Did you know that the BLACK people of African origin were the first Asians. Yep, we were the first Samurais. We were the first Shoguns. We teached yellow skinned people to make and use swords. Proof? The word katana comes from ancient language of original Israelites. BLACK Israelites.


Yellow and white devils were still living in caves when we sailed the oceans and explored the earth. Then you devils came and stole all of our technology and inventions and then you used those inventions against us.

Other urls found in this thread:





Hah. Found the racist honkies and chinks!

nice dubs

Here first - and still couldnt invent the wheel or create a culture.

Dumb niggers.

We won't stop until everyone on this planet acknowledges the TRUE history.


They turn from black to yellow and suddenly gain culture, land, and power.

Seems like maybe being black is the problem eh Jamal? You piece of cuntshit you

This shit again smh

HAHA! Found the racist ass zipperhead!


Did you know niggers came from Africa to the US to be white peoples slaves? And then they decided to stay in the US and the most retarded race of people was created?

>smart enough to invent technology
>not smart enough to stop cave people from turning said technology on them

Yup. That's nigger logic alright

>ur a racist

Nice retort. You sure showed me. I've seen your side of the argument and I'm oh so swayed.

Could you not be a dumb fuckin nigger for five minutes?

So many slider threads these days

Racist, yes,
but I'm a beaner you pinche lazy mayate

Say whaaaaaaat?!?

blacks hate themselves so much they r willin to change history to their benefit. black astronauts? stfu lol

We won't stop until everyone acknowledges the true history!


I wish there was a way to keep count of how
many summerfags and 12 year olds are triggered by this

Why are niggers commit so many crimes

>we culturless
>mud hut building
>stupid dark skinned faggots
>are the original people

Ever notice how the first iteration of something isn't always the best? ;)

Congratulations. Have a cookie and get back in line for your welfare check.


We will spread THE TRUE history!

Inb4 for user

We haz culture, white pepoles just stoled it.
Standing in a savanna and wishing it would rain isn't a culture.


Well, it would explain the poverty.


>picture is a woman

The fuck are black people doin?


>We teached yellow skinned people to make and use swords.
>Unfortunately we were not taught grammar.

Great video on that topic:


> we were asian
> we were not short with tiny dicks
pick one.


This is kind of dumb and obvious. Not only Chinese, but Japanese, Korean, Mexican, Indian (India and American) - every single living human today can trace their origins to Africa. Everyone. Period. About 70,000 years ago your ancestors were black Africans, no matter what the fuck you look like now - and this is irrefutable and provably certain, as evidenced by your mitochondrial DNA, which does not and cannot lie.

Ironically, some research suggests that those black Africans may have been descended from a hominid group that arose much earlier in China. But then they were wiped out by climate change, leaving our only surviving ancestors in Africa, from which every branch and strain was derived. Aryan Nation? Descendants of black Africans. Yellow, red, brown, pale pink, and everything in between: descendants of black Africans.

Ain't science wonderful?


that is not what this person is claiming. this person is claiming it's much more recent, the blacks were technologically advanced, and have had their technology stolen and used against them, reducing them from their true racial superiority

These things are not mutually exclusive.
Something came before the hominids in Africa, and something else before that, etc. At some point we could be arguing about whether or not our earliest known ancestors were sea sponges from near Macedonia or single-celled sulfur eating extremophile microbes from undersea vents - but still, none of that invalidates the "Out of Africa" story.

If your father tells you he was from Pittsburg, and then you learn that your great grandfather was from Germany - does that mean your father was a dirty lying German?

Here come the liberals.

>1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
>A B C D E F G H
>Heil Hitler

That's a nigger, not a chinese.


At least try if you're gonna bait.


Anybody want to do some digging in the most reliable database to exist? I'm bored, I might be back later after learning something. Thanks, retarded Op!

What an odd conclusion to arrive at - because I know a little about genetics, I must be a liberal? LOL, no.

I am also not an inbred mouthbreathing racist uncle-fucking retard, so it doesn't cause me any pain to acknowledge what my genes say about my origins, whatever they might be. How about you, sparky?

Not racist, just wrong.

I can tell from your genes that you're a faggot.

What? You niggers get run out of egypt already? That was a very brief Kangship.

why you do you feel so bad that the non black descendants are better than black ones?

White cavemen stole black technology, I'm impressed.

So every other race was able to rise above their niggerdom except the black Africans who are literally as happy as pigs in shit to remain the alpha and omega of niggers.

How did you arrive at this conclusion (specifically, the notion that you know how I "feel" about this or anything else)? Did you hear voices that told you?

Actually human lineage goes:

>Aboriginal race
>>Original to African
>>>Original to White,
>>>>Original to Asian

There is Aboriginal aka Original DNA on all continents, it is now agreed by leading people it was the Original peoples in boats going from Australia all the way Europe and even crossing the pacific to America. There were tribes of Orginal peoples on the peninsula by the sea of Cortez once who didn't interbreed with Native Americans because they were consisdered lowly. This Orginal DNA has two progenitors.

Read the whole fucking article on history.com, m8.

>Begun emphasized that the new hypothesis doesn’t affect the later story of modern humans and their emergence from Africa.

Sounds interesting, but you got sauce on that info fam? Any citations anywhere?

>It's not NASA science

So, if you are Chinese, why can't you do simple math?


> we wuz kangz n shieet


haha ok

then why don't you pay child support?

lol your culture was hunting and collect berries like the apes you are, shit skin nigger

Romans - Now spaghetti churners
Greeks - Broke as shit and lazy too boot
Mongols - Live in tents, drink yaks milk
Egyptians - Unorganised mudslimes

Point is, even if this was true nobody gives a fuck what you achieved

>Greeks - Broke as shit and lazy too boot


Wow, you really are a simple fuck, aren't you?
Let me break it down into small sentences for you:
Those articles and discoveries refer to the split between monkeys and apes. MILLIONS of years ago. They used to think it happened in Africa. Then Europe. More recently, evidence suggests maybe China.

None of that has three shits and a twinkie to do with the event 70K years ago. That's practically last week, in comparison. Long after the split from monkeys. Humans had been pretty much human for a long, long time by then. But then things changed, the world froze, and most of them died. Except for a small band of survivors, in Africa.

Your blood, your genes, absolutely PROVE that you had a female relative of African origin. Not the ancient proto-human monkey split from millions of years ago, wherever that happened - but much more recently.

Your Mitochondrial Eve survived when most other hominids did not. And she apparently had enough babies to propagate the race. Probably the necessary inbreeding that came afterward resulted in whiteness, yellowness, and many of the other variations we see today. Including your massive fucking retardation. Sorry, but you paid the awful price (in low IQ and general worthlessness) so that the rest of us might live.

Healthcare alliance international?
Helicopter association international?
Hello, I've lost the hyperlink to the article/paper?

So your race is weak enough to be conquered by yellow and white devils? Fucking pussies

Guy on the right is just dark, has no negro features, try again

Science says otherwise.

So what happened nigga? You just lost all that knowledge and skills and went to beating drums and dying of aids?

Damn the white man.


Calm the fuck down, I'm pointing out that that article doesn’t prove what the earlier poster thinks it does, which is that humans began in Europe, not Africa. Hell, the quote I took from the article is essentially agreeing with what you just said, without going into so much detail.

AIDS was spread because of whites.