What medical condition is this? Serious question

What medical condition is this? Serious question

sloth disorder

Treacher Collins perhaps. Maybe foetal alcohol syndrome.

what are you talking about he looks normal to me

Looks like an average Brit to me

snapchat filterism

he just looks like he was born with a deformity..


Thank you, I'll be here all week


There are many unnamed birth deformities because it's considered disrespectful with no medical application for diagnosis



This user is spot on. I had a homie in high school with Treacher Collins and it was a "mild" case. looked very similar to OP. I loved that guy we would chill at home and play gamecube all the time since he didn't like leaving the house much. He ended up killing himself after high school ended. RIP Alan

It's neither of those a quick Google image search is all you need to do


>Facial expression

Sup Forumsface

i genuinely can't tell if that's horrifying or hilarious, kek'd hardily though

It's both, but it's mostly horrifying.



fetal alcohol syndrome

Uncanny. 9/11 file name.

probably gay
gays look like this

can confirm, am homosex. can see both sides of room at once

like sunfish, or flounder, but sadder