Why is every black country shit?

Why is every black country shit?

And why are the black countries that aren't entirely broke either oil states, have a small population, or mixed?

Why is haiti so broke when its nearly pure nigger when DR is a mulatto country and less broke?

Why do all the African countries with high gdp pc have small populations?

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Imperialism, you racist cunt! Read a fucking book!

South Africa - most colonized African country yet it does well.
Ethiopia-one of the least colonized but the absolute worst off

>Why is every black country shit?
I don't recall any black country nuking a refugee city in another country. In fact all black countries are nuke-free.

They are also science free but leach off western medicine.

Ethiopia is commercially invaded by China. They bought huge land masses there leaving the native people without their traditional routes fro cattle and such and lands for agriculture. South Africa was an Apartheid country. Their white population (10% max.) originated from Europe with an advance in development that they brought to the table. With that advance they enslaved the country for decades. Imperialism nowadays mostly works commercially and only with corrupt indviduals or groups on the other as it happens througtout most countries being behind in development...

Pakistan has nukes

Ethopia has been starving for decades. Try again.

>South Africa originally black
Learn history faggot. South Africa didn't have black people in it before the white man arrived. The reason is there was no food in South Africa. No African crops could grow there and all the swamps made short work of anyone trying to live there.
The white man brought plants that could grow there and thus food. They also decimated the swamps reducing the mosquito's.

TLDR: White man was first in South Africa and then they imported Black people as slaves.

Dark skinned people aren't good leaders. They are very corrupt. They are also bad followers. Tell a white or Asian employee what to do and they'll do it and try their best. A black person will grumble, complain, and go as slow as possible.

The entire world was colonized for the most part

Why is Africa still so shitty despite mineral advantages?

Here is your answer.



Blacks consistently score lower on intelligence tests regardless of populations used than whites. In terms of IQ it's been as low as 10 points average all the way up to 30 points average which constitutes as mild retardation.

Yes you can have some smart blacks. You can have blacks that are geniuses. But on average they're less intelligent. When you deal with large populations, small differences make big differences. If a large population is just 1% more productive then over time a portion of that 1% can be reinvested into things to make more money.

It's a taboo subject and you get instantly labeled if you suggest it but in the end just ignoring it doesn't do blacks any favors. You're demanding a population at a disadvantage to compete with those that aren't.

Even the Chinese hate black people.

China was after the second world war in a worse shape than Congo. Congo could have become a international country with all the equipment the Belgium's left behind, yet they all let it Rust.
The Chinese hate that, because that means that black people are to lazy to even do something with a golden opportunity

Liberia was never colonized. Still broke.


He's half and therefore not retarded. Hell your average beaner is darker than him...

Obama was a half Muslim.
He wasn't black


This guy gets it. Basically blacks are a little smarter than apes.

Goes all the way back to ancient human migration.
tl;dr Sub Saharan Africa is a horrible place for a civilization to attempt to rise.
This is why those who migrated outwards formed civilizations at faster rates.

This is so much true, I've seen this shit happen for few decades now.

Haiti. Detroit. Etc

>Why is Africa still so shitty despite mineral advantages?
You need to be able to develop the technology to harvest said minerals first.

What I just said covers that.
Black people had a disadvantage from way way back, thousands of years ago.
The effects have lasted throughout history.

Because niggers can fuck up anything.

Every race was conquered. Jews are one of the most oppressed groups yet disproportionately successful

Google the british, spanish, and french naval empires and you'll figure it out history buff.

I'm not talking about slavery.
I'm talking about the human migration that created the diffrence in evolutionary patterns.

A lot of black countries have just recently come out of colonisation. They've come from a position where they've been ruled over and now suddenly they're in charge of running their own shit. They're in the same position many European counties were in centuries ago. Think of most European countries as adults who've had years to learn what you should and shouldn't do to run a country. Whereas newly uncolonised countries are 5 year olds still trying to figure things out

Liberia. Never colonized.

Ethopia. Barely colonized. Worst country on the continent.

Don't those countries have to deal with heavy terrorism?

Why can't they get their shit together