I have Alzheimer's ask me anything

I have Alzheimer's ask me anything.

whats 2+2?


whats 2+2?

What street do live on?

*stupid nigger child*

go fuck your mother ball head


Why? You'll just forget to respond.

whats 2+2?

A doctor goes to an old folks home to determine how many people are suffering from memory problems.

He goes to the first old man and asks. What's 2+2, and the man replies "that's easy, it's Tuesday"

The doctor takes some notes and turns to another old person and asks the same question, that guy replies "the answer is 36".

The doctor takes some more notes and turns to another guy and asks the same question, that guy replies "4". The doctor finally happy he got a correct answer asks him how he came to that answer and the man replies "I just subtracted 36 from Tuesday."

what is your credit card number and security code?

Do you have Alzheimer's?


oh i fell off my roof to that one



would you

Do you notice the things that you're forgetting?

Would you?

How do i come out of closet?