Daily reminder:

Daily reminder:
>There is nothing wrong with being a transgender
>There is nothing wrong with gender reassignment surgery
>There is nothing wrong with ladyboys

True but they should get beat up nonetheless

I like you're attempt at reverse psychology

this is what pussy looks like in hell

What attempt? This is a fully functional, healthy vagina.

No it's not it's clearly riddled in puss an-

Oh wait you almost got me

this is a good way to single out the reddit and tumblr users on this site. gg op

>"user kun, don't want to eatee me out?"

what your problem? If someone wants to mutilate his genitals, he's free to do it. Not my business, not your business.

Mind your own fuckin shit and fuck off you moralist cunt

I have seen some horrible shit in my decades of life but this, this, I don't even know what to call this. It's by far the most...there are no words, there are no words. Why do this

I'm disgusted. Idgaf if some1 wants to do this but I'd prefer not to see it


You're either a woman or a trannie yourself. In any case, that thing's not a vagina. It never will be a vagina. It's disgusting. I remember reading of a trannie who had its mate put his cock in its gash daily to help with dilation. Essentially he has to put his dick in the trannie's wound to stop it from closing.

if you're lucky enough to pay for your health care through taxes instead of insurance, you get to collectively pay for these idiots to mutilate their genitals,

Best way to look at it, since libtards seem to be winning this case, is we as a society are paying to neuter these idiots, taking them out of the gene pool

Are you blind that's not a vagina that's the 100 degree knife challenge wound

Does anyone have pics of post-op transgender genitals?
MtF and FtM please.

i hope you guys know you're responding to obvious b8

Fuck really? Another mentally-ill thread?

Please explain this shit to me because I've been questioning it for some time.

Let's start off with what I personally think. As a preface, this might not be entirely be correct as I've recently started trying to understand the "left-leaning" side of this argument so I can better get both sides and form an opinion then. From my information gathered, I think there's a difference with sex and gender. Sex is what you are biologically born as. If you have a penis when you're born and your chromosomes are XY, you're a male. If you have a vagina at birth and your chromosomes are XX, you're a female. That's the scientific side of it. Now gender, because of traditional gender roles that different cultures dictate as men or women should act masculine and feminine, are technically on a spectrum as it can range on how manly or girly you act (the only reason I think of it this way is because I've been trying to understand this side of the argument for some time).

Now, that being said, what I tend to question is: wouldn't today's definition of 'gender' just be another term to classify someone's personality? Some men just act more feminine than normal, but that's just personality? Could it be possible that the transgender community is just overthinking their own personal mannerisms and personalities and think that they should be the other gender just because they act a certain way?

Gender is what it is, physical category and shoud stay like this.

All other "genders" are mental disorder.

It's OK being gay/lesbian, you dont neet to invent shitty excuses to be gat/lesb.

Gender is what the nature gave to you, anything else is sexual prefference.

Wanting to changing your body to fit some mental shit is mental sickness.

Yes, I too believe that the whole non-binary, genderfluid, call me by my pronouns thing is a load of horse shit. But I guess my post is for the people that actually are 'transgender' people and just feel the opposite of which they were born.

It doesn't matter what people feel they are, they are what they are.

We can't change our biology as our mind fell what it shoud be... YET.

That's what it looks like 3 days after you get home from surgery and change the bandages. It will heal into a nice tight pussy.

This will be an slit, never an pussy, pussy have structures made for pleasuring cocks this thing will ever have.

No, there are proven physical differences between female brains and male brains, just as there are between female genitals and male genitals. Just like people are sometimes born with 6 toes, people are sometimes born with brain and genitals that don't match.

Transgenders deserve to end up in hell .
Just like people who bust pedophiles...

Never thought I'd be scared of a vagina yet here I am.

the surgery ruins a good organ

Gender disphoria is a mental illness.

Just shot this freaks in the head already!

It will have a warm, tight, internal cavity that can be tightened by muscles, which with enough lubrication will feel exactly the same as a pussy.

Until science evolves to the point where you can literally change your chromosomes I will call you whichever gender you were born with

So then a follow up question is: why would science and today's society pander to unhealthy thinking habits such as that?

cured by these blue pills.

Don't worry. That's not a vagina. It's some shit off Dr. Moreau's island

> will feel exactly the same as a pussy.
NOPE, it wont, inside an legit biopussy is very like this.
The trap slit will never have these, you are in denial.


now who's the cunt?

Peer pressure. You want to be on the right side of history, yes? You are a forward-thinking, progressive person, yes? You don't want to let those religionists keep you down, do you?

>it doesn't involve you
This is one of the biggest lies trannies and their apologists tell. It does involve us. Trannydom revolves around how other people see them; they force us to pander to their delusions and play their pronoun game, they shame us for not pretending they are what they think they are, they think they're entitled to sex and cry "transphobia" if you don't want to date them, they demand having bathroom laws pandering to them, and they push for laws to fine people for "misgendering".

Also their mutilation surgery involves our taxpayer dollars. Shut the fuck up you disingenuine cunt.

but there is. those aren't human beings

welcome to the real world

don't respond

>Until science evolves to the point where you can literally change your chromosomes
No, because changing their chromosomes will still be pandering. Science needs to fix the problem, not encourage it.

this is the first time i have ever been genuinely grossed out and nauseated on Sup Forums. nice job, OP

Because SJWs try to have anyone who says things they don't agree with fired.

>underrated future copypasta
>copies this for future use

Can't have been here too long then.


>hurr durr I wouldn't do it therefore it's stupid
>plz don't look too closely at my life, guize

This isn't a copypasta. Unless you're saying you want it to become one.

theres nothing wrong with ladyboys, fake or real tits, either way they havent been mutilated. Chicks with dicks just have every flavour of sexual organ.

Alot of thai ladyboys arent even confused about their gender, they just know they will make bank if they become them

Kill yourself

Sounds nice but that's bullshit obviously.
If people who knew things didn't say anything we'd still be living in forests throwing shit at eachother.

did you get abused by your uncle?

>"future copypasta"
i can only facepalm so hard

It's pussy looks like a deformed terminator

that's just a mutilated penis


That's for tourrettes

Did you? Would explain why you think you're a girl.

I didn't see the word "future". My bad.

Gender dysphoria cant be cured with medicine cause its completely environmental.

please explain how you got that from what I said? I think pre op trannies are fine and post op are disgusting. Guess you were too busy freaking out about your uncle touching you up to realize.

>I think pre op trannies are fine
Exactly, so you have a problem. You probably did have an encounter with your cross-dressing uncle "Shirley", didn't you?

That's a particular form of vaginoplasty from a particular doctor. Others create it differently.

How do I personally have a problem? I'm not confused about MY gender. If I was touched up by my dead cross dressing uncle I'd probably be super against trannies. Much like you are.

why not uses stem cells and other magic tricks to make the fake vaginas better? i mean if that's what trans people have to look forward to why bother?

it just doesn't seem worth it if it's not perfect. why would anyone settle for a bottom of the barrel vagina if it'll be their only one? i'd rather fuck a dickgirl than that monstrosity when it heeled.

>if you don't pander to mentally-ill delusionals you were molested
Okay kid.

>Not my business
Not until the liberals change laws because this is still tolerated dumbass

Trannydom was always our business the moment they started demanding we call them their preferred pronoun.

>why not uses stem cells and other magic tricks to make the fake vaginas better?
Why not fix their heads instead of pandering to their delusions?

Damn straight


Damn fucking straight

needs to lurk moar

Because guess who killed stem cell research.

Also, speaking as someone who's had... ahem... "experience" with post-ops, the above pic looks like the result of some really bad post-surgical care. There are some examples of post-op vaginas that are actually somewhat pretty out there.

>Also, speaking as someone who's had... ahem... "experience" with post-ops, the above pic looks like the result of some really bad post-surgical care. There are some examples of post-op vaginas that are actually somewhat pretty out there.
Enablers are cancer. Please leave.

saying pre op trannies are okay is 'Pandering'
saying kid makes you sound fucking stupid as well

I don't think men in drag are woman so no, I'm not stupid.

Thats not what I said is it, you're the sort of faux intellectual retard that ruined this place. kiddd.

I don't encourage it, but if someone goes through with the full transition I'm not going to put them down for it. There's no point to it.

>I don't encourage it
So why would you have sex with them then?

>There's no point to it
There's no point to mutilating oneself in the vain hope that it will magically make your mental problems disappear.

>So why would you have sex with them then?
*shrugs* Call it a fascination, also read below.

> There's no point to mutilating oneself...
Yes, yes, yes, but think for a moment.

If it *was* possible to reliably treat gender dysphoria, a) we'd be doing that, and b) if someone goes through the whole transition and then gets "cured", then what? Those surgeries are irreversible. They get quite a bit of backlash transitioning, and they'll get even more trying to detransition. If I could make people's heads align with their birth sex after the transition, why would I? That would be actively harmful.

Before transition, however, is another story.

NOPE, it's not possible creating this kind of thing yet, you probably never have touched an pussy in your life.


That image is fucking disgusting.

Also yes there is there's some mental issues with them they're trying to be something they're not. They just should be gay and sub instead of trying to be a woman. Take after yourself so you don't look like a slob, but don't pretend you're a woman.

Relevant pic related to people liking traps.

Normies and tumblrites ruined this place. That we actually have tranny-defenders here is proof of that.

>If it *was* possible to reliably treat gender dysphoria
We could of by now if we didn't pander to them for three decades.

>a) we'd be doing that
We wouldn't because these people and SJWs would be offended by the idea of it. They deny it's a mental disorder.

>and b) if someone goes through the whole transition and then gets "cured", then what?
This is why the surgery shouldn't be allowed.

>If I could make people's heads align with their birth sex after the transition, why would I? That would be actively harmful.
Instead you encourage transitioning, which is harmful.

this is beautiful. it brings a tear to my eye. I'm going to hang this photo in every room of my house as a reminder that we can win, we will win, over bigotry, over hate, over republicans, and over the penis.

I just said I don't. Actually, I encourage seeing a psychiatrist that I trust has enough ethics to not prescribe anything until they're absolutely sure a transition is necessary, but I know you're a troll, so nothing I say matters to you nor can I be sure that's your actual opinion. Good day!

I feel like this chart does not work if you're a bi fag.

I'm a trans girl and have had 3 guys fuck and cum from fucking my pussy, so obviously the surgery works.

Good for you. You had a good surgeon then.

Why didn't you just stay a sub twink with your perfectly reasonable boi pucci? Why'd you have to go turbo faggot?

>>There is nothing wrong with being a transgender
>>There is nothing wrong with gender reassignment surgery
>picture tells a different story

You just made your outie an innie - you're not the opposite gender just because you mutilated yourself.
Just like you're not a cat, an alien, or anything else through surgery...you're just retarded, or otherwise mentally ill.

>Actually, I encourage seeing a psychiatrist that I trust has enough ethics to not prescribe anything until they're absolutely sure a transition is necessary
Any doctor that encourages trannydom has no ethics.

>but I know you're a troll, so nothing I say matters to you nor can I be sure that's your actual opinion. Good day!
I'm a troll because I don't encourage pandering to crazies like you do? Go back to tumblr.


>I'm a trans girl
Just say man, you pussy.

It's only fair.

guys fuck shoes, fish, animals, cars and cum in them. your reverse cock hole isnt special