So I'm the other man, and I need some advice

So I'm the other man, and I need some advice.

The girl I'm seeing is in a shit marriage. She split from her husband for a year, went back last year because she felt she had no where else to go, and has been unhappy ever since.

Then we met. I told her I didn't want to do anything physical with her until she split from her husband again. Even though I said that, there's been sexting and shit.

I've gotten a wide range of reactions to this from friends telling me to kill myself because I'm scum, and other saying that because I'm single and not cheating on anyone, I'm in the clear. I feel like I fall somewhere in the middle.

Nevertheless, she and her husband had it out, she told him it was over for sure. He then found my number somehow, and texted me saying I was partially responsible for destroying his marriage.

I'm not sure how to respond. I feel like telling him that nothing's happened so far won't assuage him, and I don't wanna be a dick to the guy. That said, I feel like I should say something.

Any thoughts?

so much for coming to you fags for help

Look, OP. If she's cheated on him, she'll cheat on you too. You're only in the wrong as far as trusting and encouraging her goes. It's dumb and you know it. You want advice in this situation? Tell the guy you're sorry he has such a terrible taste in women, that you don't want to be any part of this mess, and then fly free to find a tart of your very own. Many women are capable of being scum- do you really want to inherit one that you know is scum for sure?

Sounds like she has a victim complex. Doesn't matter what kind of relationship she's in, it will always be terrible and it will never be her fault. Don't be the next "terrible" boyfriend she gets to tell sob stories about, you deserve better than that.

Honestly though... Why answer him at all? It's her problem to deal with him and not yours. I was in your situation before. In the end I told them both to leave me alone. Dont have time to get involved and deal with them drama queens.

>Ruined a marriage
>Didn't even get to fuck her
>Reddit spacing

Once a beta, always a beta. no matter how far a jackass may travel, it will never return as a horse.

The marriage was already ruined.
Why the fuck do "the other man get blamed".
Guys should blame them selves for choosing a slut for gf or wife.

>Imping women have agency
Well they do. But either way you're a fagget. Should have just fucked her and left it at that. Now you prolly caught feels and you're in this drama mess. Either way you're the lucky one, because if she'd chosen to dump him for you, she'd do exactly the same to you. Chump.

lol that wasn't the op, I am.

I can fuck her whenever I want, I just didn't want to do it until she told him it was over.

But the other dude was right, the marriage was over long before I got there.

Same advice applies. Have your fun, but don't fall for her.

Wrong guy faggot. I stated the obvious answer and you act like fag.
Never cared if the girl have a guy, engaged to be married or married.
It's just not my problem so why get emotional?
You miss are projecting your own values on others obviously.

Actually he could be right for claiming you helped destroy it.
You coming in the picture made her emotionally cheat and that creates an emotional vacuum in a relationship. If the hubby tried to fix things it would fall on deaf ears because she's wrapped up with you.
You basically destroyed any remote chance of them fixing this and getting back together. Because to her, the husband has already been replaced.

What is this, a realist on Sup Forums? That's enough internet for me today.

Welp since OP said he's a pussy who won't fuck her unless she broke up, that tells me he's caught some feels. If he'd just fucked her as a side boytoy those two might still be together. Prolly not, but either way cheating and morals/feels should have nothing in common. Just fuck her, don't be a bitch OP.

The heck you talking about?
Op did both a favor. In the end both will thank him for making them both realize what a shitty marriage they had and that it finally ended.

Ethically, I think you did nothing wrong, like you said - you're not cheating on anyone. And there's no way you're partially responsible for destroying their marriage, the fact that she was willing to get involved with you to begin with whilst married means the marriage was already destroyed long before you came into the picture. If she didnt cheat with you it would've been the next guy.

Reasonably though, man you caused your life a hell of a lot of drama for some measely pussy, married women are not worth the fucking headache dude.

You're nothing to do with him, they split before you were on the seen. This was going to happen sooner or later. Just tell him to go fuck and have nothing to do with him as you shag his ex.


But op should put him self in her shoes.
Imagine you are in a terrible relationship. One day a girl comes in to your life that actually makes you realize you deserv more from life than being unhappy.
Now would you feel bad about leaving your broken relationship behind or will you start to try and peice that broken shit together again even though you know it will most likely just break down again?

People are fickle beings and marriage sucks. Life would be easier if everyone didn't act as if we are living some shitty ass chick flick.

Normal girls expecting extraordinary guys and normal guys expecting extraordinary grills. What a mess. Marriage is a beautiful institution where two people carry the problems whey wouldn't have has if they hadn't married.

>alt right retard

good I hope your life turns to shit

If someone is going to cheat, they are going to cheat, might as well be with you.

I'm talking about the fact the husband may be right if he was inclined to salvage it.
Think about it, and really this doesn't require much thinking at all: If the husband took her back after she left for a year, and wasted the energy to message a guy after shit is on the rocks, doesn't that mean he's still attached to some degree?
If he didn't care and wanted the marriage done, he would've fucked her with his shotgun the moment she stepped a foot on his property.

Don't respond you dumbass. Also don't fuck her, there's a reason they are having issues and it's most likely because she is a bitch. If he's having problems with her, you'll be having the same problems too