I'm a schizophrenic psychopath, AMA

I'm a schizophrenic psychopath, AMA

Mr. President, you shouldn't be on here.

Shameless self bump

>Mr. President, you shouldn't be on here.
he only tweets, but this bitch has shills still working here

What do you mean by psychopath? Because as you know, psychopath isn't a real thing in the dsm.

I'm not a trump guy, but that image gave me a chuckle.

I've been told by many psychologists that I show traits that can only be described as "psychopathic" however, one cannot be diagnosed with psychopathy

What type of schizophrenia?

>Someone told me that I am special. AMA
Cool. I am member of Mensa. AMA

Sorry for late reply, I'm lurking that dead body b8 thread. Paranoid schitzophrenia, mostly voices etc. with the feeling of being constantly watched, I don't see shit or anything like that

Did you know the cutoff for mensa is only like 130? Doesn't that seem really low to you?

Are you happy?

No. I feel an emptiness that can't be filled, as fucken gay as that sounds. I don't seek companionship or anything, but it's more the constant need for thrills, sex, playing people like I play poker (heavy gambler) etc. i also find that my wants for objects is a gap I can't fill. So do I feel happy? No, but it's something I've come to accept

Only time I seek relationship is really only to prove my worth to someone, or just have someone that praises me/thinks I'm the best in the world

>No. I feel an emptiness that can't be filled, as fucken gay as that sounds. I don't seek companionship or anything, but it's more the constant need for thrills, sex, playing people like I play poker (heavy gambler) etc. i also find that my wants for objects is a gap I can't fill. So do I feel happy? No, but it's something I've come to accept

So your only positive feeling in your life is the thrill, the adrenaline rush? Would you step over the boundaries of the law without a second thought to get these thrills? They are harder to reach, I mean you want to go more hardcore stuff to get the same excitement?

I'm sorry. Although i know that provides no comfort. Instinct.

I would recommend you seek companionship. I know you just said you don't seek it. But a man can think they're not hungry until they smell or taste something delicious.

I've found I have to reach further boundaries to get the same rush, so yes I have breached the law many a times, when I was a youth it was graffiti, selling drugs etc. then it went to joining a gang, etc. I can greentext if you'd like but that's the general sort of jist of it. I do things that would be worse ethically now, some law breaking some not, but I make it seperate to my work life

Have you ever felt sorrow?

I have had many relationships, they fall apart once I get bored, then once I've manipulated them to the point that I can get nothing more out of them, I leave them, sometimes not even leaving, just Never breaking up with them and not talking to them for cheap torment. So I'm not sure it's my thing

My father died when I was 11, I showed sorrow to not look out of place, Didn't actually feel the emotion though, never bothered to show the emotion again. It doesn't really get you much to be honest

I don't mean sexual partners, i mean friends. It is likely that you'll have difficulty in finding people who entertain you long term, but they exist. Especially if you seek out such people with no ulterior motive but to be stimulated by them intellectually.

Not to suggest you should stop doing that altogether. It is amusing after all. But it is helpful for certain classes of humans we make relationships with.

I've had one friend that I would say I didn't manipulate, her name was myffy. I can't say I felt love, cared about her. She was pretty, I'd have sex with her, but I can't say I cared about her, although she didn't feel the same towards me, in fact I always thought she was a psychopath which helped. We only talked for the sole purpose of intellectual debate and things. But I don't think I'm gonna be friends with her for much longer, I think she has become bored of me. Which is fair, still, a good friendship while it lasted. Only one I think I'll ever have

I'm a schizophrenic with signs of ADP classifying me as a sociopath. AMA

By "she didn't feel the same" I mean she didn't care about me either. Typo, she felt the same

where's the dead body thread? Can't find it.

404'd. It was probably b8 anyway