Hye Sup Forumsros thinking of committing Sudoku and was wondering what everyone thought would be the best way ?

Hye Sup Forumsros thinking of committing Sudoku and was wondering what everyone thought would be the best way ?

With a pen, like a man. Don't write down any of the numbers unless you can verify that it's the only possibility.

I usually work my way around the edges and go from there.

If you do post pics or it didn't happen

Don`t, life has more to give you my friend.

Not if you can't figure out a sudoku.


car in garage-->hose from exhaust into slightly opened window-->a/c off, idle engine--> monoxide poisoning assures a painless death

How does that work committing a number game?

Why do we always have to have these threads?
One of these days I'm going to track you wankers down and pressgang you into my Legion of the Damned so we can all go off and be the memetic mercenaries in Africa, where we legit shot some nog in a socially acceptable and financially lucrative manner and regain a taste for life while removing it from the unworthy.

How's that sound, Sup Forumsros?

like a bad company of depressed fucks?
nice idea, but i doubt it´s effectiveness in combat

Fourth rib down, left side near the sternum, 8-inch blade angled toward the center. Nobody comes back from that

there'd have to be some serious Full Metal Jacket shit going on beforehand, but I think it could work, Tropic Thunder style.


last option recomendation !!

1. go with you closest friend/ family (he cannot be retarded or mean)

2. say you wanna change you life

3. prepare good. take food, shelter and what ever is necessary with you.

4. take shrooms or other powerful psychedelic such as LSD,DMT Or 2cdb.

5. go back home and, learn, absorb, and become a better person.

Ps:reccomend mushrooms ( lifes medicine)!
it will give you answers and guidance..

taking drugs to get life straightened... topkek might aswell just anhero straightaway
if you really wanna change something, focus on career and the relationships you have or want to build and stay far away from everything that numbs the mind, including drugs and frequent use of media


Not OP, but thank you very much. Feel ready

. . .
I seriously don't know why this sort of this doesn't already exist. Many of us here on the edge who've lost the taste for life have a churning undercurrent of rage & angst we're tired of constantly having to fight off. And, potentially, the most dangerous sort of person is someone who has no fucks left to give & fears the non fatal wound while welcoming the fatal.

this is obviously somone who cant do that on teir own... and for some terapi work great to get things back on track, for some not. compounds such as psilocybin can help change the way you think about things for the better.

Join army and die in the battlefiend LIKE A TRUE MAN

yeah, after some psyfag said that depression was just internalised rage, so what's the harm in letting it all out for a good cause?

Who wants to die for Israel? GTFO, join our legion instead and make some moolah while being unconstrained by the Geneva convention and shit.

I think it's far more complicated than that, depression/rage - chicken/egg; but the world is ALWAYS in need of culling...

Except cars don't give off lethal doses of CO any more. Best you're going to achieve with this is permanent brain damage.

OP if you want a legit answer, google helium exit bag.

You'r rigth, FUCK JEWS. I was thinking to join my army this year.

implying op has top recent car, also, yes they do, even with low co levels the mix of co and co2 is easily enough to off yourself with modern cars

i like an app for my sudokus

Need to get tanks that are 90-100% helium, birthday party type helium tanks are only like 50%.

don't do it.

you think you're getting better at it, but then you realize you take 30 minutes to do one puzzle every fucking time

Do it fag