Even FOX News thinks Trump Jr. is guilty.

"They were saying for six months, we didn't do it, there's no evidence that we did it ... Now they're saying, yeah we did it, but it wasn't so bad and we were incompetent at it. That's not a very good defense," Krauthammer, a Fox News contributor, said on the network.

"If you get in a car to go to a certain place in the middle of the night to pick up stolen goods, and it turns out the stolen goods don't show up but the cops show up, I think you're going to have a very weak story saying 'I got swindled here,'" he said.

"Look, this is incompetence, they got swindled and he admits 'If I had known, I wouldn't have done this,'" Krauthammer added. "But to say 'I love it,' to be informed that the Russians are working on their behalf, contradicts six months of stories."

Krauthammer indicated that newly revealed correspondence showing Trump Jr. setting up a meeting with a Russian lawyer changed his view of Trump's team amid probes into possible ties between his campaign and Russia.

"I defended them, because up until today there was no 'there' there," he said.

"Well now there is a 'there.'"

"The denial of collusion is very weak right now because it looks as if Don Jr. was receptive to receiving this information," he concluded.

How could he possibly be not-guilty?

and when FOX turns on you.......

>done and done


Is this about the Obama CIA's hacking tools?

Not Sup Forums

Because he hasn't even been charged with a crime, moron.

We are not Sup Forums
Banish him!

It looks like Jr isn't even good at the 2 things rich people are known for: lying and covering your ass. Sad!

He should get some lessons from Hillary

Fucking lol; this whole presidency has been most amusing to watch from the side lines. Kind of feel bad for you Americans, but as you say--you made your bed, now lay on it!

I'd rather have dishonest and smart than dishonest and stupid.

Really though in being "transparent" he singlehandedley fucked him and his whole family kinda by at least calling them liars

this is literally true

source: FOX News, Charles Krauthammer

Fredo is done and done

He didnt commit a crime, its nothing

Two words is all it takes to identify a shill thread

well, it is in fact happening. FOX has turned on Jr.

>He didnt commit a crime, its nothing

incorrect. Even FOX News disagrees wiht you.


Stop trying to bump your own thread, shill

blow me

and, thank you for bumping my thread

They're Turnip's tools now.

>Turnip's tools

I honestly dont get what the yankistanis are crying about.

Ok, so let's assume the ruskies did meddle, so?
Yankistanis meddle in elections all over the bloody world and even overthrow democratically elected governments.

A bit hypocritical to cry about this, no?

And this is one thing, but that thing about ruskies supposedly hacking hillary's email... So what who did it? If it was bad enough to change the result she shouldn't have been elected anyway.

OP got tired of killing puppies and came over to Sup Forums to shitpost. Good for you.




>Good for you.

>killing puppies

Instead, he took them from his Dad and look where that got him.

I don't like it when anyone does it. I'm supposed to like it when someone does it to us?

>look where that got him.

Took me a minute to realize this was backward, kek

fox is now fake news

But they didn't do it. Ffs , the MSM is really grasping at straws here. All the emails prove is that Trump Jr met with Russian lawyers about the possibility of giving the Trump's info on the Shady dealings between Russia and Hillary Clinton.

It doesn't specify whether they were going to give this information post election or if they were just giving them the information.

guilty of what exactly?

taking a meeting?

It always was but you wouldn't believe me when they were on your side.

Yeah, but keep watching CNN and MSM outlets, they really need the profits these days topkek. Even if it means yellow journalism apparently.

>8 more years

Democrats still dont have a platform that appeals to anyone other than minorities and progressive bubbles on the coasts

i hope that defense works for me when i get busted for being in contact with a hitman about the possibility of murdering my wife.

We straight do it openly and forcefully though.

I bet you didnt give a shit when Obama did it in Libya

Or how we have been trying our asses off in Syria since '11

>But they're not supposed to be able to do it to us!!
Tip of the fucking iceberg. 10 years ago; hell, even 5 years ago, nobody would have dared. But this is the first sign that 'Murica has lost it's king-of-the-hill status.
Next couple years, shit here is going to get REAL fucking bad, real fast.

no because they used to make sense and tell you guys to go fuck yourselves and supported a president who wasn't a limpwristed fairy. Somebody bought them out and now they're singing the same tune as the rest of the corrupted MSM.

fucking sellouts.

You're comparing a crime to a non-crime. It's literally not even illegal.

intent to collude. read FOX News take on it. They spell it out nicely. And don't worry, Mueller's subpoena power will uncover the rest.

>"If you get in a car to go to a certain place in the middle of the night to pick up stolen goods, and it turns out the stolen goods don't show up but the cops show up, I think you're going to have a very weak story saying 'I got swindled here,'" he said.

>We straight do it openly and forcefully though
Kek, no we fucking don't. Look at Egypt ffs.

>Trying to bust a corrupt politician
>On par with hiring a Hitman to kill your wife

We are reaching levels of retardation that shouldn't even be possible. I'm suprised your heart remembers to beat, you're just that stupid. Like seriously, these emails prove nothing beyond the fact that Russia was willing to cooperate in cracking down on US corruption and thought the Trumps were the right people to discuss it with.

lmfao holy shit I almost died after seeing this post

>It's literally not even illegal.

it's literally the smoking gun that proves they've been lying about meeting with Russia to collude.

Mueller will take care of the rest. Stay tuned!

>intent to collude

Literally on what grounds does this accusation from? The emails provided essentially say that Russians met with Trump Jr to discuss the probably of a joint US and Russia crackdown on corruption.

Uh, yeah, look at Egypt. We use the Wahhabi as tools of foreign policy.

Not. Illegal. When we stop colluding with Saudi Arabia I'll listen to you preach about ethics.


Seriously? The Trumps as anti corruption?

Either the Russians are real stupid (Trump is and always has been corrupt as fuck) or perhaps they were trying to get more corruption and incompetence in the white house to harm America.

the Russian government helping fight US political corruption is like letting Jared Fogle run a foster care agency.

have you ever wondered why Putin is still in charge? Do you really think they have a democracy over there of any kind when the people in charge haven't left their posts for the past 20+ years?

you didn't read them, did you?

1) we (Russians) have dirt on Clinton 2) we want to help elect Trump 3) we want sanctions removed in return 4) Jr. says he loves the idea and takes the meeting

try to keep up

It's literally the opposite. First you said that the Russians hacked the election, then that wasn't true. Now you are saying that the Trump campaign was given information about Hillary Clinton that swayed the election in Trump's favor, but that information that swayed public opinion wasn't know until months after the election

What wavelength of cognitive dissonance do you have to be on to be you right now?

>Either the Russians are real stupid (Trump is and always has been corrupt as fuck) or perhaps they were trying to get more corruption and incompetence in the white house to harm America.

A priori deductive logic that has absolutely no grounds in reality. Corrupt people can still root out other people's corruption for political gain, and that is assuming Trump is as corrupt as a Washington insider, which is an a priori assumption

Nothing burger

no, everyone's saying Russia manipulated the election in order to get a trump win.

didnt' say ANY of that. Work on your reading comprehension, critical thinking and debate skills and try again later.

meanwhile STFU and let the adults talk.

When i read "russians", i had no incentive to continue reading and killing brain cells when i could just continue doing so with whiskey.

that's not what FOX News says

>have you ever wondered why Putin is still in charge? Do you really think they have a democracy over there of any kind when the people in charge haven't left their posts for the past 20+ years?

That's a tangent on what we are talking about. Alright , you don't like Putin. That still doesn't mean that they hacked the election in any way shape or form, and even if they did, who the fuck do you think you are being an American complaining about interfering in the political sphere of other countries?


Did they tamper with results? Were reps bribed?


Who cares what the news is lying about this week


TRUMP 2020

Literally nothing , and the emails a really said

>We want Trump elected


>We want to help Trump get elected

>anyone in the trump family being smart


Before hand the narrative you faggots were operating under is that the Russians literally hacked the election , the DNC server, Podesta , the ballots, everything.

Then you moved away from that into

>Well it's not that they hacked the election, it's just that Trump is in their pockets
>He is a Russian shill

And you still have no proof of any of this beyond the Russians saying that they are willing to give dirt on Hillary Clinton at an unspecified time.

Not a chance. Rock will blow Trump the fuck out.
The prophecy of Idiocracy will be fulfilled.

Vant some tea, comrade? Ve can discuss the vays in vhich you are dissatisfied vith Mother Russia over tea. No, there is no funny aftertaste, vhy do you ask?

>Didn't say any of that
>When your IQ is so low he thinks I mean I was talking about ITT and not in the general narrative

Buddy, go back to high school and try to pass for me, okay?

>even though everything my president has done, anyone who disagrees with him in the slightest is a shill


We do the fucking, we don't get fucked. The fact that conservatives seem to be even the slightest bit okay with taking even just the tip up the ass from another government is shameful. They've been championing themselves as the most patriotic american people to ever exist for ages and now we're hearing them go "well, was it really that big of a deal if russia helped our guy win the election?" By doing this they've relinquished even the illusion of any loyalty to their country. They'd sell the whole place out if it meant they get to be the unquestionable victor. That's what everyone else sees republicans as now. Shameless slaves to their power and greed.

sure kid

>The level of absolute spergs has reached critical mass

You are a shill because you're a sperg moron who actually thinks anyone cares what the MSM has to say and make repeated argumentum ad verecundium in defense of their integrity.

They have a trust rate of what , 4% these days? No one trusts the media anymore yet here you are operating under the assumption that everyone else does. That seems fishy.

Explain why we didn't stop trying to oust Assad when Trump was elected

Explain why we are actually going in harder on Russia's interests now than under Obama

Trump dindonuffin

not brainwashed, just huffy white trash that would sell their own grandma to stop losing to people they consider subhuman by birth.

Nothing was sold. Russia gained nothing. Know who IS colluding and fucking with us?
*cough* Saudi Arabia *cough*

White > Republican > American > Christian > Human

you mean launching one airstrike on a broken airplane and an empty building?

you mean going harder by trump wanting to create an "anti-corruption" organization with Putin?

>More a priori deductive logic

Did you just not pay attention to elections at all? The neocons did everything they could to keep Trump from gaining the nomination and spited him even after he did. There is no evidence of the Russians hacking the election. Even as a slightly protectionistic capitalist, the neo liberal majority of the 4th estate has done nothing but push yellow journalism since he took office because he counter signals globalism - slightly. Now that the Russian hacking scandal is dead, they have moved onto

>"Well okay the Russians didn't have the election, but Drumpf is still a KGB shill"

Which is still assumed to be true even before any evidence comes out on it.

INB4 Russian bot floods the threads with jap women.

yeah and theyve given up all of them except the last. the republican party is now just a shell for old money to be protected from the nonwealthy or young.

*Cough* And Israel *Cough*

Trump sr is letting his son twist in the wind. They're turning on each other and it's glorious.

>jap women.

so youre saying the republican party is anti-trump too? im sure they don't like him but they dont dislike him enough to turn on him. not yet. they protect their own kind even if it kills them.

By continuing our policy of funding and supplying a foreign army of Wahabbis to fight a sovereign, UN recognized country.

By continuing our crusade against secular, Shia majority Muslim countries for our friends Israel and Saudi Arabia.

>Muh 17 intelligence Agencies
Really means a committee of random selected people who agreed that Crowdstrike was telling them the truth without further investigation. Clapper admitted this during his hearings.

this is the same thing that hobbled the mafia. they thought that they could keep the organization safe if everyone was family. it just proved that family will eat itself alive when you put the heat to them

I disagree with your stance, but let's entertain it for the sake of example:

>ignore mainstream media

Where do you get your information? Direct from the politicians? They have an agenda/bias. Non-mainstream sources? Their information doesn't have any credibility.

On the case of OP's point, even if the MSM didn't make a ruckus around this, the casual observer could read the emails for themselves and, based on how hard the administration has been trying to cover it up, assume there was collusion.

>no charges pressed
it has been 6 months since he became your president. you havent stopped screeching this autism for 8 months now. you need to accept reality. he is your president.

infowars tells it straight

>Not yet

They already did you moron, did you forget about Never Trump or the attempts to take Trump off of the ballots when the primary electorate where voting on possible contenders for the primaries? Nowadays, Trumpite republicanism is becoming more and more prevelance with guys like Steve King and Greg Gianforte rising to the front.

No they don't.

no i mean now that he's elected they're all begrudgingly circling around him to protect him from the same shit they were trying to bring him down with.

its fucking nothing