I wish we were allied with Russia and not the U.S

I wish we were allied with Russia and not the U.S

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No, you really don't.

Implying were allies

One of our biggest trading partners cuck

Burgers will start "supporting rebels".

Pretty much everyone except leftists and politicians does though.

We're kinda sick of your militaristic promotion of homosexuality, multiculturalism and tolerance.

Post >yfw you're too late and America is about to become allies with Russia

why would you want to have the Detroit version of a nation as ally?

At least they aren't cucked.

America isn't even a real ally, they just have a gun to everyones head.

Cuando America es mayoría Hispana tal vez podemos trabajar con los Rusos.

If only Kennedy had never been assassinated, we could have had a US/USSR alliance.

top kék
you know nothing about russia
>gretaest muslim community in the entire northern hemisphere
>has to pay the Jizya tax to the chechens so that they keep calm
>jews everywhere (pootins daughter is married to a jew)
>biggest mosque in the northern hemisphere
>sub-sahara aids level
>not cucks

they are allied with russia though

>germany calling anyone cucks

Germany pls

>president: cuckstin trudi
shut your filthy cuck mouth - at last we in germany are doing something about our corrupted elite

This desu.

Cuban Missile Crisis happend during Kennedy's presidency you dumb shit.

Leftists tend to love Russia. "Die Linke", for instance, are staunchly pro-russian.

So I'd rather say "everyone except people with common sense". You DON'T want a backstabbing scum as an ally, trust me.

>mexicans enter the US in mass numbers unwelcomed
>demand everything, send money back
>accuse anyone who disagrees racist
>complain about the US
>thinks putin will like them

mexicans literally are terrible

Look to OPs flag, he's not in US

>all this fighting

Please, my white friends

I often think the same thing. Grass is always greener though, you know?

That really just proves they're 3rd world, still not cucks though.

>pootins daughter is married to a jew)

Another thing Trump has in commom with him

Sure, Russia is less tolerant but it's a kleptocracy run by oligarchs. Putin tanked the entire economy by fucking up Ukraine. Mexico you'd be a punching bag.

It'll never happen due to manifest destiny though, so don't worry.

OP recently got deported. He'll be back. They always come back.

USA will be white minority by 2030 burger.

kek he is forgetting the usa was all about killing those filthy redskins.

how about now? they are not redskin but they are shit skin, even better

You should feel proud annon of all that freedom.


>Russia is less tolerant
where's my proofs

Russians like Mexicans more than Americans.

No shit you Slavmonkey, Khrushchev and Kennedy were actually talking about easing relations and maybe even working together on their space programs.
The plans ended when Kennedy was killed, Khrushchev didn't trust LBJ.

It could have been great.

Source? Not being a dick, seriously asking, because I recall hearing a story about Kennedy being whacked out of his fucking on mind on Dr. Feelgood's miracle shots when he met with Kruschev and Kruschev expressing shock/horror/amusement to his advisors after.

so is china




Mexico-China-Russia alliance would be amazing.

The wall just moved 10 ft south!

Get a load of this whining baby. America makes you the 15th largest economy in the world, at the cost of many of their own people having jobs, and you have the nerve to complain

This is why Americans need a wall.

So do I.

Then we could help Russia out and step on you so they have one less deadbeat ally, we'll give them the Yucatan peninsula in exchange.

We will enter USA thanks to Dude Weed anyway.


Plenty of examples of beaner countries in South America allying with the Soviet Union. Look how well they are doing today.

The question you should be asking yourselves is, will you spics be any less shittier with Russia than with the US.

>Look how well they are doing today.
they are not supporting ugly hohols

Mexicans should illegally immigrate to Russia, I bet they'll clean the country up.

>allies with murica
kek. your not allies your sort of a fuck slut being kept in a rape dungeon. you want to go out into the world and do what you want but your only kept alive for 1 reason

in this analogy anal sex is equal to picking fruit in the real world

Gee, I'm sure the CIA never EVER interfered in South America when they even went just a little socialist.

central asians are their mexicans

More like central americans.

Would have been amazing. I'm guessing that alliance would have taken man to Mars.

We told them like 200 years ago that they belong to us so they can fuck off if they think otherwise.


i do not care if russia has islam....tbqh i want to fuck a chechnian woman

Careful, Kadyrov takes all the hot ones.

This is why America gets bombed familia

Oh shit, I have a Hijab fetish too.
Maybe it's in our blood cabron, being somewhat Moore.

>spiritual but not religious
>my face whenever someone says this new age libtard hippie bullshit


Oh man, I used to have a teacher that looked exactly like her.

do you have her kikebook's account?

>Euro shit telling saying its America spreading homosexuality and leftism
Nigger your fucking right wing party is on par with our left wing

Leftys hate Putin, Ask any fag on redd1t about him.

This was at least 6 years back in my 2nd year of high school, I can only remember her face

You always can allow us to deploy missiles, fleet and aerospace forces on your territory.

liberals =/= leftists

i wish we could tovarisha
fuck :c

I wish we were allied with Russia and not Mexico or Israel

Lefty = pro gay binary no wall = redd1t

This will never happen while America has expansionist policy on the other continents. How will we divide Europe? You know, big powers needs puppets. Whole Europe is too powerful to be bitch for the only one side.

the Russian is readily identified from other Slavs by his treacherous nature. It is no surprise, given that they believe themselves the actual spiritual descendants of the vile and perfidious Byzantines.


Why do these beta faggots always fall for the Russia meme?

These fucking normies legitimately think that Putin is also some kind of savior that will save the white race and re-take Constantinople.


You obviously are oblivious to ideology and geographic trade alliance.

You are somewhat correct though....without they jewish swindles of capitalism and communism we all would be aligned.

>treacherous nature

>start mobilization and enter WW1 to protect Serbia.


Is that video supposed to prove any of the claims in here: that Putin is some sort of savior?

Fucking pathetic.

eh, russians make whites think of times when they weren't rich and had things easy

i do not believe he is the savious of the white race though


