Can anyone explain to me why what Don jr did wasn't attempted collusion?

Can anyone explain to me why what Don jr did wasn't attempted collusion?

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He was just receiving information. If he was in power or working for someone who was, and traded favors or treasury money for actual info, the it would.

As an example, Bill Clinton had Chinese officials staying in the Lincoln room of the white house as part of a deal where they gave political donations to the Dumbocrats in exchange for political favors. Remember how eager Hill was for the trans-pacific partnership?

This is simply receiving dirt on a political opponent, which is standard operational procedure for political candidates in the US.

Going to a meeting with a representative of a foreign government with the expectation of receiving information that could alter the outcome of the United States presidential election is completely different, and you know that, and you're being disingenuous to suggest otherwise.

"Attempted collusion" isn't a crime you dweeb. (spoiler alert: neither is collusion)

Never said it was, highly unethical in my opinion though.

The only reason it isn't is because Jr had no official role in the gov, or campaign

nice Muslim tier logic ya got there faggot.

Are you saying that politics is a field where unethical things happen? MY GOD!

Yeah cause TPP wouldnt alter millions of americans. literally falling for the globalization meme. you idiots should be in prison for defending this shit.

Are you saying unethical behavior shouldn't be punished?

We have laws for a reason.

He brought the then campaign manager Manafort and Kushner who is now part of the government and was part of the campaign.
Kushner didn't disclose this meeting in government legal forms, which might get him in some trouble if he can't explain why he didn't disclose them.

Which he may have broken.

I think the investigation of the President for collusion should be widened to investigate all possible collusion during the 2016 Presidential election. Suddenly the DNC and Secretary Clinton come under investigation as well.

It is all a bunch of shit. Politicians are always in bed with foreign governments and corporations in a form of lobbyists that contribute to their campaigns in one way or another.

>representative of a foreign government
And you have no proof she wasn't just some lawyer
No proof whatsoever she has ties to the Kremlin

"May have" "is possible" "likely unethical" "could surely have" "does raise concerns" "seems suspicious given what we know now"

This is all garbage. The media and the democrats are going to keep doing this for the next 4-8 years. I'd stop taking the bait if I were you.

Why is it unethical?

Let's say they did have dirt on Hillary.

Wouldn't the American public have a RIGHT to know? What if this was the only way the public would know. Wouldn't he then actually have a duty to find out?

It is against the law for anyone to receive or attempt to obtain information from a foreign political state in an attempt to alter an US election. That being said it wont really mean anything because anyone that could do anything benefits too much from having Trump in office so it probably wont go anywhere. It will be topic of discussion for a few weeks or many a month or two then it will die away because it will not go anywhere.

he may have broken campaign finance laws, he'll likely be investigated by the FEC to see if he did.

Can you explain why Hillary wasn't charged after disclosing classified documents and storing them on an unclassified insecure network?

because its a foreign country trying to sway the us election in a way that favors them and its illegal for a campaign to get support from foreign nations.

Because Jr is NOT an elected official. The Russians mention having dirt on Hillary. Nothing came of it though. Trumps were probably uninterested. Bottom line though, This doesn't prove that Trump HIMSELF was colluding with anyone. He's broken no laws. No impeachable offense

way to avoid the topic i brought up
if there anyway Trump supports can defend Trump without bringing up Clinton?

This came out the day after Junior hired a personal attorney. The plan is to let him take the fall for collusion, and then have Drumpf pardon him. It all wraps up pretty neatly, I think. Americans are morons.

>He's broken no laws
He actually might have broken campaign finance laws. Its illegal for campaigns to accept support from other nations.

Drumpf is finished!

No because the issue you're forwarding directly involves Clinton herself, a well known rat of the highest order. Her own corruption got exposed and now the people who colluded with her are deflecting by digging and digging for anything bad on Trump.

Surely the Drumpf has been stumped this time! Then we impeach Pence, then Bernie is President!!!!!!!!

Ideally it will be spun as an act of war by Russia. That will be fun.

So what? Nations do this ALL THE TIME during elections. the US does it too.

It was a mere attempt, maybe just a brief mention of info. but nothing came of it. Trump jr was probably uninterested.

for real tho, is that what this boils down to? it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, but because we don't have video evidence of the duck being sworn in by Putin while holding two forms of personal identification, then we shouldn't assume its a duck?

I mean, will you at least admit that this whole thing is fishy? or are you going to deny any connection between the Russians and trump to the extent that any evidence will be quickly thrown out? there is more evidence for collusion in Don Jr emails than for half the shit you people accuse Hillary of.

Not just that, it's fucking treason. But if nobody is looking at treason already considering all the shit Trump has done, they're not going to do anything now.

It's time to charge the DNC with TREASON

Democrats refuse to accept the results of the election.
Democrats declare anyone who does not support their party a "nazi"
Democrats start looting and rioting.
Democrats start calling for violence against Trump supporters.
Democrats start randomly assaulting people.
Democrats openly call for the assasination of our president.
Democrats start killing policemen.
Democrats start shooting elected officials.

Democrats claim the Presidential Election cannot be rigged.
Democrats create an obstructionist campaign claiming the election was rigged.

>Trump jr was probably uninterested.
He was very interested, that was proven by his own released emails.
And even attempting this can be illegal.

there is more at stake here. if trumps campaign did collude with the Russians, its pretty significant.

but for the sake of conversation, can you please provide two examples in the last 30 years where on nation did something like this? and they have to be first world countries.

Clinton has nothing to do with keeping our current president accountable for his actions past and present.

She was a lawyer, not a representative of the Russian government.

I understand that you're gay and it kills you to know that you might have followed 8 years of a disastrous gay president with a disastrous lesbian president, but try to keep it on the ground.

Obama the Retarded had George Clooney and Julia Louise Dryfus go to China, Switzerland, Germany, etc accepting donations officially from foreign interests and governments. Clinton (Bill) accepted huge donations from the Chinese in exchange for pushing their trade war through the US government. Clinton (Hill) accepted donations, at a minimum through inflated speech royalties, from the Russian government in exchange for a uranium deal. Those are definitely collusion - accepting personal payment for US government privileges.

What Trump jr did was hardly interesting, especially as he never received anything. Don't let George Soros lead you around like a sheep on a leash. Try to think for yourself.

>compleatly different

You're right. Arranging one sided trade deals in exchange for ones own personal wealth is far worse. Prison for Bill and Hill when?

This so very freaking much. Long overdue.

Well then EVERY president has broken this law. Why should it only NOW be a problem because its Trump in office. He funded his whole campaign with his own money and domestic donations. Other nations OFFERING support (info) isnt Illegal. If the Trumps had ACCEPTED that info and used it to win the election then yes. Law is broken

Faggots can't stop all the winning.

When was the last time something this big happened to the US?
Imagine if something like this happened in McCarthy's era.

This great country used to hang people for treason. Now they reward it.

ever president tried to get help from the russian government to get them elected? what delusional shit is this?

Don't forget they're making online "enemy lists" of people they claim are racists.

You want to see treason? Here it is

That's like saying the police can use any means necessary to obtain evidence. There are rules to follow.

Anyways, this story is just a bunch of horseshit. Don Jr is too stupid to be guilty of anything. His ignorance will save him.

It's pathetic people are defending treason, what happened to conservatives thinking russia was the biggest threat to our democracy?

so lets say I just agree with you. you think receiving intelligence directly from a foreign government who wants to help you sway the outcome of a domestic election is somehow not as bad as taking donations?

and then what if said foreign power did stop there? what if they launched a propaganda campaign? what if they hacked emails and falsified documents in order to create confusion during the election cycle? you honestly believe all of this isn't important? you don't see it as a direct challenge to a nations sovereignty?

Fuck you, traitor. I'll see you hang and I'll laugh as will all true patriots.

And Clinton lost because enough people believe she wasn't held accountable for her own actions, past and present.

You people are accusing Trump of colluding AGAINST Clinton with the help of a foreign state, so eventually Clinton's name will come up in the conversation.

>haHAA fagit you said Clinton you cant get over her

Can you get over Trump?

Foreign states advocated for Clinton as well. If she had won, would you be as concerned about that? Probably not.

You want a guy under federal investigation, who sold out to killery to be president?

So a random Russian lawyer who got in contact with Donald Jr. through a music producer and a Russian pop start who's father is a known oligarch with ties to Putin, who both worked with the Trumps while they were in Russia for beauty contest. The lawyer also was called a Crowned attorney (term used for lawyer who works for the government in the UK and Canada. This coming from a man who is music producer from the UK) and has had previous work with the Kremlin.

Nothing about this sounds odd?

You can have your precious little dictator in training, Donald Trump Sr., but his son, son-in-law, and past campaign head are in a bad place. I doubt anything will happen but it is still pretty bad looking.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law. Also, intending to break the law, trying to, and failing to do so is often considered illegal, depending on the particulars and the jurisdiction and the judges and so on. None of which is to say I believe Jr. will experience any legal consequences.

So arrest Hillary. She gave Russia URANIUM.

>Foreign states advocated for Clinton
Theres a difference between a country saying they want a candidate to help and a country giving material support. One is legal free speech and one is against campaign laws.


but they didn't hack emails and submit falsified documents to mislead the American public. what Russia did is pretty serious, and I don't understand why you think we should not attempt to hold people accountable.

>he may have broken campaign finance laws, he'll likely be investigated by the FEC to see if he did.

He didn't receive money from Russia, his son looked into the *possibility* of receiving information.

The Clintons, on the other hand, did receive actual money, confirmed political favor money, form both China and Russia, and both China and Russia definitely received the political favors for which they paid.

Stop being such a cuck. If you need to go after political corruption, go after the Obama for misappropriating 16 trillion treasury dollars and the Clintons for stealing aid money meant for the Dominican Republic disaster relief, and for receiving money from foreign governments in exchange for political actions - allowing a uranium deal (Russia) and opening the US economy to Chinese economic parasitism.

Had nothing to do with the campaign.
Was signed off by several different agencies.
And it was done through the secretary of state so it's not illegal.

there was no attempt, he did it, and "collusion" isn't a crime.
conspiracy, however, is a crime, and based on the evidence he himself provided, his guilt is an open and shut case.

but since "It's OK If You're A Republican", he won't go to jail.

Material support is protect speech under citizens united

This is not a thing that exists in real life.

only for US citizens, its illegal for foreign citizens to materially support campaigns

> Bernie is President
kek - Bernie the Jew isn't fit to run a night drive through window at Taco Bell. I can't believe he stayed in office for 40 years without doing a single fleegin thing. I wouldn't use Bernie to wipe my ass.

Yeah, but that's kinda the point. If he didn't know what he was doing, he's likely to get a slap on the wrist.

Just like Hillary, who kept her emails like an amateur. She didn't willfully do it, therefore she got a reprimand for being stupid but that's pretty much it.

A foriegn country being in favor of a candidate is one thing entirely. But when that country actively goes to spreading misinformation campaigns in that country. Also according to every intelligence administration in the US as well as a few abroad attempted to hack into the election. Also that at least half a dozen of the people put in position in his cabinet had contact with Russians before the election. It may be nothing but with all these flags going up it is hard not to be suspicious.... also why it doesn't go away. Trump going out of his way to fire and remove any investigating the situation just makes it worse. As he said himself "These are not the actions of a innocent person"

I think you mean

>Its okay if you're a politician.

One day you'll understand that we live in a 1 party state. Nobody with an R or a D in front or at the end of their name cares about you or me.

Holy shit. Is this accurate? Cause that's pretty fucking incredible.

The gallows are being built. You better get your alibi ready because you're first.

Yeah but it's up to you to prove him wrong. He doesn't have to offer any evidence, and any evidence you offer will be explained as fabricated by Soros/International Jewry for internet shilling purposes. Welcome to now.

>He didn't receive money from Russia
If the FEC decides that political dirt has any monetary value then he broke a law. Its really up to them how to interpret the law and then defend that interpretation in court.

Brilliant user. That belongs on 10,000 billboards.

Awwww but Mommm, he did it too, why can't I??

Stop using child logic, pleb.

a lot of the list aren't really accomplishments or aren't even related to anything hes done.
yes hes gotten things done but this list is intentionally deceptive.

So if someone from Russia did have real dirt on Hillary everyone should just ignore it?

Yeah, and higher education is bad for America. You're a fucking trailer park moron.

An agreement between two or more people to defraud a person of his or her rights or to obtain something that is prohibited by law.
Who was defrauded?
What was obtained?
What rights were lost?

I know man. Its the most awesome list ever. Trump is the most accomplished person in the history of the universe!

what crime did he conspire to commit?

The national debt and domestic employment statistics are pretty fucking incredible if they're actually accurate.

>Trump is the most accomplished person in the history of the universe!
please let this be sarcasm

The Obama misappropriated $16 trillion! He went into office "broke", earned some 3 million from his position as president, and since leaving has purchased 3-4 mansions worth over $20 million, while going on a permanent, lavish vacation to everywhere.

Where is it written that just because you're gay that you *have* to be a Nazicrat and threaten everyone? Some gays are peaceful. Why can't you be?

>treason is legal

Going to do, will do, planning on. Jeez this guys a world class cocktease with all this stuff supposedly in the pipeline.

I'm ready to take this shit to the streets.

You didn't see the list?? He's a god. He like signed tens of executive orders!

Well Trump hasn't passed a budget while in office yet so the debt decrease was from the last budget passed by congress.
And unemployment is largely out of the presidents hands and its been dropping steadily since 2010.

>The Russian collusion is fake news!
>"I met with a Russian representative with the intention of obtaining damaging information on Clinton."
>It wasn't illegal!

>Going to do, will do, planning on
All that stuff has already been done and can easily be verified with a simple google search you illiterate nitwit.

FUCK i didnt see that youre right

>Trump put his pants on, left leg first, Impeach him!

every single day

This guy is a fucking machine. He's unstoppable.

>Holy shit. Is this accurate? Cause that's pretty fucking incredible.

%100. You can search for every single item.

>Awwww but Mommm, he did it too, why can't I?

Dumbfag, pay attention! Put down the bong for a second and try to pay attention.

You're leaving Clinton to go free for a mass of actual, severe crimes, while attacking Trump for things you wish were a crime but weren't. Read that until the fog hat dissipates and you understand it.

Trump did nothing wrong.
Democrats are committing treason.

Real nice argument, dumbass.

Remember, the FBI said that Hillary was to stupid to have known better about her secret server. Her idiocy, (feigned or real) saved her ass from a charge of treason by having allowed classified info to be stolen from her secret server

largest presidential smear campaign in history, and Trump still does better than any previous president. amazing

It's funny how even the most powerful person in the world, Trump, isn't going after Hillary.

I mean cmon, she committed every crime imaginable and he's letting her walk.

You're the fucking moron. The dude went to a fucking Ivy league school and got a degree in Economics. You got a paycheck from Shareblue and herpes from fucking a fat chick.