Ok let's try to have a civil and ON TOPIC conversation here. I am a Canadian...

Ok let's try to have a civil and ON TOPIC conversation here. I am a Canadian, and i would like someone to list for me what trump has actually accomplished in the time since he was elected. No "he created jobs" answers, actually explain HOW / WHERE he created jobs. Try to link primary sources, ex instead of linking fox or NYT, link their cited sources.

At all times, be polite. I know most Americans right now don't agree on anything trump did, but insults and vaulgar language get us nowhere. Now more than ever you need to work together if america is to survive.

* he managed not to fuck up the job growth trajectory from the previous administration

* he managed not to repeal Obamacare

* he managed not to replace Obamacare

* he managed not to get funding for The Wall

* he managed to start asking for a fence

* he managed to say it isn't needed on the entire border

* he managed not to fuck up the trajectory of growth in the economy from the previous administration

* he managed not to appoint a special prosecutor to LOCK HER UP

* he managed not to protect social security from cuts

* he managed not to protect medicaid from cuts

* he managed not to leave NAFTA

* he managed not to leave NATO

* he managed not to call China an enemy for currency manipulation

the list goes on and on.

In summary, he hasn't gotten a single piece of legislation passed to make good on a single campaign promise

>HOW / WHERE he created jobs

he kept Ford from moving jobs to Mexico

(Ford just moved those jobs to China)

>HOW / WHERE he created jobs

He got Carrier to agree to keep jobs in Indiana.

(Carrier just eliminated those jobs in Indiana....after getting a HUGE tax break that didn't require them to keep the jobs)


Google it, retard.

>* he managed not to fuck up the trajectory of growth in the economy from the previous administration

muh economy

Canadian ... your opinions are invalid.

Stock market is up 17%, illegal immigration is down 70%, a 49 y.o. originalist on the Supreme Court, heaps of conservative lower court appointees, the Travel Ban, reversing most of NOBLAME's regulations.

Trump has been in office for six months. There is yet time to get stuff done. Predictions are premature.

Hey! Another Canadian

I'm not trying to impose an opinion, I'm simply seeking better understanding of my wayward brothers down south.

>Stock market is up 17%,

objectively, unambiguously incorrect

down 70%? wait how exactly was that accomplished? Last stat I saw said 40% of all illegal immigrants were mexican, so even if he got rid of 100% of mexican illegals, where did the other 30% come from?

she is making all of it up. just look at the stock market claim. completely incorrect. it's all lies.

Op here, i actually really like this answer. As long as he actually accomplishes nothing, america might make it out ok.


Fucked up isis


That's capitalism in a nutshell. As long as it's cheaper else-ware, it'll be done else-ware. Why don't they just tax anything coming into the USA from china to make outsourceing less appealing?

another shitpost, here we go again

yes, exactly. he is a eunuch. his agenda is dead in the water, all because of self inflicted wounds and unforced errors.

Because the cost will be passed on to the consumer.

oh yeah, that's another promise he hasn't delivered on - import taxes

I wanted to hear their justification of their own remarks. I'm genuinely curious about their thought process.
I'm waiting patently, if you are so inclined.

oh hi there :D

So he's on par with Obama?
>passed a watered down republican healthcare bill
>Gitmo is still open
>Afghanistan still has US troops
>Race relations some how worse
>Wealth disparity still getting worse

That is the one promise i've heard that makes any kind of sense, assuming they don't fuck it up. I was thinking myself create tax brackets with a cap, so people who get 100% of their crap made overseas pay a higher percent than people who get 90% or 80% etc made overseas, down to a certain threshold. Then slowly and regularly adjust it to pressure companies to move more jobs back home over time


fair enough. It might just be a "have your cake and eat it" scenerio and we'll have to come to terms with what keeping jobs local means. Prices could be aided with increased automation, so we can manufacture locally but still have low costs, but it would take time for sure.

George W Bush's 5th term...

>>passed a watered down republican healthcare bill


bad memory? or just lying?

The issue (aside from the US being a propaganda factory manned by two factions of chittering monkeys who take what was once the most powerful and respected country in the world and throw shit at each other while it burns) is that it's WAY too early to tell what effect most of this is having. The stock markets spiking could be in anticipation of a great business genius pulling America up by its bootstraps... or it could just be a response to massive de-regulation that is going to fuck up their population and infrastructure in the long run. As for the bills and whatnot, most of those don't have an immediate effect, either--they need to pass through a system of checks and balances before they even start to do anything, and often the effects won't really be felt for years, or even decades in the case of shit like education reform.

Well, you know, that's normally the case. Trump clearly has a shitty, corrupt administration, so the up-swing he's seeing now is most likely the same as the continued nose-dive that Obama saw his first year or so while his administration laid the groundwork to fix the mess he was left with.

>passed a watered down republican healthcare bill
Woah wait what, link the republican bill please. I understand you to imply the republican bill is better (unlikely) or had more stuff in it (completely against everything I understand about republican "small government" views). Please enlighten me

>Gitmo is still open
THIS! FINALLY A REAL POINT> Obama even disclosed his regrets on this. Turns out after you teach people that this place is for the "worst of the worst of the worst" it's hard to move the inmates out of it and into american back yard prisons. Noone wants terrorists in a prison near them. Complicated issue outside the scope of this thread, but nice to see it brought up.
>Race relations some how worse
And religious tensions, and divisions between parties, and any other way in which a country can divide itself. This is not a failure of obama (first black president = good step for america imo, symbolically at least) but a symptom of the death of intolarance in america. The USA is too diverse and fragmented to survive if people can't learn to accept each other and tolerate each other, it will tear america apart if left unchecked.
>Wealth disparity still getting worse
Obama tried to talk about the wage gap, but was accused of class warfare. IF you can find a way to tackle this issue you could probably get a noble peace prize at this point. The current president probably doesn't even know what the wealth disparity is so I wouldn't expect change soon.

Because the US owes China a hell of alot of money, remember who we borrowed money from to keep the government afloat???

None of this has any sources or information to back it up. I would appreciate if you could pick a few points, and flesh them out a bit more with some references or citations.

Actually I think this went pretty well, so far. Not that much shit posting and I have yet to be called a fag.


Correction, the death of TOLERANCE, or the rise of intolerance. I double-negatived myself there.

The terrible spelling and typos alone show that this was probably made by the orange dingus himself. But then again, some of the words are a bit too complex for the half-sentient turnip. More likely a Trumpeteer.

Not going to lie, I hate hillary. I hate her almost as much as trump. They are both terriable candidates. Only difference is hillary's incompotence was made obvious (eg: emails on home server) much earlier on than trumps incompetence's (eg: not knowing what the nonsecular triad is, not knowing what having a third party manage his business during his term means). They are both horrible and you'd probably be just as fucked either way. I feel sorry for america.

Not really relevant to the topic nor constructive to the discussion I'm afraid.

They're both terrible candidates, but I think Trump is just the kick in the balls the country needs to get us to start putting up better candidates.

Lets not forget the most important thing he has accomplished! He blocked crooked Hillary from making everything worse! And the 70% drop in illegal border crossing , and the over 1500 arrest made with child and sextrafficing (more than obama in 8 years) , he did block thee tpp , he didnt give away billions to other countrys in the climate treaty , he has already spent 1 trillion less than obama had at this same point , he put a freeze on goverment hirings , he saved millions on airforce one , he saved millions on the f35 , and oh yeah he made america great again ! Im pretty sure all these anti trump posts are fromm cnn schills trying to fight back . Maybe if you could get nick at night banned you could move up a spot !





first shitpost in this thread

I cannot understand how ignorant the most of you all are
He wanted a "civil an on topic" conversation and mostly all of you are just shitposting summerfags which jump on the "trumphate train"
Plox stop shitposting and really think about what he does to america and what not
As evil as he might be, it is not all complete bullshit what he does.
Even hitler did something good so reflect open minded and go to summerschool

see comments about 70% here >arrest made with child and sextrafficing
Awesome if it happened, happen to have a link/reference?
>give away billions to other countrys in the climate treaty
This is objectively wrong. The Paris agreement HAS NO CLAUSE FOR FINES OR PAYMENTS of any type. It is a formal "pinkey swear" between countries, that say they will set some kind of goal to reduce CO2 output. There is no timeline, nothing is enforced, there are no fees or fines or anything. Only thing the USA had to do is set ANY GOAL IT CHOOSES (1 tonne is a goal. A small and meaningless one but it is a goal) and then try to accomplish it, as well as meet up every few years to reflect on how well they did. It cost nothing. It harmed noone.

And Trump left it.

This is an anti-accomplishment that benifits noone and is to the detriment of the planet and everyone on it (incliding trump).

>already spent 1 trillion less than obama had at this same point
Cool if it happened, got a link or reference?
>he saved millions on airforce one
A stat I saw said in 6 months he spent 10 million on travel to and back from Florida. Obama's average yearly travel expenses was 12 million. Trump seems to be spending much more, would you care to clarify?
>he saved millions on the f35
There is no concievable thing he could have possible done that would do this, besides canceling orders, which would "save money" in a sense. Last I heard he was INCREASING military budget not lowering it, so i do beg how exactly is he accomplishing what you suggest?
>made america great again
Caution citation needed.
>Im pretty sure all these anti trump posts are fromm cnn schills trying to fight back . Maybe if you could get nick at night banned you could move up a spot !
Nope, just genuinely curious if anything was accomplished yet that redeems his less flattering qualities.

Trump is easily the best president of the modern world. He makes billions of dollars for news agencies and entertainment networks, brings jobs to america, and stopped a lot of wasteful government spending. We finally have a president people are talking about.

go to /po/, they'll be happy to answer you

Can't think of a decent argument? Might as well insult his looks and intelligence!

>brings jobs to america
Which jobs? Where? How did he accomplish this thing?
>stopped a lot of wasteful government spending
Like what exactly? Getting rid of the affordable care act hasn't happened yet, and that isn't exactly wasteful when it benefits millions of Americans. Was there something else he cut?

I cant even begin to address the turd log of misinformation you coughed up. Let's start with some of those though --- blocking TPP did nothing of value to the US, it was a big payoff to China and Russia and India. All those SE Asian countries will just cut trade deals with those 3 countries. Saving millions on the F35?? Wrong...that program is still on and Congress just funded it by additional billions. Know why Obama spent a trillion at this point in his Presidency? Because the previous guy handed him a country deep in recession and hemorrhaging 800,000 jobs a month. You know that freeze on government hirings he did....it means the State Dept literally has almost no personnel. And every employee you lack over there means the military needs to buy more guns and bombs to deal with the consequences.

Sup Forums are such cock suckers that they could fall in a pit on titties and come out with a dick in their mouth.

Nice trips. Bad comment.