If in a fight

If in a fight

How can i inflict serious damage, aka broke a bone, an articulation, neck, hurt or severe the back or eyes in an easy way

Yes im edgy and curious



You also need tips on proper sentence structuring. Tard


Are you going to teach me?

the cold vein is a fucking great album tho

I can if you would like, teaching retards is how I get hard

Shit thread op should be ashamed of his faggotry





If you really want to cripple someone, use the environment. You aren't likely to break anything by hitting them with a fist or foot.

Driving their head into the pavement is usually pretty easy.

I have all day, now, this is officially an english grammar threat


Grab any kind of weapon.
Assuming you're not obese ore retardedly slow,
litterally any weapon should let you win a fight.
A brick, a thick branch, a glass or a bicylce pump? Excellent weaponry for an easy K.O.

If no weapons can be found here's a trick I learned as someone who gets attacked a little too often for being a scrawny cunt with a big mouth:
run away, if they start chasing you abruptly stop and go for a swift kick in the nuts.
You basicly get the force of your kick + their running speed whilst they probably wont dodge in time. The average man passes out for a second or so after getting such a blow to the balls

The devastating threat of english grammar, think you misspelled user

Does it have to be an English grammar thread or are other languages allowed as well?

EspaƱol, french and german are ok, user

I assume English, But it's a grammar threat not thread apparently

We are talking about fights, ok? Its a threat now fagot

Faggot* two syllables word split at the g's

And I forget my commar, I am the faggot it seems

My sentences make no sense, right? Like, whats the main mistake dude

Capital o capital I apostrophe on its.

Also commar after now as you are calling me "fagot" directly

You're autism is no match for me sir, I advise you forfeit.