Should we eat the dead...

Should we eat the dead? I mean there has got to be a better way to utilize the dead than to bury them and feed them to the maggots or even worse burn them. Wouldn't it be better to harvest organs off all deceased and put the rest of the body on meat market to feed the poor?

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We could easily feed the poor with the food we have now. But capitalism doesn't like when you give left overs or free food to poor people. And do you really think the shit we eat would make us good to eat? I bet people taste like shit.

Also Christian beliefs and muh afterlife.

They should be used for science.

Bon Appetit user!

i can see how that would work with murder victims but what about the sick and elderly? what if their organs aren't as healthy?

cooked human flesh tastes like pork

>what about the sick and elderly? what if their organs aren't as healthy?
cat/dog food

yeah but isn't there enough dog food in the world?

I bet they would taste like soylet green

no, it would also require less killings of cows, pigs etc. if we just start to eat dead people

Don't eat the dead, its a vector for disease, especially uncureable prions. Other uses would depend on if you believe the dead are the 'property' of the state, subject to the desceaseds will or who they assign/intervenes to deal with them after death, as a social society with ideas of insult and disrespect the use of a body in this way is taboo. Even if we look at it from a rational/utilitarian perspective the use of the dead is uncomfortable for associated people and 'onlookers' as we as humans use a sympathetic emotions to project the past person and the observers experience/personality on the corpse making it intrinsically uncomfortable, part of what makes us emotional beings.

No, you shouldn't. Or you'll die from TSE.
>muh Christians
How does it feel to be 14?

If you eat the brain You'll get mad cow disease.

So don't eat the brain.

And no we shouldn't. Niggers do that and get mad cow

>use of the dead is uncomfortable for associated people and 'onlookers' as we as humans use a sympathetic emotions to project the past person and the observers experience/personality on the corpse making it intrinsically uncomfortable, part of what makes us emotional beings.
yea but you wouldn't chop up humans in front of their loved ones
why don't we do as we do now, just put pieces of meat out and sell it, it'll look just like any other meat. After few decades of such doings people would get used to it, besides it isn't as if you feel anything when you're dead

Soild green is people

oh yeah

People have an imagination. If they know it happens they will feel the same. Buuuuut what they don't know cant hurt them, the corpse was 'cremated' into spare rib. Still where do you place a body on private property/ownership (unless your a commie) and do you value 'human dignity' or the precedents/feelings of wider society?. Also what about public safety, to stop people disposing of murder victims.

we'd put them in huge coolers so they don't spoil before making anything else with them
I didn't think about it that much I just thought about eating the dead

We don't eat any animals that die of natural causes, OP.

that's just what you think

What are the macros for a 3oz serving?

Even the poorest idiots don't pick up animals that died of natural causes.

Not supposed to eat byproducts of your own species.

Is how mad cow desease took off.

I dunno about repurposing.never even thought about it

well humans aren't animals you faggot

Why do u know... mevermind. Nevermind...

Fore people, in New Guinea, did it for years. Aaaand Kuru disease. (human equivalent of mad cow)

ok we don't eat brains and check the meat