural in the world at all and that we're doomed to mundane existence

Why can't it all be real?

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As if you know there's nothing supernatural. You must be real dumb to believe in "nothing".

Well there isn't. Show me a single shred of evidence.

Search for yourself. Go to an old abandoned house alone. Spent the night alone and you'll know if you ever come back.

And why would I do that? I'd be at risk of homeless people and criminals.


"Evidence" is a concept that depends on your sense-perceptions being accurate and the natural world being explainable with cause-and-effect, which is basically the exact opposite of "supernatural."

Every civilization believed in demons. There must be a reason.

If magic is all we've ever known, then it's easy to miss what really goes on.

Well sure, they had no other explanation


Or what

Mundane existence in which you can fly, ride at 100kph, summon music from a box, kill a man from a mile off without touch, communicate with invisible strangers across the world etc.

When men became demons the real ones were too scared. Now all we get is Conjuring 2.

>Dude reality is amazing


>he doesn't realize belief affects reality, doesn't know about synchronicity or magick

why not just kys?

Well what the fuck are they then? Other than hippy platitudes?

>tfw you'll never be a vampire

Why would you want to be? The sun's nice.

I am convinced that ghosts/spirits/demons or whatever you want to call them are very real.

They're just drawn to more important & influential people where they can more easily exercise their will.

the sun is shit, night time is patrician time

And why would they do that? Why would that be the case?

Or stay with me

It is. Grow up.

Honestly growing up is what killed reality for me.

I've travelled all over the world and everything is the same wherever you go. There's no mystery to things.

yeah I remember when I did all those things

Have you been in Africa ? Sahara? India ? You'll see unbelievable things.

>hes never been on a plane
>hes never played
>he doesnt use the internet

I meant the fun things

I've not done Africa, but I have done India. Don't misunderstand me, I had a great time and saw some amazing things, in some amazing places.

It was just lacking that magical spark. I don't know. It was almost disappointing knowing that this is the ultimate in what I can experience on earth.

You get it. Just get over the simple fact "amazing things are non existent out of your mind". Some people are always inspired and in constant awe. That's because of their perception, not insight. With a nihilistic mentality "impress me, world", you will always be in corner of a party and your feet will hurt. If you want to find a spark you should actively search for it in yourself and results will blow your mind. That's where "world is amazing place" quotes come from, from the people who found something that make world meaningful for them. Don't dream and delude yourself with glamour, just fucking do something for yourself and you will get off even lumberjacking, seriously.

You can try men for a change

Yeah fuck those fake ass """""""""chronic"""""""" depression """"""""""""sufferers""""""""""""" lmao why don't they just realize that everything is amazing and not b depressed af rofl baka

Nobody mentioned depression.

Can you figure out why I did?

Not really, no.

You must have really low standards for evidence if you're "convinced" those things are real. Pretty fascinating how gullible some people are.

>Why can't it all be real?

I remember Einstein making some kind of statement about how imagination is intelligence at play.

We imagine this kind of shit because we know the world is just this. There is nothing fantastical about it. The good news however is that we're not satisfied with what is. We want those fantastical things to exist. As technology advances, so to will our ability to make those things real. Just look at movies. Look at all the creepy shit created through CGI. Look at how we can transport characters into unreal environments and fill them with incredible things.

You want something supernatural? You already have it. The human fucking mind. Give it time and we will make everything real.

Again, this is a reddit tier philosophy. Which I'm 99% sure you probably don't even believe anyway.

You are fucking retarded. I was not saying that everything is amazing, i was saying you how it really is. The world is fucking shite, but you can always become coprofil. Or you can just stop whining and being sad cunt in general. Depression is my fucking middlename, so what? Answer is simple - fucks provision denied.

There was a time you had to go searching for rare books, now all these books are available for free on the internet. Literally any occult starter torrent will do to get you started.

>Give it time and we will make everything real.

But it isn't real. You're just creating illusions. If the supernatural isn't real; if spirituality is a farce; if materialism is all that there is and there is no meaning to anything, why even bother indulging in hollow imitations of all that?

>tfw one of the only things that makes me truly feel happy is dreams

They're so much better than movies.

Yeah man! If you're depressed, just stop being depressed. FUCK THOSE """""""CHRONIC""""""" DEPRESSION """"""""""""SUFFERERS""""""""""" why don't they just decide to be happy LAZY FOOKIN CUNTS THE LOT OF EM

aha see how i also modify words to sound foreign and said cunt also ahaha wow what fun what fun what fun were having

>there's nothing supernatural in the world at all
So science worked everything out? Can you link me where it says that? Seems kind of unbelievable.

Oh, wait a minute, you're up to shenanigans, OP, aren't you? Science can't even work out the big bang wew lad.

>Science can't even work out the big bang

Pretty sure it has

What caused it?

I've actually tried to dabble in the whole "spiritual" thing. I was always an atheist when I was younger (*tips*) but I wanted to try and find something more to life.

Got tarot cards, did loads of reading about it, tried all the different things you can think of. "Contacting spirits". Meditation. Hypnosis. Whatever I could think of.

I didn't manage to find something. Only disappointment.

Is this you and OP?

Stop searching outside

>aha see how i also modify words to sound foreign
Sorry, i am non native english "speaker"

But really, calm down my dude. You can't decide to be happy. I think you and i are not entitled to be happy. You can try to cope with depression and stop living in a permanent hissy fit. Who the fuck promised you fun?

btw my depression is far greater then yours ;^)

>Le fedora meme

Wow, aren't you cool and original

Medium bang

Has anyone on here ever had an experience which makes them think otherwise?

>tfw you will never know everything like OP does

You're pathetic.
I've had depression for years and learned to deal with it, fills me with shame knowing I was once a whiney bitch like you are right now. How fucking old are you, stop freaking out on the internet like that, Jesus.

When i had sleep paralysis for a first time, i was fucking spooked a little. But now i don't give fuck.
I don't have a single evidence to support existing of paranormal but i want to believe. I am not really interested in ghosts and demons, i am more fantasy kind of a guy. And that is true suffering, knowing that even your dreams can not satisfy your dreams.

Once you're dead you'll know. And science never proved there isn't anything after death.

Sleep paralysis is fuggin' spooky.

If I'm being absolutely honest, there are two things which would make me think there's more than what we know: Dreams, which as far as I can see have no obvious scientific reason to exist, and the fact that the world exists in the first place. I'm no christfag at all, but for everything to work together as perfectly as it does kindles a tiny bit of doubt in the idea that it all happened by chance.

Only a tiny bit though.

Seriously though what the actual fuck is the point of dreams

Maybe you were looking for disappointment

eat some shrooms if you want the instant trip down the rabbit hole

psychedelics, meditation, synchronicities, you name it

Drugs do nothing for me. Sure, it might be a quick and easy way to see weird shit, but it's not exactly meaningful.

>tarot shit
hahahaha all that shit is useless and just gimmicks to fool idiots like you, grab an old phone, go to an abandoned house/building/mental hospital and leave it recording then come back for it and listen to it

>Dude abandoned buildings lmao

Sorry, "know" end after death

Not everything has to have a point. I think that dreams are just neurons recalibrating. Each excitement pattern stimulates an image, they are non rational but based on your experience. So dreams are intrinsic to having a brain. And live is intrinsic to complex system progression. You can witness it because everything is working together perfectly in a world of physics, and if would be the opposite if paranormal existed. There would be no balance, no laws, no life, only paranormal chaos.

I name it bullshit

Don't forget to take your pills

>Dude _______ lmao
Literally no argument or too pussy to visit an abandoned place.
Why? cause i believe there's something else out there that could one day be perfectly explainable by science? with a shut mind like your you'll never encounter anything out of the ordinary, you just wanna be disappointed.

I see what you're saying, and I'm not saying that everything has to have a point, more that dreams seem at odds with everything else that exists in the world.

They're disconnected from reality, but they do exist. Sort of. You can't deny they exist, but they also don't. I don't know what I'm talking about really. Sort of like how maths doesn't really exist in the world, but it clearly does as everything can be based around it.

So you do believe in ghosts.

That's why we have sci-fi and alt. history etc.
Supernatural/fantasy is boring because it could never happen.
But sci-fi is fun because it tries to be realistic so it could happen.

No, I believe that anything you find in an "abandoned building" is likely to be a placebo.

>your recorder records something perfectly audible
>no one went in or out in the time being
nah you just don't wanna try and prefer staying on the comfort zone instead

I perfectly understand what you are saying. Math is an abstraction, a model. Abstraction is fundamental in thought process, because it helps to cut off meaningless junk and find common things in different event and objects to classify them. Abstraction is first step in induction. Dreams are maybe similar in a way, if they contain what is meaningful to a neural net as a whole. They definetly exist are based on your total impression of a world. But worlds that dreams create don't exist and they are completely incoherent. From my experience dreams fall apart on basic images / episodes if you don't "glue" them with your conscious mind right after awakening.

>something else out there that could one day be perfectly explainable by science
I didn't say that. Nice assumptions about shut mind / disapointment though. If your pay attention closely, you will fucking see that kind of people that encounter something out of the ordinary don't possess open mind, they are lunatics and fanatics. Even if a fucking goblin jumped in front of me, i would first doubt my own sanity then become "paranormal" apologist. I really really want to believe though.

Not everything. You can find leftover drugs and spooky hobos. But science yet to provide clear math model about these things, so i choose not to believe in them.

> know ends
Like you know. Like your precious scientists know.

>If your pay attention closely, you will fucking see that kind of people that encounter something out of the ordinary don't possess open mind, they are lunatics and fanatics.
If you actually did some research on paranormal research societies who take scientific and skeptical approaches you would've realized most people that like to explore aren't the freaks, fanatics and attention whores that go to TV shows for cash with their obviously fake videos and recordings or like to preach about it as if it was a religion.
You bought a bunch of tarot cards, books, got disappointed at the ordinary so you could reapprove your skepticism and called it a day.

I'm curious to know if the paranormal research studies have ever actually found anything.

I'm not judging, I just can't think of anything and feel it would be a big discovery if there was.

Most discoveries have been about electromagnetic fields. Most of the time when someone claims they've seen something or where audio was recorded it's in a place with an electromagnetic disruption which causes alterations on the brain and may cause micro climate changes like temperature drops.

Look, don't get too emotional please. "Precious scientists" know a lot about things that are not easily observed / obvious. Why? Because you can make a model based on evidence and test it, then approximate results which are out of observable conditions. And you know, such models are so precise that "precious scientist" can calculate behaviour of matter and energy to a such greater degree, that blows your fucking mind. And you have complex machines, internet, laser surgery and many other things like you don't know shit how they works. Isn't it precious?
But the most prominent thing science have is scientific method as i already said. And it fucking works. Based on current knowledge about mind i can say that thought process ends with death. Because you mind is a fucking chemical computer. This argument is based on countless hours of actual research of precious scientists. Your contr-"argument" "like you know" is based on ignorance. Choose carefully which is more valid.

Why assumptions about disappointment again? I don't waste my time on fucking tarot and "occult books". Paranormal research societies consist of ill educated, romantics and fanatics. There are exceptions and they always get negative results, surprise surprise.

There are zero results, my dude. Electomagnetic fields and micro climate changes are non scientific bullshit. Nonreproducable, random shit. Second thing is that electomagnetism is not paranormal at all.

I'm a ghost.

I feel it in my fingers...

I'm penetrating your boipucci withmy mind in this very moment.

You should tell it earlier, my dude. This solves the great debate. Does it means that werewolves, vampires, gnomes, zombies, australians, magic, mermaids, hercules, sasquotch, batman and other products of human dreamy mind are also real?

One big question is why some concepts are universal and have existed in all societies in all civilisations, even ones which have no obvious connection.

they were scared as shit and didn't have the rationality of science.

case closed.


Can confirm, i registered a really powerfull electromagnetic anomaly here.

also microclimate change in my crotch

Big questions are resolved with little answers. Which is human mind, universal and based on same concepts.

No, demons exists.

>Why can't it all be real?
Why would you want it to be real? unmeasurable and uncontrollable. you imagine yourself the master of magic but who is to say you won't be its bitch.
get fucked

>Every civilization believed in demons
[citation needed] djinn are not same as demons

or go nowhere, cover your window and lock yourself in your own room for 2 weeks. you are destabilizing your mind, its not different than taking drugs to "see" magic.

"sense-perceptions" is code for gullibility and personal desire for it to be real.

it is. it only sucks if you are poor or have to many responsibility with no time to enjoy yourself. That or if you live in a country full of religious or liberal cunts

feeling dead would suck
wut? predominant theory is that they have more influence on people with weak will, basically suicidal faggots. influential people are least likely to be jacked

you don't need mystery for things to be amazing or enjoyable

Demons as "evil spirits", not fallen angels. Even satyrs and centaurs are demonic. Greek mythology is my favourite as an example on subject because it perfectly illustrates archetypes in human mind.

This to be honest. Castaneda is not paranormal, hallucinations are not paranormal, schizophrenia is not paranormal etc.

I can also guarantee that reality sucks if you are arguing about bigfoot and friends being real on a buryatian shamanism club. More if you are getting upset that mean scientists don't share your delusions.

you are a retard. people with depression are sick so of course they don't see the world as it is.

>I can also guarantee that reality sucks if you are arguing about bigfoot and friends being real on a buryatian shamanism club. More if you are getting upset that mean scientists don't share your delusions.

>So science worked everything out?
are you religious? no science has not worked out everything. science is not 1 thing, science covers so don't be the "phff science can't even tell me the meaning of life, so stick that penicillin up your ass" science can turn lead into gold (its not practical but hey, they fucking did it)

are you sure you were an atheist?

I once had a dream where I fell out of the window and was fine but then it happen for real. I was also around 5 so for real part could be a mistake. When I was 16 I once saw a cup move into my hand (probably just forgot picking it up)

Than watch as everyone mocks you because you interpret natural sounds as supernatural.Do you call out to ghosts when wind knows over a bucket?

Fine example of an open mind that surely encounter many things out of the ordinary. But really, human mind is so eager and desperate to protect itself and make itself meaningful and special, invent new entities, believe in self immortality and higher cause. It boggles me mind.

He was clear that he was not an atheist, just fedora tipper.

But there is a real ghost in this thread.

During a dark time in my life, i was in search of the supernatural, i tried a lot of stuff.
One night i found a Succubus ritual and tried it, that night i had been visited by something, but it was not a succubus.
I felt something penetrating my ass and forcing me against the wall.

Anyway, it was probably sleep paralysis.

Thanks for the laugh, mate. You was visited by succubus (male), haha.
I tried some summoning, not even a rituals, just plate thing. To this day all participants are denying that they were moving fucking plate.