Hey, i just triforce'd with this little trick

Hey, i just triforce'd with this little trick.

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Good job

Is this harmful? I want to do this but im scared

omg my computer fucked up, thanks op now im in trouble


hey im he one who made this post, it worked!!! thanks Op! i was a newfag and i did not know how to triforce.


Thx it worked lol xdddddd

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Wow thanks it worked!


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▲▲ Hung up all of you little fagots

How about YOU open up notepad and go fuck yourself?

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lol tanks it works!

I just opened the note pad lol


you all suck shit


no is fine, dont be scared bby


▲ ▲
Wow now I dont feel like a newfag!


am I doing it right Sup Forums?





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Did it work?

how do i do it with a mac?

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lets see....

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trying again





卐 卐

It worked for me

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Newfags can't try frocce

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Lol xddddd

nothing i find on the internets work...



did i win?


i can't seem to do the invisible spaces

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yeah dude it's fine. it works for me





Behold newfags, the copy pastable triforce!
឴ ឴ ឴▲
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឴ ឴ ឴▲
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hey it works


឴ ឴ ឴▲
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឴ ឴ ឴▲
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Wow thanks OP!

឴ ឴▲
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You can't deny my powers.

឴ ឴▲
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឴ ឴ ឴▲
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Holly shiy

Ikr nov ii kan siy i'om ar now fig xddd
឴ ឴ ឴▲
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i can do it


yay first triforce been here since 2012 at least

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aparantly you hold no power over me, cause its really how it displays here.
But really id just like to understand why it displays differently on non windows os

឴ ឴ ឴▲
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Thanks OP

okay mayber now

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឴ ឴ ឴▲
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Stand back and let a pro show you how it's done

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This. I am phone posting and all I see are circles.

pro boy, tell me why it does this?


Thanks OP! Did I do it right?

i wonder why it does this differently on other os, i'll try different browsers.

឴ ឴ ឴▲
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Thanks, OP!

Thanks. Now I can triforce just like an oldfag now!
▲ ▲

▲▲ Wow this is really cool!

▲▲ Did I do it?

឴ ឴ ឴▲
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thanks OP

I can confirm that it does not work with Microsoft Edge
>inb4 why are you using Microsoft Edge

឴ ឴ ឴▲
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឴ ឴ ឴▲
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you you newfags

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why are you using microsoft edge?

well doesn't work either on a mac with firefucks

>inb4 why are you using a mac

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you are all retarded

឴ ឴឴ ឴▲
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឴ ឴ ឴▲
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why are you using a mac?

New fags

for work

឴ ឴឴ ឴▲
▲឴ ឴▲

឴ ឴ ឴111▲
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fucking newfags

Deleting system32
What could go wrong?

No b/ro the ones who del sys 32 are retarded fucking kids now in days I bet they can't even rebuild a MBR