No matter how bad things get, remember, at least you don't live in Argentina

No matter how bad things get, remember, at least you don't live in Argentina.

wisdom of the rules such as - "the grass is always greener on the other side" is null and void in equality gestapo as installed in globalized world by CIA lemon party gestapo as new world order. So now even war equals peace, freedom fries rapidly into tar budgets substance of slavery, ignorance equals strength, bad equals good, etc..
I always was puzzled by some stats about Argentina people and it's unquestionable status of carnivore. Is it true or CIA homos cooking books like elsewhere?

i wish i did ;-;

but i love Argentina desu

Argentina, why aren't you the US of SA?
you were so close.

Come home white man

>Is it true
we love meat more than chimping out about malvinas

literally why, both, USA and Spen are infinitely better than this joke of a country

corruption, lefties and plan condor

brazil was the one and only who could ever match USA

giant land with lots and lots of different nationalities, here we only had spanish, italians, and natives, nothing else

We only have AMERINDIANS.

I only have your mom every night

Amerindian :}

Yes I don't want to live with Amerindians kek

but you do it, lol

I ended up realizing that we were pioneers on some subjects as radio, cartoons, music, even some comics..
Maybe we couldn't become a superpower like US o A, but we could have some influence throught culture and media.
How did we ended up being such an irremediable shithole?

Begging love again argie?

Argentina is the worst country.

Roca didn't do the whole job

no, just being realistic for a change

They didn't call all the natives when they should and now Argentina is 100% native.

*kill all the natives
Now this country is in fact 100% Amerindian.

>Argentina is 100% native.
you wish, brownie jaskjajskajskajskajas

>Roca didn't do the whole job
We ended up being invaded by bolis actually, Roca just delayed it.

t. Nahuel Quispe

Roleplaying as white won't change your café con leche complexion...

y cuando empezaron a venir los hermanos latinoamericanos entonces? con el turco?

cry more boli, 3rd generation european immigrant here

t. Juancito Mamani