Why haven't you killed Trump and pence yet faggot...

why haven't you killed Trump and pence yet faggot? Oh cause your bitch ass won't do it and you have your life to worry out you know you can kill Trump right?

Other urls found in this thread:



Ummmmm..... yeah I'm pretty sure you're being watched by now.

Faggot complains that nobody wants to kill Trump
and he doesn't do it himself

jesus, this story was over with like 2 months ago. She fucked her own career and it as even funny.

wasn't* even


Republitards burned effigies of Obama all the time while he was president, and defended it by calling it free speech. Fair enough. The right sees itself as defenders of free speech, and criticize SJWs for their trigger warnings, microagressions, safe spaces, wanting to censor ideas they disagree with and trying to get people fired. Again, fair enough; even most liberals hate SJWs and their shitty authoritarian version of "liberalism".

So Kathy Griffen does the equivalent of burning an effigy of Trump. Do they stay consistent and say "I disagree with what you have to say but I defend your right to say it"? Do they, as principled conservatives, defend her right to free speech?

No. They got triggered as fuck.

And so she apologized and lost her job. Congratulations republitards, you are massive hypocrites, and too dumb to realize it.

I'm usually pretty busy, and I don't recall ever volunteering for it.
If the opportunity ever presented itself, yeah I definitely would. I would tie him up and torture him for hours. I would take a sharp knife and make surgically precise cuts to areas of his body that don't have many blood vessels so that he suffers for as long as possible. I would take a large wrench and smash it into his knees, breaking his legs. I would take a searing hot ice cream scooper and use it to gouge out his eyes. I cut off testicles and place them in the holes where his eyes once were. I would definatly use plaits to tear of his fingernails, I mean that's just a classic move right there. Once he's had enough physical torture I would then Transition to the emotional. I would rape and torture his son Baron before him so that he can hear (but not see because of the eyes) his childish shroeks of pain, his screams for help. After I've done all that I can, I'll finish him off with a quick and clean cut to the throat: I'm not an animal.
But yeah I mean I wouldn't go out of my way to do it - I'm usually pretty busy. Only if the opportunity presented itself to me.






Typical Libtard.

Why can't both Libtards and Republicunts realize both side are evil greedy self centered cock suckers?


I have a family of 5, with a disabled wife and kids that have some pretty significant medical problems.

Even with all that, I've seriously considered it. It'd just be a huge dick move to my family.


>thissss will surely get them

I.... still kinda want to fuck her.

>Welcome to the watch list buddy
>I hope you enjoy your stay



.....maybe because its a total shit sandwich no matter what?



This. Both sides suck. Stop trying to pretend you're better than someone by supporting equally corrupt parties who consist of people who couldn't care less about you.

>implying you're not being watched no matter what from nearly everyone friends, family, neighbors, local, state, federal, international...it's a brave new world, but besides people suck anyways why shouldnt it be the case?


