What are your thoughts on Net Neutrality? Good? Bad? Discuss

What are your thoughts on Net Neutrality? Good? Bad? Discuss.

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Internet should be handled like a utility. The entire world is socially connected now and we shouldn't be making the tool that does it exclusive. America personally should handle both it's internet and insurance in a utility-esq fashion. Just me opinion.

I agree but what if the government decides to just ignore this general consensus? What if in the next few months we are made to pay premium fees for sites or services?

The grey sages will wear black, if that happens.

Which would result in a massive economy collapse since the defender and the attacker would agree by fear and ethics.


It's the only remaining source of anonymity in a watched world.

You guys shouldn't even ask if Net Neutrality is a good thing, you should just know.

Boycotts, guys. Take away the greedy people's money.

i don't think that is a problem personally. I believe universally people should have access to a decent quality connection for a flat monthly fee. Now if your a gamer or programmer you might need more bandwidth so for a higher fee you get more bandwidth. What I do NOT support is companies being like "Comcast: oh gee this guy is trying to go to YouTube, they don't sponser us. I'm going to throttle his connection." Things like that are bullshit.

Messed up in the message. This goes to you.

Almost everyone agrees net neutrality is good. The only ones who disagree are cable companies who want more power to profit from, and the politicians who are taking their money.

That last part is obviously going to happen.
We gotta view the forest, not the tree.

Charging for individual sites is obviously going to happen. The internet is already far from the "wild west" it used to be.

Does this affect everybody or just US citizens? And can something like this ever happen in the EU?

It won't happen currently because of net neutrality rules. Providers can't throttle certain websites over others, and for good reason. These are the rules that need to be protected. But for the last several years, proposals to roll them back, sponsored by cable companies, keep showing up.

You can probably guess which party keeps taking money from the lobbyists and supporting these proposals.

It's an everybody thing but each country determines their own net neutrality laws. Some stupidly big internet changes are going down in China (big surprise).

just leave the damn internet as is

idk what this shit even means so i don't care

Educate yourself, you worthless sack of shit. This will affect EVERYONE who uses the internet.

unless u live uk lol nobhead

This. People will allways try to controll what you think and say. Honestly, anyone who is against net neutrality is against their own freedom.

Faggots that say ''But muh internet h8'', fuck you and kill yourself. You are not the only one on the internet or in the world for that matter that gets insulted. Grow a pair.

Both sides. Lobbyists aren't innatly bad it just depends on what party runs the place at the time. There are lobbyists for cancer research but I don't hear anyone screaming about them. Anyways yes Republicans are more likely to listen to anti-net neutrality lobbyists because Republicans have a more business/financially rounded mindset. Democrats are more for social reforms and regulations. Each party has a role to play to level out the other.

Then go off yourself you fucking stupid ass. ''I dont know what being anonymous on the internet means because im fucking stupid and an amerifat''. Grow the fuck up you fucking loser.

It's happening in US now, next it might happen in UK. And bc of brexit UK will soon no longer be protected by the EU net neutrality laws.

And you think you won't be next? Faggot.

Hmm I like your response, well thought out. But concerning this specific issue, sides have been chosen.

Back in 2015 - nytimes.com/2015/01/20/technology/shifting-politics-of-net-neutrality-debate-ahead-of-fcc-vote.html

And the current FCC chairman, Ajit Pai, appointed by the republican president, is all about rolling back net neutrality.

This is why this shit keeps coming back

I know it's kind of cringe but is his huge Reece's mug a thing?


I saw that episode but considering conservatives despise him and other media outlets Soo much I always feel the need to ask what people think is "fake" or not.

who gives a shit it's america
america is a shit hole rulled by big coperations

fuck your shit america go suck israeli dick

Man fuck america. I hope this goes through.

Itl just drum up more business in other countries as it becomes easier/cheaper to run servers over seas.

I looks forward to seeing Americas self Darwinism

But that's exactly what's happening in Europe. If we all should embrace darwanism then why are Europeans fighting immigration? If the immigrant culture is strong enough to erase your culture and steal your jobs them it was simply natural selection. If your culture is stronger than theirs you have nothing to worry about, right?

americans are already dumb most white boys are failing schools i can only hope there will be a civil war and the country cleans it self

what the fuck happened americans you guys were cool/great now you guys are shit run by jews where pedo shit is cool and lbgt run rampent

>Because America is completely isolated, no way any precedents set there, or the business climate held there will bleed into other countries ever, at all, no way.