I was just thinking

I was just thinking...
There are four living former Presidents (two Democrats and two Republicans) as well as the sitting President. None of them support Donald Trump. That's called bipartisanship.
Perhaps America should pay attention to the people who actually know what the job entails.

>Perhaps America should pay attention to the people who actually know what the job entails.
Perhaps I don't give a flip what any of those four shitters think about anything, because except Bush, Sr., they're all morons, and Senior is a little cobwebbed these days.

>"what the job entails"

Did these presidents do what the job entails?

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the imperial big nose pharacees khazar inbred supremacist kikes like trump way too much... he is an agent provocateur like the crypto sephardi Hitler, who created the controlled opposition known as nazis to assist the zionist goal of herding jews to the globalist banker invented pseudo country named israel/palestine

all while justifying and normalizing the demonization of several gentile butterheaded stupid blondes and fat soulless gingers considered roundfaced PIEfaced proto indo european trash by the bird faced and rat faced imperial ethnocratic oligarchy dominating and raping all indigenous groups into a world full of half kikes tainted with several genetic defects from their inbred sires and leading to a genetic drift that will cause genetic bottleneck

I was just thinking...
There are four living successful MKULTRA subjects (two Democrats and two Republicans) as well as the sitting successful MKULTRA subject. None of them support Donald Trump.
That's called mind control.
Perhaps America should pay attention to the people who actually survived the encounter with the deep state and know what the job entails.


>arguing in favor of aristocracy
Never change, liberals

Because shit is going so well after them?

From left to right:
>Crooked Hillary's skeleton
>gibs me dat
>what was that? when's the early bird special?

they all sucked and they all have conducted insider trading using the government to manipulate the markets

all it takes are statements made about this or that and the people on wall street respond. knowing a bill is in the works that will affect a industry and the media isnt talking about it is a advantage

the bush adminstration deregulated natural gas and paved the way for fracking and obama expanded natural gas power plant usage nationally

you think they didnt make money of that shit?

>Globalist cucks who spent their terms selling out America
Sounds more like a Trump endorsement to me

Freedombro, freedombro!!

What was the highest number of former POTUS to be alive at the same time?

>2 of them got their family member/puppet bullied out of the race by Don
>black democrat
>wife is running for president, democrat nominee

I bet Nixon would have backed trump.

You are right, we should listen to these mafia heads, war criminals.

We wouldn't want to effect their legacy and plans.

After all they did the job so well.

At the risk of samefagging, here are some other historical americans I think who would have supported Trump.
>John Adams
>Alexander Hamilton
>Andrew Jackson
>Curtis Lemay
>George Patton

I argue that Carter is irrelevant, I think history has shown he did far more in office than he was given credit for.
>Peanut Farmer
Yeah before that he was a nuclear engineer in the navy under Rickover, he only took over the farm after his dad died. Plus peanut farmers are rich as hell. Ask any Georgian .

They don't want Trump to make them look like idiots. But Trump will.

>We have a new meme

I was just thinking...
There are four living former lawyers turned career politicians elected through a fraudulous system (two Democrats and two Republicans) as well as the sitting muslim sympathizer. None of them support the God Emperor. That's called pitching a crybaby fit.
Perhaps the United States waking up to the type of leader they should have been electing all along.

>his son got rekt by Trump; is also the very model of republican establishment, and is having flashbacks to 1979/80
>ultimate democrat, Trump is republican so yah
>Trump rekt his brother; also, Trump is running as the anti-him
>his wife is running against Trump so yah
>ancient pinko

You understand that Trump is winning because he's anti-establishment right???

Anyone from the 1900's and back would support Trump, though not fully. He isn't a god fearing Englishman, but he is running against a woman.