So white "men," how did that whole selective breeding thing work out for you?

So white "men," how did that whole selective breeding thing work out for you?

Other urls found in this thread:'

Black men are being bleached by white evil women all over the world now.
The offspring get raised by a white guilt woman and learn to hate themselves.
This is our new selective breeding >:)

It's great for our women.

sendvid com/7ndxptn5

Pretty good
Slave owners made billions of dollars and now theyre making billions more off the prisions
Police kill niggers everyday and never see a day in jail and niggers stay uneducated and poor

>blacks breed with white women.
>make halfie babies.
>black inevitably abandons white woman and halfie spawn.
>halfie grows up without father, learns to despise blacks.
>breeds with white women in retaliation.
>simultaneously breeding out black genes over time, whilst creating future generations of black hating children.
>thanks for doing yoir part to save the world d'shaun'dron.

So faggot op. How did spamming this thread go?

>Woo Hoo

sendvid com/tfdz1cm8

very good.

One question.
Let's assume white women do crave bbc for sake of argument. If the shoe was on the other foot where black women were craving white cocks left and right would that be any different? Or is it the fact that white women are allegedly being "conquered" by black men that make all the difference? I am genuinely curious so please explain what the difference is.

>muh IQ

more than IQ

>when you're so stupid as a race even our women treat you like pets

Pretty good

ffs John, get a life


Pretty well.


It was a bad idea to breed the intelligence out of the black slave, as now we have an endless stock of savage retards. Understandable why they wanted compliant livestock, but my god, to have to feed and house all of these parasites now... it's just terrible.

The post smells of inferiority who the fuck posts asking how people feel about your false relationship




They think we care about the white sluts. I think it's mainly bait, targeting eugenics fags. But I think it also targets virgins so that they'll feel jealous? I honestly have no idea.



Grea, my wife isn't Nigger lover like that slut

Whitebois are even starting to dig it

Why wouldn't they? Nothing is hotter than watching the white skin of a beautiful female be pressed up against and used by a black man.

making daddy angry face all over

Lol that's what all white women say. she's just saying that to spare your feelings.

>He unironically thinks black have been or could have been selectively bread
Lol, cucks are retarded.

I wish a girl would do this to me! I'd love it.

Partially true. Most blacks these days with rough upbringings blame they're struggles on the whites. They look past having no father figure, living in a poor community and think the white people held them down.

Literally every white chick posted in this thread is ugly or looks washed.

Yes, I suppose you're right. Regardless, a constant breeding into an excessively white populace will do away with the black race over time.


yep. thereĀ“s little niggers overall in the whole populace.

Wish I could agree bro. But really, I believe the worst idea. Mixed kids never accept or are proud to have white blood. And that goes with any mix. Asian, black, Latino. Being a minority or whatever is "cool" once you mix anything with white, you don't look white anymore. You get mulatto niggers, white kids with chinky olive shaped eyes, or Hispanic looking white kids witn nappy hair.

Indeed. And as it becomes more socially acceptable to breed with the white women we deem intellectually and socially inadequate, the rate of black to white will become predominately higher than black to black, whilst white to white will remain relatively unchanged. White women were breed over generations with intelligence and beauty in mind. Whilst black women were bred for labor, i.e. why they're usually mongoloidishly ugly, unless their ancestors bred with whites at one point or another. Therefore, black attraction to relatively inferior white breeding stock will simply increase as their african bloodline becomes diluted, whilst we simultaneously take the unterfrauline off the market. It's rather beautiful really.

sendvid com/dev1wxg8

kill yourself :)

sendvid com/jvvy222m

It should be okay if they at least get the black dick genes

I find it has little to do with proud, and more to do with base instinct. These mixed race children may not be proud of their white blood, but they regardless were the outcome of their fathers attraction to white breeding stock, who subsequently more than likely bore the same disdain for the white populace, yet bred within it regardless. Therefore, their offspring will inevitably posses the same attraction or more. Their ideals are not withstanding, their sexual drive is.

Proof that time travel is impossible: No one's gone back and stopped our ancestors from importing niggers and ruining western civilization.

Alternatively, it's possible that whites were on the cusp of time travel, but their university was overrun my token Jamals who sabotaged the project and bitched until that grant money went to fund more Afro-Centric Studies courses.


while you jackoff to anime girls
we're gonna go get bleached

do blacks even understand how many white people live in America?

Please, PLEASE let this user die in excruciating pain of inoperable brain cancer.


you got more..ehm..PORN???

fucking faggots

Pretty good, so well in fact superior that white cucks like with bestiality fetishes can exist with no real threat to the race.

What shoes is the nigger wearing?

Black boys are more likely to:

>be obese
>have diabetes
>die of hear disease
>get cancer

than white men. Also, white men are, on average, taller than black boys.


Be careful that it does not turn against you




>Still cuckposting long after the joke became cancer
Fuck off, white women hate niggers.

We can't dunk for shit, tho

>B...but muh BLACKED pornstars
It's hard to even get porn stars to fuck blacks, they normally have to be tempted in with the promise of larger salaries lmao.

Niggerrrrr. All this does is spark a bigger hatred. The fire rises

Cuckfag genocide when?


But (of course) you missed the point completely...

>pretends to be white

The worst white women breed out of their race, but the best black women breed out of theirs lmao.
No sympathy. Burn the coal, pay the toll.

Haha white women are well aware of how much white men are threatened by black men. i've dated girls who swore up and down they wouldn't date and nigger and come to find out the did either before me or after me. anyone whose actually dated would know that, but that's only like 5% of Sup Forums.

White guys beat their wives all the fuckin time.

Hahahaha clams to be genetically superior as a mixed bread black man. Only dates and wants to bread with pure bread white wemon.

Sure...sure. I """""believe""""" you.

Following up on this one. I almost feel bad for blacks...almost.

Niggers are over-represented relative to their population numbers in every single violent crime.

I mean even top tier black women want whit cock, and the makes black """men""" pretty angry.

rap music is all about killing people and selling drugs, and being a violent degenerate. women love bad boys. that includes white women.

>Driving under the influence
I was a little surprised by that one, then I realised it's probably because niggers can't afford cars.
>Different niggress
>Same angry blacks.


Nuff said.


Notice how the cuck only has BLACKED and other porn, along with some shopped pictures no doubt taken from a Tumblr dedicated to his gay fetish.


Oh wow, I've not seen that one before.


no balls??

what about this one?

u mad? stay mad.'
in another thread. means -nothing- though.
all in all....does the porndumpster wants to say anything??

>Trash tier woman
As predicted.

I feel like they're normal sized balls that aren't in proportion with his mammoth dong

so DAMN mad. them statistics.


That's just weird.

see you need to be a little more sophisticated in your analysis. IR rates are rising, and this is happening in lieu of said statistics. that's terrible news for cucks. it says that white women are desperately trying to rid themselves of white men.



can't stop a coalburner, all you can do is shun them and if you ever found out the woman you were dating was one you dump her immediately.
disown your daughter if need be.

why are you posting hate crime pictures??

>gold diggers all around and athletes can't seem to realize this

Actually wanting to have mixed kids that will look nothing like you. How pathetic.


niggers have brains?