Rekt thread

Rekt thread

Bumping this thread









You may have thought you were a shit poster. But instead you have become the shit, someone posts.

So sad... why do humans do this to each other... l hope he finds peace at least.

>When the wood is hairy and your axe stuck in it


At least the white guys use sharp machetes




There is a group in Mexico that is dedicated to exterminating members of Los Zetas, which are the top gang in Mexico. The people they were axing were gang members

I imagine he found lots of pieces after that injury

omg is he alive?


holy shit

God damn, those titties and those hips. What a shame...

>inb4 another edgy fag ruins the thread


they're Colombian

well uh, technically.




Damn that sucks to wake up in car wreck and not be able to see but feel something heavy on your face. Its probably harder when you try to cry and you can't even feel your face.

daaaaammmmmnnn he was kinda cute.

Don't fuck with Bud Spencer

retarded alert

"Shit man sure let me just get my wallet- EAT SHIT"

iirc she recovered, sewed her face back on

What the fuck is going on there? Why is he trying to fight a truck?

is he kill?


hey man, nice shot


this is why I need to get a gun for self defense

fucking niggers

you never know when someone might try to fuck you over

Holy shit, are they in fucking prison now?

>rekt thread?
>gore thread!

who are they?

Colombian military

you're not wrong, last seconds of his life he tries to kick the truck
>inb4 ram pun

I absolutely want this link with audio .

looking way more professional than los zetas and all the other nigga shit we see here


are they trying to behead them or are they just whacking away at their bodies?


I think both

one of the quicker gang beheadings atleast.

you know this videos, from dicovery channel? where monkeys try to use tools? now you know the answer i guess



and much scarier somehow at least for me. just like "we will find you and kill you". done. not behave like a bunch of wild niggers that seems to have no clue about of what they are doing


dude, i respect your efford. but you will fight a lonely fight

Ahh I see, thanks user

good thing dude on the right's a giant pussy or else they might've gotten away with it

what a hero
calm and quick reaction,
using his meaty body to shield the chick



I often wonder if wrestling sucked less back in the day or I was just dumber


Hahahahahahaha. Serves you right for being a thieving scumbag!

After they slapped her face back on.

mundo goes where he pleases

i accidentally your whole face

Damn how did you find that? Also I wonder if they popped her eye back in or cut it out

that... makes me really happy. that she might be able to live a normal life after that horrible ordeal.

As long as it wasn't completely cut then she would have still had vision

nerve gas?

Definitely nerve gas.

If only his giant Dumbo ears could have floated his dumbass to safety.


liquid nerve gas?

johnny blaze here to flame on


that's like everything on this board?

How do you fuck up an assassination that badly?

what happened here?


If there is one, haven't found it

Something to do with nerve gas

Hostage situation in Bolivia. All 3 suspects ended up dying, but one of the police officers fucked up and killed a hostage.
It's a new video. Should still be on homepage of LiveLeak if you need more info.

Oh Baby


Hostage Situation 101: How to Kill your Hostages Without Harming the Perp

well I mean they're a military
what do you expect them to look like?

Ah, i see. I've never seen that one before, most videos in these threads i have seen at least once.

"Get me our best sniper!"

"Greg's on vacation, Chief"

"Fuck. Then get me Jackson!"

"He has cataracts, sir"


>shoot hostage
Joke's on you idiot, now you CAN'T kill them!!1 Whatcha gonna do now sucker?!!

sooooo...horses dont swim???


So senpai swallows too?

You can lead 'em to water.
Can't make 'em swim.

whats the story with this nerve gas? Is he shooting it with the can on the end of the gun? And who is dying?