Woah, dude, my parents just installed the "internet" in our house...

Woah, dude, my parents just installed the "internet" in our house. Let's see what wonders we can find on this super information highway!

Hey there man, totally awesome your family did that. Here's an awesome picture of a Vietnamese dog farm!



Internet!? Whats that?


Yo, it's like some sort of cyber web space where you can chat with all sorts of fun and cool people.

It's a place where you can find the stock market, the sock market, and the cock market.

The great thing about it is that it comes on a single, easy to use disk.

potential cp thread reported

Cyber web? Are there electronic spiders on the internet?


were you born retarded?

Oh no.


yea dude, be careful. it's a crazy world out there

Dubs tell the truth.

Tits or GTFO

I'll try to keep an eye out for those darn spiders, then.

Wana write a letter to President Clinton?

Information superhighway. Get with the times, dude.


If only she had won, it would've been so perfect.

Watch out for the Cyber police. Consequences will never be the same.

Oh no, they're here!


don't worry this whole "internet" thing is just a fad and it will go away in a few years, just like those vidya games everyone seems to be talking about

Put your hands where I can see them you cyber-scum!


Now I can look at all the filthy whores I want

Haha, yea dude


You mean there's more free porn on here than I can watch in my lifetime? My dick is going to be on fire.

The king of the Internet is here


I'm sorry? It seems you're thinking of the wrong man.