Controlled opposition vs cult leader, who wins?

Controlled opposition vs cult leader, who wins?

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Regardless, Venezuala has already lost.

Mercenaries 2 was a good game.

the one who has an argument

Steph's just the new Plato, he'll be executed in 20 years spurring a great resurgence in the United States

BPS controlled opposition?

Because he stated that Trump is not fit to be President?

the dank digits

pigeon videos are better, shorter, awsome editing

both are based, but I prefer pigeon's aproach to communicating

Stefan does a good job regurgitating stuff he read on Chateau Heartiste (about women and society) and on Sup Forums (about politics, racial realism, current events, multiculturalism, etc.)

Pigeon seems like a con artist trying to cash in on what he perceives as an underexploited market demand for this kind of media. Probably to buy more LSD.

They serve different purposes

Molyneux does very long detailed videos. They're designed for people who are at least already somewhat redpilled and go over arguments and counter-arguments. The basic point of them is to arm people like us with facts, stats, etc so that we can argue our points when a liberal defends refugees or whatever else.

BPS's does short dense videos. They're well-edited and flashy. At the same time, they take a fairly moderate stance and don't start slamming people with hatefacts right from the get-go. The purpose of BPS videos is to redpill the normies. They provide easy to watch bite-sized redpills for the casual masses.

The LSD video was indeed fucking odd. I don't have a problem with its content per se, but I don't understand why it was on that channel. It's a complete nonsequitur and has absolutely nothing to do with the overall theme that the rest of his videos have.

It'd be like a video game let's play channel suddenly doing a video about aftermarket accessories for your AR-15.

>probably to buy more lsd

Please don't bully Stef

I remember a channel where that exact thing happened. I couldn't find it if I tried though

Socrates was executed not Plato, but what should be expected from a Stefanbot

>handy redpill videos
>controlled opposition


Doesn't a person have to be charismatic to be a cult leader?

Hi, Steve.

I've been watching Stefan everyday for months now. He's the first thing I watch when I get home from work. Is he brain washing me?

Haven't watched that video yet but it seems to me like he jumped the gun with showing something he's presumably passionate about before he's built any kind of personal connection with his audience. At least do a couple "personal blog" type of videos first man.

His guests are entertaining. Especially that anti trump fag recently

Yeah, that guy was fucking great. It's always good to see the perspective of an anti-trumper who's fully bought into the media narrative.

there has been lots of discussion here about the quality of his videos, many believe that it is just not possible for the videos to come out so quickly without funding from third parties, that's where the "controlled opposition" thing comes from

I sort of like Stef, but I can't help but feel he is a bit disingenious when he slips in the stuff about not spanking your children.

The fact is that spank or not spank, there is no scientific proof that it alters your children in any way.

BPS has awesome videos, but I feel he is trying to style himself as a sort of "leader" of some "movement". Its implied in his name; Black Pigeon, Speaks! as if he's a sort of prophet.

In his most recent video, at one point in the video he shows a comment of his being highly upvoted and downvote. Its as if to point out that there is a fight between he and others, and that he is slightly coming our on top.

not to mention the quality of some of his arguments backing up generally white wing concepts and then completely de-legitimising himself with bullshit like his video on LSD

Freudian slip

Then again, no one really knows the truth.

There is not a single argument in this thread.

I have only watched one video from Molyneux, the one about Scandinavian countries - and he couldn't be more wrong.

Who the fuck is the pigeonfag

Not an argument

>Controlled Opposition

Fuck off. Can anyone explain how Black Pigeon is controlled opposition?

I also noticed the production quality is very high and the vids come out to fast

I just saw that he had a video on OPENING UR MIND WITH LSD xD


Some youtuber that posts high quality right-wing videos scaringly quickly.

Link me his best, most important and most accurate video then.

Read this very thread and find out.

All his content centers around emotion and getting people riled up. I don't think it's very good quality. I still watch him, but I disagree with him on a lot of things.

Serious production quality too.
Yeah he's probably a shill.

Getting people riled up may be a good thing at this point. The way I look at BP is that he is red pill lite. He's good at red pill normies which is what we need. I actually showed my manager one of his videos and my manager is now becoming more and more red pilled everyday, in fact all we talk about now is red pill stuff.

There are better red pill videos out there for sure, but BP is good for the normies.

The cult leader is slowly getting red pilled, but it's happening. If the cult leader joins our ranks, he will bring his cult with him making him a most powerful ally. One day he will be standing next to Richard Spencer.

I'm not too sure about BPS.


Stefan is already dude. He just can't straight up make a video about certain things because YouTube will shut it down

How much has Stef's subscriber base grown over the past few months?
I honestly don't quite remember him having so many subs

Not an argument.

real hero coming through, get on my level, plens

Well, it started a couple years ago, but I don't feel like he's developed enough. Maybe it's because he's only showing us his 'tamer' politics.

kek, someone should make a "this is nice argument" or "this is not argument" with bury pink

he's alright.
didn't enjoy his kikestarter shilling so much, but steph was like that too.

You only win once you beat both sides and end up in the middle.

He can't really go full 1488 considering that most of his viewer base would reject it if he were so blunt about it
That's probably why he's subtly making his content shift more and more towards the right, without the viewers realizing it

Someone who wants people disarmed can't be in the middle. They are for big government intervention

He's an old school liberal socialist.

So a cuck? Leaving out that he is literally a cuck

so a big government fan

>cult leader
not an argument

>liberal socialist
>old school

you should really read some books about history and philosophy instead of making up retarded self-contradictory terms

There's literally nothing wrong with microdosing lsd.

Dude you're dead wrong about spanking.
Besides teaching your kid to listen to authority instead of logic (aka future Bern Vicitm) - studies show [1] spanking is not useful for long term compliance, and lowers IQ [3].

In conclusion do your homework ffs

Stefan is a nut but he does research for some of his videos like "Truth About X". Black pigeon is just really biased

>he has good production quality
>therefore shill

The lapses in judgement are amazing. Yes, he is able to make researched high-production-quality videos on a weekly basis. He never claims to work alone (he typically uses the term "we" when referencing to the people behind BPS videos). There are other people behind him, and maybe they have a ton of money and maybe they don't.

But the jump to "he's got funding therefore shill" is astounding. He regularly lampoons all the shit we do, and gives direct shout-outs to other alt-right people like Millennial Woes and Latsbrah. MW is a self-proclaimed white nationalist who regularly does google hangouts with all sorts of alt-right people, including the TRS goys. If he were controlled oppression, why would he be sending traffic over to MW and other white nationalists? It doesn't make any sense.

yeah, no thanks.

Black pigeon is a serious treat to watch. I don't agree with everything he says - but he has excellent excellent points. Man if all the ideologies out there are like a chinese buffet - and you wanna take what you want and leave the rest, then Black pigeon is the kind you go back for seconds. I feel the world would be a better place if more people had a strong ideological backbone like that.

I haven't seen any of Stefan's vids though.

His solo vids are kinda boring but he does bring interesting people sometimes. I don't agree with him all the time (maybe like 60%) but I do appreciate what he's doing.

The productions quality of BPS is mismatched granted but anyone who thinks the LSD video make this outcome necessary because anything but straight edge is degenerate is wrong


I think too many people are trying to subscribe to the best thing here - and really, some, none or all can like the LSD video or not. I particularly don't do LSD, have no real interest in that, and after watching the video I just move on. It was insightful information - not for me - but still interesting. There's always something to learn but that doesn't mean you have to subscribe or agree with it.

>tfw this morning I couldn't even decide which thread to join

God I hate that faggot Stefan's face so much, just want to punch is so bad. Self-important douchebag. Fuck that guy.

>Please don't bully Stef


are you saying you support him getting shot?

And what the fuck are you doing for the pursuit of truth other than shitposting on Sup Forums?