Dubs decide what I say next

Dubs decide what I say next

Which are we fuckin' on?

i wanna fuck your ass

my cock is so hard right now, get your boy butt over here now

do you liek mudkipz?


this go full autism

wow just like my cock



wanna get raped?

Ayy lmao

Thats funny I'm 4.7" long!

Will it stain if I repeatedly cum on it? I've lost three chairs to that already.

Ask for a picture of here sitting on the chair so you can better judge the size.

next, say "please respond"

include pic


"Do you have some time to talk about the Jews?"


Do you have any toilet seats to sell? it's the oval shaped one... here is a pic of the toilet its going on

Do you want to making fuck berserker?
>if she replies anything

When we meet I'm going to kill and rape you



bill clinton is a rapist infowars.com!

OP don't be a faggot and deliver

OP will deliver


i like both tables, but i have a question, i have an extra $400 if you'll send me a pic of you topless next to the one you most wish to sell?

Ok won't deliver. For he is a faggot

I give OP ten minutes until we abandon thread

which one are you gonna fuck me on?

Eat ass

when i arrive; i want their to be fresh lobster on both desks so i can experience eating on one to see which is best suitable for my lobster consumption.


Creamy log

5 minutes, better hurry OP

OP is a faggot

op afkd on us. what a faggot

Want to have sex right after I buy the table?

10 minutes up, ABANDON THREAD

"does it come with a massive shlongg?"

"Oops, I dropped my monster condom that I use for my magnum dong"

fucc I can't get dubbs

ching chong on my ding dong

go back to Guantanamo bay

wuld yu liek some cok?

dubs I'll post what you say

Ask for nudes

ill need to test their sturdiness.
how do you feel about anal?