How do you get schizophrenia Sup Forums? I want to be a schizo, how do I do it...

how do you get schizophrenia Sup Forums? I want to be a schizo, how do I do it? I already have Borderline Personality Disorder but I really want to get real crazy and hear voices. I heard LSD and other drugs might help. Any ideas?

also painting thread

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David Ostrowski

Lie and manipulate at all times, also exercise your anger. Watched my mom develop it over time. Have to watch myself and anger quite often. But fr man i had a really bad childhood. Don't put that on the people around you you're supposed to care for and that love you. It makes things very hard.



Can you upgrade schizoid peeonality disorder to full blown schizophrenia?
Also, Franz Kline

Don't you think that's the product of schizophrenia instead of the way to get it?

Hubert de Lartigue


Juan Ford


Israel Hershberg


Lsd like other hallucinogens will change your thoughts and emotions but they wont make you a schizo. sorry search for something else. btw why do u want to do that im curious?

Leyla Gediz

Mental illnesses aren't something to fuck around with. Spend a few days in a mental health center. It may change your views.

But please remember there are alternatives if you start hating all the imaginary rats just ask your doctor for some resperidone.

Of you just want to see shit do shrooms. Even small amounts of acid. But please don't hurt yourself.

That being said, you can't give yourself schizophrenia. You're born with it. You start developing symptoms.

Drugs can mess up your mind permanently. If you want """schizophrenia""" then that's the next best thing.

>tl;dr acid.

Can a schizoid personality disorder develop into schizophrenia?

I have had episodes were I was completely detached from reality and there is something appealing to it. You live in a world created by your brain, it's completely mental but it seems very interesting. I would like to document it and see were it goes. It would be an experiment of some sort, or an art performance.

I have done acid and I feel like it changed me for the better, I had a clear understanding of the world and how it works. It was scary but really calming at the same time. An acid trip have an end to it, not schizophrenia.

Martin Jan Van Santen


Mehdi Ghadyanloo


I honestly don't know, user. You know they're different, so there's still a chance you could develop a schizophrenia. You usually see the change from 18-35 years of age.

I'm sorry for the miscommunication. I'm glad that you find comfort in this drug. I'm simply saying that long time effects are similar to schizophrenia.

Paul Winstanley

Do you even know what schoziphrenia entails ? Yeah, obviously it's a stupid question, because you don't. Have you ever read about the negative symptoms ? They're not fun I can tell you

Checked. And I think they're suggesting that schizophrenia is made up, which is pure bullshit.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be a schizo for real, I know it's a terrible and horrible mental disorder. I'm just curious, if I really wanted to become schizo for the sake of it and to document it like some sort of crazy art performance, how would I do it?

You don't want schizophrenia. Unless you want to be mental and have no chance of a real life

Schizophrenia is heriditary. Unless you're predisposed to it, you're not going to get it.
That's not to say you can't experience psychosis, which would be similar but temporary. Have a weeklong meth binge, shit'll get schizoid-y

Like I said, it's a hypothetical question. I don't want to, I'm just curious if there is a way to get there intentionally.

Then the simple answer is lsd. Enjoy your trip. Don't get addicted.

Peter Ravn

doing acid is nothing like being schizophrenic unless you have a psychotic break.

If you really want to experience both the up and downside to schizophrenia, I'd go with the person saying do a weeklong meth binge. If you exceed five days of being awake you get permanent braindamage, so stay up for three days on meth and you'll start getting the "feeling" of it.

Don't listen to that LSD-wonky, it's not seeing colour patterns and humorous totem animals, it's seeing something from the shadows making you exceedingly paranoid, and it can strike at any moment without warning. That happens after being awake for three days.

But I'm schizophrenic myself and well medicated, so I can't say for sure if you'll experience the same. But fuck LSD and mushrooms. They're good, but they don't produce the feeling of being schizophrenic

Who here has taken Atarax/Hydroxyzine?

>mild hallucinations
>sleep paralysis

But there is major differences between an lsd trip where you actually know you are tripping and schizo where you are absolutely sure this is the truth.

Plus, my question is HOW TO become schizo, not how to experience something similar to schizophrenia for a short amount of time...

This guy knows his shit

Would you say it's 100% genetics or is there other things that helped making you schizo? Did your mother did drugs? Did you did drugs? Experienced PTSD? Anything?

>Borderline Personality disorder
>wants to be real crazy
I've got news for you buddy...

Did you do*

also Christopher Wool

Stay up for several days on some kind of speed. You'll have a lapse in sanity, known as psychosis.
You can't BECOME a schizo, you have to be born with the predisposition. There's no curing it. The closest you're going to get to schizophrenia is psychosis.

I was waiting for that one

Some painter I am. If you use this picture around the site with a stupid sentence, ill be very happy. Also I was diagnozed as schizo, got out of that cell, but not completely.

As a nurse living with schizophrenia and who has done lsd, I can assure you it's similar.

This Is the last time I'll tell you. You cannot induce schizophrenia. You can only mimic it. And unless you want to end up like a literal retard, a metric fucktonne of lsd is the only thing close a normal human like you is going to get.

schizoid personality disorder has nothing to do with the psychosis of schizophrenia, a differently clustered diagnosis. schizoid pd is characterized by a lack of interest in human interaction (classic hermit), whereas schizophrenia is characterized by negative and positive symptoms ranging from depression, social withdrawal, hearing voices, delusions of persecution, etc.

I've done drugs at an early age, I have PTSD to a certain degree, not on a warrior scale, I've never been in outright war, I've just held my dead fathers hand.

It is genetic and fluid at the same time. I'm a male born in winter and too late, that is a factor that heavily weighs into the modern view of schizophrenia and the development of it, we're just more prone to braindamage due to the women having a lack of access to certain foods, the cold weather they're exposed to, and the being born too late I had nearly drowned during birth giving me minor brain damage.

There is a lot of factors playing in with modern views on schizophrenia, these are just the ones I've been told by my psychiatrist

Why so many homeless man are schizo? Are they homeless because they are or is it the drugs and isolation that made them mental?

To me that is splitting hairs

>As a nurse living with schizophrenia and who has done lsd, I can assure you it's similar

If you do LSD and have schizophrenia, then you can't comment on what it's like to not have a mental illness and do LSD. LSD exacerbates schizophrenia and other similar mental disorders. Some nurse you are, you obviously don't know what you're talking about.

They're homeless because of their mental disorder.

it's not splitting hairs. they're totally different. they're literally unrelated. you see similar letters to you're fooled into thinking they have analogous qualities.

Struggling is war. Struggling never ends.

>Hurr I wan some mentalll illrnss plz help

Go back to tumblr nigger

Seth Alverson

Being Homeless looks like a very risky bet to me. And I imagine most win nothing with it.

Sometimes I jus tthink I'm a pussy for not being able to cope with something so natural as death. although it did happen at an early developmental stage in my life, I still think I'm a pussy

We are trying to have a conversation you idiot, you don't have to participate if you have nothing interesting to add


Winston Chmielinski


Just print the words Death may occur and put it in your bedroom...

That's a good suggestion. Take a gram of DPH (active ingredient in benadryl) and you'll lose your goddamn mind.

>because it's completely imposible to disable schizophrenia
>because resperidone doesn't exist
>because I tried lsd as a kid I definitely means I'm not sober now
>because they don't cover this shit in medical school
>because your weird experience definitely defines the medical books, and not the thousands of years of human evolution and drug use

Did you actually think when you were typing this? Or do you honestly think you're qualified to direct shit? Fuck off.

Ask reviewbrah he has it but is undiagnosed.


Site babe. Sure

anyone on the internet can claim to have been to medical school. Not to mention to misinformation that's still spread as fact, dealing with psychedelics.

Don't do this if you have a fear of spiders, though.

What makes you think you're fit to direct ?

You literally said "don't get addicted" in regards to LSD. You certainly have nothing of value to add to the subject. You don't lost touch with reality of LSD. You're just wrooong

have you ever done it? I always wondered why spiders are such common things in DPH trips

Personal experience with schizophrenia and lsd. Please read all above posts before posting again.

What are you implying? That you can't get addicted to lsd? Lmao.

Haha, I've already read all your posts, and if you say LSD and schizophrenia is similar I can surely you have experienced neither or just one.

I've done both, and LSD actually helped me get in touch with reality as opposed to doing the opposite. I could control it. Why do you think LSD is so common with schizophrenic people ? Because it's a pussy experience


Keep telling yourself that druggie. If you want to find the truth you may want to pick up a book on drugs and their effects.

I don't know who is the druggie here, me or the nurse

Dude you're fucking trolling if you think you can get addicted to LSD. Psychologically, MAYBE, but physically? No.
Tolerance to LSD builds at such ridiculous rate as well, making the possibility of becoming psychologically addicted even lower.

Take hella research chemicals and become homeless in a diff city. Sleep at the bech

You. The one making up excuses and telling himself lies to make him feel better about his drug use.

Fucking hell dude, why even socialize if you're going to do nothing but project?

Never said it was physically.

That there is just nurse speak. YOU have a problem, YOU must understand, it's all about YOU. NOT ME.

shut up nurse Ratched and start taking your meds instead of drugs. You proclamate LSD as a way to experience the symptoms of schizophrenia, yet know nothing about them at all. Because you've never seen or experienced them.

>Never said it was physically
While you have a point, you're still overwhelmingly wrong with most everything you've said. What you seem to know seems to come from sources that have had an overwhelming bias against LSD and other such psychoactives for over half a century. When it comes down to it, one day it's going to be made known that you all drank the punch and accepted all the lies about psychedelics.

If you want to see things, just don't sleep for a week and continue until you start seeing things,that will freshen up your mind

Don't continue for a week, permanent brain damage after five days !!!!

is it around day three or so that things start getting weird?

At day two you'll start getting paranoid feelings and have minor hallucinations and delusions, at day three they will be more or less fullblown depending on psyche

i abused hallucinogens psychedelics alot my first year of college. I went to UBC so drugs were readily available everywhere. I would trip acid or shrooms once a week and would smoke weed regularly. half way through my year i became extremely detached from reality and started believing in complicated and insane thoughts about how the world worked. eventually i became so psychotic and depressed i was hospitalized after a suicide attempt and housed next to schizos and other people afflicted with psychosis. ill never forget the conversations id have, although its all hard to remember because they drug the fuck out of you in psych wards. i got out two months later and ive been clean for a year with no returning mental illness symptoms and am transfering to art school. but my point is that, in my case atleast, drugs can definitely work to achieve the self created reality you think you want.

This is my favorite song

Wrong thread

how old are u bro

Is this actually legitimate?

Yes it is, It's only minor, but still considered a brain damage

I used to do a lot of drugs and got paranoid and weird for awhile. I thought people could read my thoughts and that the police were conspiring against my family.

I stopped doing drugs and realized the insanity. I'm pretty sure I have brain damage from all the drugs though so if you don't care about that
>it worked for me

Yea thatll be super great once you isolate yourself from those around you and fuck up your mental health

You get brain damage after one all nighter. Look it up. Not sleeping is very destructive.


That may explain a lot of happenings in my life over the last few months.


Yeah, get some sleep motherfucker. The loli and trap threads will still be there the morning after

As always, although not always possible with BPD