Have you ever met a Trump hater that actually gave you reasons to dislike him...

Have you ever met a Trump hater that actually gave you reasons to dislike him? Like arguments against immigration quotes, bilateral trade, tax cuts, stabilizing the balance of payments, ect. Or do they just say "he big meanie head" ethos rhetoric bull shit?
For me the dems I know don't even know who fucking John Keynes is. They think I should change my mind on these topics because he called the French president's wife "in good shape"

Other urls found in this thread:


Nope, they just pretty much spew the latest "headline" from CNN. Like "OMG DID YOU HEAR ABOUT BLAH BLAH BLAH?"
Yes, I did, what about it?
Okay, why?

I dislike him because he makes G dubya B look like a learned man. I loved hating on G dubya B, now this daw droppingly stupid sack of fat and spray tan comes along and ruins it all. At first I thought it would be fun having such a specacular idiot in office but now its just pathetic. Trump is the personification of all the ignorance dredged from red states

I don't dislike Trump because he's a "meanie head". I dislike him because he's incompetent, a massive fucking liar, and his policies are shit.

ah someone that fell into the "le even bush was better meme" probably because the left humanized him through media outlets for a lil manufacturing of public opinion. The same outlets that praised Obama for (((saving))) the 08 crisis. Even Bushes TARP was better than Obamas ARRA.

name one you disagree with and why.

Well for one, increasing military intervention in the middle east. The US has been involved in that shithole for 16 years now, and we've gained nothing from it but more dead soldiers and waisted money. He said when he was running for president that he would get us out of the mess Bush and Obama did, but he lied and has put more troops on the ground in Syria, and recently shot down a syrian jet.

His wall is an inbred hick from georgia has wet dreams about to keep the mexicans from the jobs that would never be held by the product of brothers and sisters fucking. This wall will do nothing to stem the flow of anything across the boarder, will never be funded by mexico, and wouldnt stand for much more than a year because whomever wins the contract to build it will outsource labour to illegal mexican migrants to save money and said mexican migrants will have a vested interest in making it as shitty as possible and still get paid. Oh but none of this will mater because congress is completely incapable of working on anything. Ever

>Well for one
Op here. I can think of many reasons how he lied e.g. i think he is going to ratify the Iran deal. I didn't care about that when i voted. Still don't. I get that he's a blow hard and not ideal. But relative to his opposition he was the only one i would actually be glad to go and vote for.
I don't vote based off of foreign policy that you mentioned because there's too much classified info on it to provoke a vote out of me. Syria is the proxy, geopolitical leverage is the goal.

Okay, so you don't care much about foreign policy, that's fine. What about economics and healthcare? His healthcare plan is absolutly barbaric and terrible. The CBO report says it would increase the number of people who are uninsured by 23 million. It doesn't fix the problems we have with healthcare in this country at all.


I don't view quality of healthcare through the eyes of % insured. There's too many factors too be considered to focus on one. At this point I have more respect for people who argue for medicaid for all than the ones to keep pretending the ACA is working. Interesting how people only argue the former from an emotional side...

The answer is because you're a fucking idiot.

This guy is clearly about as dense as a post

A good reason that i heard is that he is a stupid inarticulate cunt who fucks up everything he touches
And he loves attention which means he is doing shit that his voters are against but the media likes it

ok, you don't care about forgin policy or have the same views on healthcare. This other user has however showed you good reasons why someone may disagree with trumps politics without resorting to the big meanie head rhetoric you mentioned.

I don't feel either way about Mr. Trump. He's just another pres to me. They are all good people. They must be in order to become pres. Any candidate for pres must be an alright person. Any of them could run the country close to the same.

>I don't view quality of healthcare through the eyes of % insured.
Than what do you base the quality of healthcare on? The % of the population insured is very important.

>At this point I have more respect for people who argue for medicaid for all than the ones to keep pretending the ACA is working.
I do support medicare for all, more specificly a singlepayer universal healththcare system. Something similar to Canada's healthcare system. I view the ACA as a bandage to a gunshot wound. It helped a little, but it doesn't do nearly enough.

Trump isn't good at making policies, he is a climate change denier, he isn't articulate. He is a lesser of two evils, turns out american prefer unstructured stupid approach to lies to structured ideological postmodern neomarxist lies.

* The US has a reputational advantage with respect to immigration over all other countries. In the US, first-generation immigrants commit crimes at lower rates that US-born citizens. And immigrants are far more entrepreneurial. Trump's anti-immigration stances therefore directly damage our advantage.

* Multilateral trade is part of the Post-War Liberal Order that has provided us decades of prosperity and security with no major global conflicts. And because the US has negotiated the majority of these major trade deals, the US has been able to disproportionately benefit from the liberal order we created. Trump's obsession with transactional, bilateral trade indicates either extreme ignorance of US policy and the leverage it has provided or nefarious intent to damage the US.

* Highest marginal tax rates must be higher than they currently are. Much higher. We need to return to the 85%+ during the Post-War Consensus. Because the rate of return on capital exceeds market growth, liberal markets move toward oligarchy absent strongly progressive income and capital tax systems. Accumulation of capital in a liberal, market economy is synonymous with accumulation of power. And strong economic inequality breeds illiberal populism.

* I don't even know what you mean by "stabilizing the balance of payments."

% of people insured isn't even close to a solid healthcare argument. That's an easy objective. However, efficiency isn't tied to that whatsoever.
>you don't care about forgin policy
Yes I do. I said it's not a top priority of mine. Do to the reasons I stated. I'm pro Russian and Assad and Trump was the only one on their sides.

Trump is an authoritarian bully who doesn't read and has built a career by conspiring to defraud investors and working with shady oligarchs and mobsters. He managed to bankrupt casinos, where people literally pay you money for the experience of paying you money. He's only managed to "succeed" because he's so willing and eager to lie, cheat, and break the lie.

None of this is secret. Pretty much pick up any biography written by a legit investigative reporter or biographer. It's a fucking pity so many folks refuse to read these neat things called books.

>They are all good people. Any candidate for pres must be an alright person.
Sure thing. Must be nice to be young

>only trump and assad are on russias side

And just when i thought this user couldnt say anything more stupid. Putin has strong ties with China, North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, damn near all the central asian stans, Belarus and many more. If you are pro russia then your brother and sister must have consived you at some point in the last two decades

Pro-Russian? Russia is like the global leader in flight capital. Putin's pathetic mafia-state is just an embarrassment-- almost as much an embarrassment as the folks he's managed to dupe with rightwing Kremlin propaganda. Jesus fuck dude.

>Multilateral trade is part of the Post-War Liberal Order that has provided us decades of prosperity and security with no major global conflicts.
Yeah cold war was all about teh multilateral trades. No military supremacy involved.
>Trump's anti-immigration stances
Yeah because he didn't make it clear that he only dislikes illegal immigration....
>liberal markets move toward oligarchy absent strongly progressive income and capital tax systems.
The solution exacerbates the problem. Just introduce anti trust laws where applicable.

Nah i just have a weird passion for the Marshal Plan and the Cold War.

>I don't understand Russia's history
the post.

But it wasnt the american armoured divisions that crushed the ussr. It was a robust us economy based on global trade, the ussr couldnt keep up and collapsed. The military did little more then ensure the otherside didnt start the fight

I don't like him because he is severely lacking the temperament necessary to occupy the office, and it has been obvious for thirty years. I love this country, it has dignity. He has none. He thinks money is the measuring stick for everything, despite the urgent suggestions of just about every political academic in the world - on both sides of the aisle. I'm genuinely afraid he will get us into a major war with a nuclear superpower. I have lots of reasons, tax policy, appointment of people into critical positions, possible colluding with foreign parties into our democracy. But boiled down, he's just a rancid piece of dogshit, and stupid as fuck.


How about his proposed plan to cut the department of educations funding in half and shifting the student loans service to the Treasury department where the goal goes from providing educational opportunity to balancing budgets . What makes you think the government is going to do with all current and future loans? I'm certain there are students and people who have or will have kids that want to attend college on this board. Trump hasn't done a single tangible thing to improve my quality of life yet since I wasted my vote on him. How about some trump supporters state some benefits of the trump presidency.

Actually wonder what this screaming chick does now.

Choo-choo! Here comes the Russian Navy! What a world class military power.


Trump haters trump supporters are all the same. You all take the internet too serious, you all just post the same shit about how great he is or how much he sucks over and over. You're all a bunch of fags. No fuck face that isn't deep in the political game, has ever gave a shit about wether they're down with the republican or democrats, the fact we got parties still is fucking stupid. None of this shit fucking matters quit not getting pussy and shut the fuck up about how the fags hash tagging everything are dumb as bat shit, you're just as much the problem as they. You may as well be gaging your ears and sipping frappachinos from Starbucks you fuck

I voted Gary Johnson, (3rd party people come on now ) I think we would of been just as bad off with Hillary but with a Liberal and refugee problem that's plaguing Europe .

Post-War Liberal Order refers to the international liberal order built by the United States after WWII. Not the cold war. And the strong economic growth that the west experienced from the Post-War Liberal Order is what allowed the cold war to end absent actual war.

Rightwing populists scapegoat immigration and minorities to deflect criticism of their own regimes. It's pretty standard stuff. Numerous books written about it. Trump rhetoric fits the bill. His actions (e.g., Muslim ban and refugee ban) fit the bill. And our reputational advantage has already taken a major hit. This is not debatable stuff. And it was all easily predictable.

Higher marginal tax rates absolutely do not exacerbate the problem. Read Piketty's monumental "Capital in the Twenty First Century."

So you must focus on domestic policy then. Tell me more about how his tax cuts benefit you since you must be in the top 1% of income earners. You must also have enough money to spend on private healthcare too since most average Americans see a decrease in coverage and quality under his proposed plan.
Guess what, the average American is not going to win as he likes to repeat over and over like a broken record.

>* The US has a reputational advantage with respect to immigration over all other countries. In the US, first-generation immigrants commit crimes at lower rates that US-born citizens. And immigrants are far more entrepreneurial. Trump's anti-immigration stances therefore directly damage our advantage.
This^^ Brain drain from other countries is real. There is a reason so many people move away from my motherland of gopniks, oil, gas and krokodil to states or europe searching for a job and a better living.
>I'm pro Russian and Assad and Trump was the only one on their sides.
You can't be pro russian or pro assad for any reasons besides pragmatic. Some people in the west sure as hell do benefit from russia being such a despicable and pathetic oil pump as it is now, so they support the current russian government. To be honest, i would support the current cleptocracy here, If i profited from it. I would be a militant and furious United Russia supporter.
He probably understands it better than you do. Putin and United Russia after 17 years of rule haven't managed to bring changes russian economy needs to grow. Rising oil prices sure as hell elevated russia's living standard for a while, but that was temporary. State owned corrupt monopolies that order teaspoons for 14000 rubles each aren't gonna run the economy well. Taxing small businesses into space doesn't help the economy either. Our pension fund is used as a piggy bank to fix large holes in russian federal budget. United Russia and Putin are pro big corrupt government that effectively does nothing while eating a lot of money. You can say that they are like Hillary Clinton in that regard, but that would be an insult to Mrs Clinton,

Let me get this straight. You voted for Gary "Open the Borders" Johnson and yet complain about the refugee and illegal immigration problem? What in the actual fuck.

Russia's history-- and the US's conservatives of steering it toward the rightwing policies that exacerbated the corrupt wealth in the shadow of the USSR-- do not alter the fact that Russia is a pathetic mafia-state and global leader in flight capital.

Nope. What I find interesting is most are hateful of his character not his policies(which are very similar to his predecessor so far)
It was the opposite for Obama.

This is why they call the middle of the country "fly-over states", because the Right cannot articulate why they like him better than the crying snowflakes who dislike him. So all they do is use small stupid remarks and heroic imagery. Nobody gives a fuck about the ice cream, dude, except for Trump. Because he's a septuagenarian slug who uses minor things to assert his dominance. Example - anybody with class who was holding a state dinner would offer ala-carte. But, no. Even as a permanent host of many resorts and "respectable" establishments, he should know this. Almost everybody does. Instead, its only Vanilla (his preference), in measured amounts. No class.

Your last sentence gave it away.

>Have you ever met a Trump hater that actually gave you reasons to dislike him?
Yes. Have you ever met a Trump supporter that backs their points of view with anything but "alternative facts" and pays attention to sources bound by the rules of journalistic integrity? If Trump calls it "fake news", it is usually a source bond by journalistic integrity that can pass fact checking tests. You probably think talk shows and Fox News are registered as News Networks (bound by journalistic integrity) and not Entertainment Networks (can say whatever they want, no consequences).

>fox news
>entertainment network

Things are kinda making sense now

If i was american, i would vote for sanity. Unfortunately, neither candidat was sane and vote third candidat is basically throwing your vote away. Must be great being american, you at least get to choose between two incompetent candidates, here in russia we only get one.

Every anti trump person i meet says the same thing over and over until they just degrade into calling him names and saying he should be killed cause they hate him. But all they repeat again and again is hes a racist, misogynistic blah blah blah, buzz words and emotions no logical reasons.

So basically to you everything has too many factors or too little public information. So what you are saying is that you are too ignorant to even speak about politics.


Here in Russia you can get deez nutz

the amount of cancer in this post is shocking

Okay... you ever meet a Trump supporter or even listen to yourself? That point of view is called "projectioning." Most anti Trump people are rational people, you only remember the ones who rant and rave like Trump and his supporters.

HRC was sane. And she had tons of experience. And she was smart. And a veracious reader. And strongly policy-focused.

But yeah. Go on with the false equivalency.

You brought facts into this. You are gonna' be trolled in 3... 2... 1...

Oh i can talk politics all day long but mine is without emotional connections to anything. Because making decisions based on emotion is the worst possible thing and most ignorant thing you could do. Logic and reason my friend, there is nothing wrong with a racist or a someone who hates woman wven if those things about him are true they do not change my opinion because im not a huge faggot crybaby.

I can't tell the difference between reality, trolling, and satire anymore.

The Trumptards logic.

>You don't have single valid reason to hate him

*Gives valid reason*

> Pfft I don't care about that and there's not enough info, Hillary was worse...

*Gives another valid reason*

>Pfft he obviously lied because he wanted to do x instead of y, so what if he did a complete 180 of what he campaigned on?

*Gives proof of another fuck up or poor decision making*

>Hillary would have made a worse decision, so what if he is still turning the blind eye on Saudi? Hillary took money from them and they're evil Muslims.

>See you guys can't come up with a single reason, there's literally none! None!

The travel ban. Because it stops people from coming here that are in countries which until very recently were our friends. The ban does not include the country which caused 9/11, and we actually gave them military gear recently.

It makes no sense.

hating trump is so trendy!

We live in a liberal democracy. That's the system our founders bled for. Died for. And while they were certainly imperfect-- especially the Old South-- they built a system of government that would inevitably lead to a liberalism in which as many people have as much say over their own lives as possible. Racism and misogyny are illiberal to the core and inconsistent with the liberal market economy that has gifted us such unprecedented success. You would do well to drop the oh-so-objective act and read a goddamned book on political philosophy. The Old South was never on board with liberal democracy, and supporting the racism they used to divide the poor against themselves only strengthens their continued struggle to rise up in some ridiculous Old South aristocratic oligarchy.

I pretty sure that I've literally exactly zero Trump supporters who have read any actual non-fiction in the past 5 years. The ignorance is simply astounding. And seeing Trump supporters accusing others of ignorance is just too much. I just can't even.

So was hating Hitler in the 30s and 40s. Trump was just laughed at by most until he sleazed his way into the top office by the reality show hijinks that post JFK shit avalanced into.

Nope, it's always the same regurgitated bullshit they spew. It's always a cut and paste job that they heard from another antiTrumper.

When I question them, they just get pissy as if they can't defend or actually define their hate.

i dislike him mostly for moral reasons, but as for his policies his environmental ideas are atrocious


1) Direct violation of Emoluments requirements of the presidency
2) Felony Witness intimidation of a civilian - Sally Yates just hours prior to her Senate hearing
3) Potential retaliation against a whistleblower - Same
4) Blackmailing a private citizen - Tweeted threat to Comey after he was fired
5) Felony Witness intimidation - Tweeted threat to Comey.
6) Obstruction of justice - Asking for loyalty pledge
7) Conspiracy to commit Obstruction of Justice - multiply by the number of people who have ACCEPTED the alleged Trump loyalty pledge.
8) Obstruction of Justice - Lying about there being no Russia investigation.
9) Obstruction of Justice/Conspiracy - Trump asked Sessions and Rosenstein (deputy AG) to create and give him the document he later cited as his principle reason for firing Comey.
10) Obstruction of Justice - Firing James Comey while he was actively investigating Trump Russia ties.

Honorable mention: Himself, his kids and Jared Kushner committing perjury/forgery on federal applications for security clearances by omitting Russia connections.


Trump is a textbook sufferer of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. This is a DEADLY quality in any leader, as he is incapable of assigning blame to himself and does not live in reality. NOTHING is his fault and everything he's ever done is valid, correct, the most intelligent thing anyone could have done, etc. Furthermore, NO ONE is better than him. He says it constantly.

He also show many moderate signs of Dementia.

Finally, he has no empathy whatsoever. This is addendum to the above two qualities. He would lose literally no sleep over dropping a nuke and killing hundreds of thousands of people. "they aren't him, so they don't matter".

Finally, he is, by choice or by manipulation, playing by the book of Fascism. He exhibits EVERY quality of fascist despots. (pic related).

Trump only made it to the White House because a bunch of wannabe oligarchs have spent decades building a coordinated rightwing messaging infrastructure that they've used to brainwash Republicans from the Post-War Consensus center-right to the extreme far right populism that today rejects expertise and intellectualism. It took a decades-long wave of increasing stupidity, ignorance, and authoritarianism to create the pathetic conditions under which a Trump candidacy was anything other than the joke that it in reality is.

he's an incompetent douchebag, what more reason do you want?

Also, he's easily manipulated and kind of an idiot

Kind of? Dude bankrupted casinos. That takes a special kind of idiocy.

Yes. It's really fucking insulting for those of us who lived through the shitty Bush years to now be told they weren't so bad compared to Trump...Motherfuckers Trump hasn't done shit yet and he's on his first year. Lying sacks of shit.

>buh muh gurns
>fuckin muslims

Have I covered all the usual counter 'arguments' yet?

That's funny cause that was exactly what liberals were claming that the 'alt-right' was doing with regards to hillary during the election, it's funny seeing the utter hypocrisy and stupidity flow from both sides

PART II: The Russia Collusion In a Nutshell:

There's a 500 Billion dollar deal for oil pipelines between Trump, Rosneft (Russia State owned Oil corporation) and Exxon Mobil. Russia is a country that relies extremely heavily on natural resources and they've been desperately low on fossil fuel type resources for years. Ukraine's rich natural gas reserves are why Putin kept trying to annex Crimea in the first place. This deal was TERMINATED by Obama-era sanctions against Russia for their military actions in Crimea and Syria. They NEEDED the sanctions lifted to proceed.

Trump refuses to talk down about Russia; he called Putin "very smart" the same day he addressed all Americans who don't support him as "enemies."

Trump is desperate as hell to be able to complete this deal and not be tried for Treason for it, which is why he keeps Tweeting retarded shit but coherently denying Russia's hacking involvement in his election. The reason he's desperate is that Trump's major properties have been DEEPLY involved with multiple branches of Russian Mafia for decades. They use his hotels to launder money and they in return finance his golf courses. THIS is the dirt the Russians have on him, not some stupid piss tape. He's guilty of RICO felonies many times over.

Rex Tillerson, former CEO of Exxon Mobil is Trump’s Secretary of State. He is perfectly positioned to help liaise between the business/corporate side of the deal and the political/geographical side. He’s also a sort of false flag for Trump because if shit about ExxonMobil starts showing up in Russia and the media gets wind of it, he can claim it was just unrelated business of Rex’s.

The US Intelligence community confirms that Russia has dirt on BOTH the DNC and RNC but only released the DNC stuff and only at strategic times to make voters question Hillary, and that was on top of the already shameful attacks the GOP was conducting against her that Trump piggybacked on for his own baseless claims.

I lived through Bush I and Bush II. Trump is far worse than Bush. I would cut off my pinky to have Bush back right now. Even if he brought Cheney with him. Fuck it. Trump is uniquely disqualified to be the leader of the free world, and the damage he has already inflicted on our global leverage and reputational advantage is already worse than that inflicted by Bush II's disastrous bull-in-a-china-shop middle east foreign policy.

Come on friendo, cut out that samefagging.

1) Say's he will drain the swamp and yet it's overflowing.
2) Basically pushing internet freedom into the dark ages.
3) I can think of no president that has damaged the reputation of the United States more across the globe.
4) He will likely damage trade for generations, and may have already.
5) He will likely build a useless wall that will suffer from the same flaws if not more so than the fences that already exist.
6) His ideas on health care are probably the farthest away you can get from ideal on any level.
7) He is completely using his position to increase his business standing.
8) He has small hands and even smaller crowds.
9) He is a proven liar.
10) He makes claims about increased jobs yet most of those deals happened due to Obama, and the two deals for sure were his doing have already fell apart.
11) Financially speaking his incompetence knows no equal. Sure roll back Dodd Frank, and let's see if we can get into a full blown depression this time.
12) you know what fuck it, even republicans can't follow this crazy bastard. There are so many mistakes I can't even think where to stop and that is with him accomplishing nothing thus far.

The funny think is that it doesn't fucking matter because THEY LOST. His first year isn't even over yet and it's already been a huge step in the right direction for the US. Look at fucking Europe right now. It's in shambles because of the Muslim cancer and retarded left ideals. I don't even try to argue with these retards anymore. They're too fucking stupid to comprehend. So I just call them retarded and move on to the next while they sit there and squirm.

i've had the last 30 years of trump media presence to learn about how unlikeable and corrupt he is. i've yet to encounter a single reason to like him or consider him fit for any function that's not toilet cleaning.

he's literally a carricature of liberal capitalism and a shocking example of its worst effects on humanity and society.

>We live in a liberal democracy. That's the system our founders bled for. Died for.
You mean the same founding fathers that believed only wealthy land owners should vote

He's a great man and a great president. His policies will benefit even those who oppose him.

8 years from now he's going to be hailed as the new Reagan.

>damaged the reputation of the US
stopped reading there lmao
World leaders have more respect for Trump than they ever did for Obama. It might be out of fear but who fucking cares. Shit skins need to give respect where it's due.

And I suppose you think that Hillary or Bernie is a better choice? lmao

Literally you.

>Have you ever met a Trump hater that actually gave you reasons to dislike him? Like arguments against immigration quotes, bilateral trade, tax cuts, stabilizing the balance of payments, ect. Or do they just say "he big meanie head" ethos rhetoric bull shit?
>For me the dems I know don't even know who fucking John Keynes is. They think I should change my mind on these topics because he called the French president's wife "in good shape"
Nope. They can never explain themselves without invoking "muh feels". At best, they'll just try to quote fake news outlets. Literally no argumentative capacity, can't even point out a good action without throwing a tantrum "but but but" like children.

This is all fiction. If he was guilty of even half of this shit they would have already brought him up on charges.

This is part of the obstructionist campaign by the DNC to overthrow a legally elected government simply because they lost the election.

Hillary Clinton is also the driving force behind the fake Russian collusion story. This has always been about making up for her loss. She can't let the world believe that she lost merely because she was a bad candidate, it has to be someone else's fault.

Kinda neat how you cropped out the part that literally immediately follows. You know, the part about our founders being imperfect? And about how the system of government they built would inevitably lead to what it did?

I mean, seriously. What's the point of your post? Why bother?

>hailed as the new Reagan

>Reagan was a pathetic piece of low shit who destroyed the US economic balance and created the single worst deregulated state in US history that we are still feeling today despite a handful of brainless, uneducated worthless fucktards who worship him.

Yeah, that's about right.


>Trump is a textbook sufferer of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Hillary Clinton was a full blown psychopath. With severe symptoms that were clearly visible.


Literally a maniac.

Back to pol goyim.

>Being a Russian traitor isn't enough reason to hate him
Worst president ever. Months in office and all he does is golf while the Republican clowns in Congress can't even make a single health care bill. If he spent less time golfing and tweeting and visiting Russians, maybe he could get something done for once. We haven't had a president this useless since Carter.

>Republicans love Reagan and say he's great.
>Democrats do not.

>Democrats love Obama and say he's great.
>Republicans do not.

And on that day you learned how the world worked Little Timmy. Go forth into the world.

>all he does is golf
Clearly you're wrong.

not really, you guys were and are totally fucked with your two very similar party choices.

how's that supposed to work anyway? how in hell could two establishment parties ever cover the whole political spectrum of the US American populace?

Hey fellow teens, how did you feel about that recent episode of The Simpsons? Isn't that show funny?

>Point proven
You lost retard buckle up for the ride

You made the right choice America.

You're damn right. Delusional Hillary supporters think Trump's new and unusual, but Nixon and Reagan were fuckup assholes back before Trump even had that stupid TV show.

>World leaders have more respect for Trump than they ever did for Obama.

get out of your Faux News bubble
you can't be serious

More golf trips than the last 5 presidents combined. All on taxpayer money. He doesn't do shit except take vacations and use our money to fly his family around the world for fun.