Help me Sup Forums

help me Sup Forums
>be me
>hate myself
>have a boyfriend who I'm slowly driving away because of my self hatred
>not able to sleep because of nightmares
>If I do sleep it's for 10 minutes at a time and it's hard to get back to sleep
>working in a dead end job
>parents love me but due to my self hatred I drove them away too
>won best short film at a film making summer camp when I was like 17
>want to do something with it but I'm self critical to the point where I nit pick every script I write
>can't do anything without bringing myself down
I've never been to a therapist and don't know what's wrong with me

tits or gtfo

Fokin go to a therapist

Stop being a self absorbed attention seeking sack of shit and actually do something.

Alternatively, give up properly and kill yourself.
Pick one.

This + timestamp

Well op, looks like your only option is to shove a nail into your eye.

Understand the world doesn't revolve around you. If you want to make a difference in yourself do it. The world will continue you on without you. Happy or not.

Have an honest conversation with your dude?

Like you expect a legit answer from us. Fucking solve your shit and stop trying to seek attention

Go see a therapist, grow some fucking balls

>Be me
>dating a loli
>Suck on her titts for a while
>now she wants to get married or else she calls the cops

Pic of her?

>I feel bad and have no sense of drive or passion
Discipline and self-reward are the only solutions. Feeling inadequate, unimportant and small are normal reactions to living a mediocre life. If you want to stop being mediocre, you have to become disciplined, which means work, self-evaluate and be evaluated by others, even if you hate it. Otherwise you will be stuck forever in a terrible pit of self-loathing and mediocrity, and you will become a bitter, destructive person.

Therapists and friends (the better alternative) can offer sympathy and love, but unless you alone have the willpower to get over something and become great, no amount of support will ever help you.

Check these dubs. You'll feel better.

For all you seeking tits. I am a man.

for all you seeking the tits I must warn you. I am of the male gender

Nice dubs
second of all why did you post twice?

Nobody can help you except you, OP.
The problem with self hatred is its self fulfilling. The more you stress about how people perceive you and living up to an image you're responsible for, the less risks you take. Live less inside your head and do more. If you see something around the house that needs to be done for instance, you do it without putting too much thought into it.

Tits or gtfo

Then kys


No its like a mimi, and im sure its not him

Hating yourself is fine. Keep doing it. I do it. Do it beyond your limits. Shit some of us have even danced around killing ourselves. Nice to know I have that control. I put out alot of great art that way. Push your limits. But remember, every great artists knows when to take their hands OFF their work. Sounds like you need to put something out so I can watch it. Then make some sick sculptures inspired by your work. I swear, same shit. I actually learned something from this. Self loathing pushes people away. But the real ones will never give up. Keep loathing. Just every now and again crack a smile and a laugh. Even if it's at some dimented shit. If your boy isn't into dimented shit. Go single or find a girl who is. I don't know, have fun with your life. As fucked as it may be. Don't listen to these idiots. The world does revolve around you. Power systems and shit. You're just asking for advice anyways. Nothing self centered about that. Push your fuckin' weird ass boundaries. Go stand in a dark closet and listen to White Rainbow, or just plain old white noise, with a briefcase on your head.