Trump cringe thread

Trump cringe thread

that look totally real




I know if that were real that would clearly be ridiculous and desperate right?


>Are you With Her?
>Or are you a racist, sexist, transphobic, MRA loser?

I dunno if you get the thread idea but that's okay demfags are almost as bad

>almost as bad
Nah, both sides are equally as retarded.

I know right
Why would he be desperate when he has a firm grasp on the country
What with being the president and all

They do say that don't they?




*firmly grasps her by the pussy*


Democrat and Trump hate thread.

This is beautiful.



Fuck Democrats and Republicans. They are two sides to the same autistic coin, retard screeching as it flips in the air.

I need to leave this country and escape the tyranny of this partisanship.

Why would a jew be dawning the kek flag?





That's fucking gold.

>i kekeed at this post much lmao awesome keks

It's easy to keep shit at a constant status quo when the masses are blaming everything wrong on the "other" side. If there was ever a unity between the two aimed at rooting out the REAL problems, those truly in power would shit themselves.




I'm not sure what it's called but there's a logical fallacy in here somewhere. No points were made. Just nonsense. I guess you're doing the cringe thing correctly, albeit a different style.



tbh tho it'll be nice to see the world maybe not rely entirely on america or russia to deal with everything

So... just like every other president in history?
I'm fucking shocked. Shocked, I tell you.


>Make America Pretty Good But Not Too Good But Still Okay Again


>>Make America Pretty Good But Not Too Good But Still Okay Again


Somebody should do the opposite side of the wall where everybody is sad and poor but they'be convinced themselves it's their fault they're sad and poor because billionaires worked really hard to inherit that fortune.


>When your ammo is from months ago while new Trump disasters happen on the daily




>He doesn't know that everybody hates Hillary at this point and he thinks his posts have venom, when really he's farting in the wind


That's some good confirmation bias, my dude


Goddamn those are some ugly motherfuckers. Ivanka needs to give them the name of her plastic surgeon.

Is that Trump's sons pre-surgery?

Weak meme game

>campus "cry-ins"
>election counseling
>these people have to tell their grandkids that they melted down so badly over their candidate not winning that they had to play with Play-doh


It's them. I don't know if it's pre-, post- or if they've ever had surgery, but they're ugly as fuck in that pic and they're ugly as fuck now, just with greasier hair.

to be fair, Trump is offended by even more than the standard liberal is. just follow his Twitter


I'm not a liberal but I'm offended by your shitty suit, long tie, fat gut, fake hair, orange face, little hands and beady eyes. And that's before you've even opened that pigs asshole under your nose.




21 year olds in 1916: Enlist in the army, fight against evil, killing because you have to, never knowing that you could die any minute
21 year olds in 2016: Cried all day while your college gave you coloring books and Play-Doh to cope with the fact that Donald Trump became President.



Where is the Trump Defense Bot?

That man is a fucking machine.



that's cause they didn't have TV, the internet, weed, or free sex in 1916. nobody gives enough of a shit to fight evil, they'd rather just pretend to or watch somebody else do it

Pump the brakes, kiddo. Most of the stuff on that list is from executive orders that aren't binding and aren't law. They're "I said I want this thing to happen," and then it actually lists "signed a bunch of executive orders" to pad it out. Others are based on speculation about what he claims will happen in the future as a result of those same executive orders. Nearly all of them have unnecessary adjectives added to make the thing sound better or more important or impactful than it is.


By the time they have grand kids the story will be spun around.

Its kinda like how everyone just glasses over how it was the democrats that wanted to keep slaves. And it was the democrats who fought tooth and nail to keep the civil rights act from passing.

But now they turn around and try to tell everyone the republicans are racist and the sheep just follow along.

I almost want to thank him.

US president in 1916: "No nation is fit to sit in judgment upon any other nation."

US president in 2017: “This is infinity here. It could be infinity. We don’t really don’t know. But it could be. It has to be something — but it could be infinity, right?”

Incredibly butt hurt damage control. Stay salty libcuck.

>Others are based on speculation about what he claims will happen in the future

But that's not true at all shill.

Damn! Ice is kicking ass!

Time to clean your room

The parties basically switched sides between the Civil War and the 1970's. Reagan cemented it. The thing is, I know you know that too, but you're trying to push a narrative.

Denial + name calling is a winning strategy right out of the Donald J Trump playbook.




>Can't refute facts
>Gets caught blatantly lying.
But hey, at least you posted a meme.

Clearly looking at this thread this image is massively triggering.

Cry more faggots

It's like listening to a child listing his accomplishments. Half of them meaningless the other half lies.

You samefagged a bunch of fake responses to it in the other thread too. No one cares gramps.


>Half of them meaningless the other half lies.
Which ones?

Does that mug have one flat side?

>I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a same fag!

>anyone with an opinion that isn't mine is being payed for it
you're just a silly lil dingaling fooled by rich fuckers pretending to represent you

Print it out and throw darts at it to discover the facts.

Lefty retards can't meme. Sad!

I know you did. You know you did. So what's the point?

we can't all be like you

Lol faggot