I just converted to Islam

I just converted to Islam.

Vest or crotch bomb?

How long have you been in prison?

I'm white

Why choose the worst religion

I mean, ive always thought all religions are useless and shitty but my god, those fucking hajjis just cant stop killing people, or even themselves.

Nope. Not a nigger

>inb4 jewish lies

Why did you choose the second-best religion?

Do you miss Bacon?

Do the djinni know allah and do they worship him as we do?
What is a burak?
Who did Muhammad speak to in heaven?

Worst bc most hajji want to blow everythin except their child brides to pieces

recite the shahadah.
I don't think your a true muslim sir.
What are the 5 pillars of islam?
what's inside the kabba in mecca?

Why did you convert?


>OP is actually a muslim and not 12 y/o baitfag
Me sides.... the pepe should have explained it all

Orthodox brothers will remove the plague called islam.

How will you live without bacon?

He could be. I can't be the only one after all

Owning a book doesn't make you a practitioner of a faith user.
Asaalam alaikum?

I'm converting within the next year or so in Singapore. I'm Australian and I'm converting so that my islamic girlfriends family will allow me to marry her

Yea motherfucker, I knew you a liar

Are you happy that you've betrayed everything your ancestors stood for?

hows the weather in sweden today?

We need a new crusade to purge the heretics.
take up the cross or get sent directly to hell, do not pass GO, do not collect 200 dollars

not a question, but die

Post a pic of yourself in a muslim outfit for proof

why do you think allah will accept you into paradise...being a proven religion traitor and all?

You are a submissive cunt. That's what you are. By converting to that subhuman dogma, you negate your whole occidental history. Shame on you. I hope the killing of the converted begin soon.


He will be one of the first killed when we take to the streets in the name of pepe!


[spoiler]why tho[/spoiler]

sorry il leave now