How did these movies get greenlighted?

They're basically telling the populace that they're doomed, and they have nothing to do about it. Just, how?

The big short was all about deflecting blame for the housing crisis away from the Jews.

How so? I'm genuinely curious.

>be on a permanent war economy since the 1930's
>if we ever stop supporting conflict in the world our economy will collapse

wew lad seems like a fucking fun world to live in.

Yeah, that's the gist of these movies. How can they expose the average person to this and not expect riots?

Because the average person isn't going to riot. They wouldn't even rebel if their own family was put in a camp.

So these movies are elites showing their hand and laughing about it because the average person will do nothing?

>How so? I'm genuinely curious.
The only character portrayed as a Jew in the movie is a good guy.

Is there food on the table and sports on the tv?


No riots.

Steve Carrell? He was the only one with serious moral dilemmas. So the entire movie was a sleight of hand to make you empathize with him?

No, it's people who aren't completely disillusioned who think they can 'wake' people up about some issue while the 'elites' ignore them completely.

Why make the movie? Why expose your hand?

Holy shit, this.

So we're doomed.

of course.

I still need to know why they made these movies. It's just exposing their hand. Are they so self-assured that they assume we will do nothing?

Let me ask you a question.
When you see a movie do you think it's real?

Wow what a deep insight.

When the movie is billed as "a true story" I tend to give it a little more weight. Are you telling me all movies of that sort are propaganda?

Return of the Living Dead was billed as a true story

No it isn't, you despicable piece of shit.

Hollywood and the media like to manipulate liberals with "whistleblower" movies like The Big Short. They guide and shape the outrage to be able to manage and contain it. And meanwhile, liberals get to feel self-righteous about being outraged. It's all planned. Plus, exploiting liberal outrage is a great way to make a lot of money as a filmmaker.

It literally is, go watch it. It opens with all events and characters are based on real events.

Fuck you. I'm not a liberal, and I'm voting Trump. You're part of the problem, and it's obvious.

how did the big short become critically acclaimed? feels like it was edited by me when i was 13 and first got my hands on editing software. it's also kind of lame how they explain super basic shit that anyone paying attention to the news should know.

No. That's besides the point.

The point I'm trying to make is that we don't take them as compete truths as we already have a pre disposition that they are not real.

Why does this matter?

Because you can show any story through cinema and no one will take it as face value. We will just see it and absorb what we see as just another movie.

It's a form of desensitization for the masses.
It can not ALL be true because I saw it in a movie. Your subconscious will always connect the facts shown on screen with the idea of it "just being a movie"

On about note.
People don't give a shit.
That's the problem with today's human beings, they don't think critically anymore, they just process.
As long as you give enough sustenance for them to live (tasty sustenance too! Yummy salty/sugary) and enough distractions, people will just process and die as, if not happier.

Pray for WW3 brother

Fuck you. The terminology they use is literally indecipherable to the average person. It's cool that you're literally autistic and saw the trends like that one character, but average people aren't mathematical robots.

Nobody cares about the fucking movie. Why should I care that you tell a man that I killed his brother if I already know he will do nothing about it?

Because you're a Canadian shitposter.

>The terminology they use is literally indecipherable to the average person. It's cool that you're literally autistic and saw the trends like that one character, but average people aren't mathematical robots.
there's no math in the movie. the most complex thing in the movie is a derivative and you should understand it already if you've been paying attention to the news. the only reason to explain shit is for younger people i guess but in 10 years everyone will have already forgotten about the big short so it wont matter. also, chill out.

i guess they talk about tranches too, right? still it was something widely covered in the news.

>The terminology they use is literally indecipherable to the average person
inb4 George Carlin "stupid people." You literally have to apply basic brainpower to grasp the concepts, and in the movie they spoon-feed you everything with dumbed down analogies. If you can't understand the most basic aspects of these concepts with one movie viewing, then you're just retarded.

They literally do this to spit in your face. They used fucking Selena Gomez for goddsakes.

then what were you going on about the terminology being "indecipherable" for?
>They used fucking Selena Gomez for goddsakes
yea it's embarrassing as fuck to watch a movie that treats you like a literal retard.

Funnily enough, I never saw concussion despite being a premed who will most likely be doing concussion based research at my university this fall. Is it worth a watch?

I watched it with my mother who works in medical insurance, and even she didn't fully understand the matter. Kill yourself.

Yes, absolutely.

Because their sutble Marxist propaganda that don't give you any real solutions.

I think that was Spotlight.


How old are you/what is your native language?

At the end of the movie his character said "In a few months everyone will be blaming minorities & immigration again."

>they use an attractive women who literally tells you her beauty is necessary to hold your attention for what she is about to explain
>explains the concept in the most basic manner
>he still doesn't understand it
>and neither did his mother
Is your whole family just retarded? Does your brain turn off anytime a movie stops throwing colors and action in your face? Seriously, how dumb are you?

>medical insurance, and even she didn't fully understand the matter.
so working in medical insurance means you're smart or something? if your mom barely understood the movie she's a moron. im guessing that probably runs in your family.

Yes, stupidity runs in the family. Spoonfeed me, you smug motherfuckers.

You have faith in your population, that's good.

But most people don't really understand why the great recession happened.

Most people probably just think 'oh banks got too greedy!' At least the movie illustrates many actors big and small profiting from the shitty situation to the detriment of the economy's stability.

You can't tell me the average person would know what a CDO is and how it is connected with the housing market - especially not the kind of demographic that the movie was trying to educate.

>Spoonfeed me, you smug motherfuckers.
nobody's even being smug here. if you had difficulty understanding the big short then you're probably the reason we need warning labels so you dont take a bath with the radio next to the tub.

Fun fact: They have changed the name "Deutsche" to "American Bank" in the German version, altogether with the branding

because people will just post about how unfair it is on facebook and then go back to their normal lives

>Spoonfeed me
The movie already did. Obviously it didn't work. How do you even function?

>You can't tell me the average person would know what a CDO is and how it is connected with the housing market - especially not the kind of demographic that the movie was trying to educate.
yea maybe. i just think the type of person that goes to see that movie probably already knows what happened. i think people rarely watch movies to educate themselves. this shit was just so thoroughly explained in the media that, like i said, anyone paying attention to the news should know. of course there are plenty of people that dont watch the news but i figure those types wouldnt even be interested in watching a movie like this.

people like to talk about America but Europe is much more an aristocracy then them

I have no idea what kind of half assed system is in place to elect the person in control of the Central Bank, the nigga who literally controls our interest rates and the value of our currency

I've only seen the big short, so no comment on concussion.

It portrays the inevitable bubble burst as an overlooked element that only a few realized in time. It paints a lose/lose scenario where the elites were too greedy and incompetent to see it instead of purposely exploiting it to "reset" the global economic flow, get rid of certain competitors and introduce recession and hence lower expectations of what was set to be the most afluent, independent and informed generation in history. (millenial/Internet gen)

We had the optimism of a new millennium and new communication technology and it was a prime catalyst for a paradigm shift.

9/11, wars, constant terrorism, global austerity, increased surveillance and worsening race relations. Only 16 years in.

Are these movies worth to watch or what's the deal with them?

Watch the documentary

Requiem for the American Dream

With Noam Chomsky

i see it's on netflix. might check it out. feel like i already know what he's going to say though.

fell asleep

Big short's main point was that the Government will always bail out the big banks and corporations

Its all a fixed game, they can break all the rules they want because they make the rules.

I say its all planned. To make themselves money but more so to make government reliance the go to thing for everyone.

Once inflation gets too high more people will be reliant on the handouts.


They are already making it illegal to live off the grid on your own land

actually in the end when Carrel was talking to his lad on the phone and government was bailing the banks out he said "they weren't being dumb, they knew nothing would happen to them all along" or smth like tha