This guy and his friends have been making fun of me every chance they could for the past month now...

This guy and his friends have been making fun of me every chance they could for the past month now. So today at lunch i was just sitting in the corner and he threw an open milk at me so when he got up i snuck up in the crowd and i punched him as hard as i could in the back of the head. I tried to get away after but his friends got me. Security broke us apart before anything really happened though. My dad had to pick me up. Im scared about monday. What should I do? I have to show up I can't ditch. By the way I'm 18 im just in summer school. I've failed a few times

Hmmm this is a tough one. You cant ditch school on monday no matter what. Oherwise you will look like a pussy. Dont initiate anything and try to stay quiet during class and such, and if anyone comes up to you and tries to stat shit, punch them in the face. They gotta learn not to mess with you.Props for punching that guy in the back of the head! Cheers!

Alright man. I was hoping after i punched him they would leave me alone but they were fucking pissed

what user said

Bring a knife

If they try and jump you stab them

I don't want to stab anyone. I just don't want to fight anymore and be left alone

there could be a chance of organized retaliation depending on who they are and how they think of you. try your best not to go into an empty bathroom and stay around crowds to have witnesses

A punch to the face will do it.

My bro you only live once so dont regret this shit. Put all your might into that punch too, kid is a cunt and deserves it.

He'll tear up from having his nose punched then you can punch him in the chest or stomach (Stomach is more pussy-like) and blow the wind out of him.

No, the knife is only for insurance purposes.

Do you think there is a chance theyll just let me slide

Yeah bring a knife bro,just say you're not afraid of using it.

Wouldn't the knife make them more likely to attack me or what if they pull a knife

So youre saying i should just keep fighting until they leave me be?

Beta Uprising is the only option, trust me kid, ive been in school for way too long.

Have you tried that and did it work?

idk man, it really depends on how much they hate you and all that jazz.if they're trademark bullies, they would most likely mess around with you again but far worse. if your backed into a corner and theres simply no way out, go down swinging again, i'd suggest telling staff but from experience that never does anything

try a taser or pepper spray. it will hurt them enough to make them stop attacking you, but not enough to cause major harm.\

or just go in with a trench coat, fingerless gloves, and black beanie.

Looks like your best bet. Fight for your respect. Show you're not afraid. They think they got the upper hand on numbers, but if you're in public you got the people around at your side. Who doesn't want to see a comeback, a hero emerging?

Fight them Monday if anything happens. They won't fuck with you after that

Alright this actually doesn't sound to bad

Okay i would actually be okay using pepper spray

I was hoping they wouldn't fuck with me after i fought them today

Jesus Christ no don't bring a knife! This is summer school not prison.Look don't expect to be getting into another fight after you get back. A bunch of guys with pompadours and switchblades are not going to attack you. This is some classic shitty ass bullies in a school situation, and nothing else. Punch them in the face, or even better, punch or knee him square in the balls. It does not matter how touch a guy is, one good hit is enough to make him drop to the floor. Take it from the guy who has had to deal with bullies at his school for years, you don't need to go to crazy with your approach. All that needs to happen is that they need to realize that you are not someone to fuck around with. That punch to the head was good, and there is a good chance that they are not gonna fuck with you anymore because of it. Unfortunately, since most of the people in highschool are complete asshats, there is still a chance that they might still want to take there chances and decide to cause you more grief. Which brings me back to my original statement, punch him in the face, or knee him in the balls. Quick, clean, then walk away. If you keep fighting you could get in trouble with the school, but it looks much better if you deliver one or two quick blows then disengage. It is easier to convince the school that it was in self defense.

Another thing. Most bully's want to run their mouth before they fight. They want to talk about "how they are going to kick your ass" and "what a little bitch you are" etc etc.

My advice? No talk. As soon as they start talking about what they are going to do punch him in his fucking throat and run. Eventually they'll get tired of it.
If you can't run, punch throats and dicks as hard and fast as you can.

Dont start a fight but if he tries anything fight back, if you dont have enough trust bring pepper spray or a taser