What up fags its leafy here ask me anything

What up fags its leafy here ask me anything

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were you born without a chin or did you lose it somewhere?

I have a chin dude look

Ideps already pillaged your channel an eon ago why u still exist?

When I saw the thumbnail I thought he had cum on his face

I'm not insecure idubbbz is ha ha watch this video

why do we have to be ironically obsessed with this guy now
ffs this is worse than minecraft bait threads.

>trying to open his jaw as far as possible while forcing his lips together

leafy must be the biggest cuck ever

Kill yourself

Are you upset that you look like this kid?
Also, how did your nudes leak the other day?

>Where r ur nudez, Leefboi?

Have you seen this?

Ha haaa no you kill yourself man haaaahhhh

Look them up online my nudes are there

Is this guy retarded our what

Timestamp or fake and gay.


do you plan on growing up anytime soon

Why doesn't leafy just become a ladyboy

Seriously every time I see him it just reminds me of myself before I became a ladyboy.

He already looks like a complete bitch. Got pretty eyes too. Nobody respects him so he may as well.


have you considered suicide


whats a ladyboy

summerfag go home



I heard his gf has a nice ass...where the fuck is that picture?

now do it faggot

what are you waiting for then


I've got you

Leafy's dick is bigger than mine. I've lost all hope.

his dick is small...

I know that saying leafy dick is small has becoming a meme, but it's not. Look how many eyes it takes to make one.

Replied to wrong post

Do you want free steam cards? Get them here

why dont u post more nudes

please, restrain yourself. It's summer, there are kids browsing 4chin and this is too much for them.