Nigs gonna nig

Nigs gonna nig

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck you homeboy

Niggers niggering in a nigga nigga


fucking niggers


Y u mad cracker boy?

In their defense, they only killed a nigger.


Street names:

Extralicious and jumanji

True, the nigger kid was spared a lifetime of being a nigger. That's mercy.

Holy fuck saved. Chinese can be so based.

Grey worm killing kids now?

>idiots find no problems with this premise

Why was chewbacca removed completely though?

what's worse is there's no chewbacca

the premise is worded very badly. the counterargument that this premise is missing isn't that there is a belief in only immediate environment, but that the position a certain culture can be in is influenced by the events of history, causing situations of terrible environments and upbringing. The counterargument is that if you took one subspecies and subjected it to only shit forever it would turn out shit even if it started the same or better.

I think it was the white bitches kid. Either way it was probably still a niglet.

I don't object to calling these niggers, niggers. These are niggers for real. Black people are not niggers.



Fuck you, nigra


in all reality chewey is a very minor character and is mostly just in the movie for nostalgia purposes. Most chinese people probably dont even know who he is so including him would pretty much be a waste of space