I need Sup Forums's wealth of obscure and dangerous knowledge

I need Sup Forums's wealth of obscure and dangerous knowledge

How do I cut off my balls without having to go to the hospital?

The objective is to get my testicle to not produce any more testosterone.

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OP here

If someone tells me how, I'll livestream it

It's actually pretty easy. You do it the same way we castrate bulls on the farm. You tie some sort of rope or elastic band around them and then wait. They will eventually turn black and then just fall off with a little help. By the time they just fall off the wound is already healed up and you won't bleed much if any.

Ok the only thing you really need to do is completely cut off circulation by and eventually they will wither and fall off. This is by far the safest way to go without sterile medical procedure, and is certainly better then just cutting them off. this is how my family castrated our goats its basically the same principle. you essentially need a really strong string and tight it as tight as possible around your balls so no blood can flow to them.

Glad to see someone is in the ball removal business with me kek

hormone treatment is still a better option though otherwise you'll lose your sex drive and assuming your gay you probably don't want that.

and people say never to come to Sup Forums for advice.

(also mad respect for farmers, you guys are the shit)

It's fun, you drink all day, and country chicks are wet as fuck for a nice tractor.

I've heard of this but I've heard the pain is incredible and if you don't wait the few weeks it takes for the balls to fall off and remove the band, the rotten blood will circulate through your body and you will die

I´m pretty sure it´s quite painful though, so prepare some painkillers.

Let's be honest. If you are to the point where you are actively wrapping wire, rope, or elastic around your ball in an attempt to remove them I think you can leave the fucker on there for the 2 weeks it takes

>Go home Chris
>your drunk!

Yeah because my desire to not have testosterone in my system definitely means I can withstand the immense pain from using an elastrator for unknown reasons

Well its not a good method but there really is'nt a lot of options. Painful yes but its the only "safe" methoad without surgical equipment. I remember before we started banding our goats my father would make a small incision on their scrotum and then pop the balls through the hole and cut the cords connecting them, but one of the goats got an infection so we started banding them after that. If your really set on the cuting thing just make a small hole in your ball sack and pop the balls out and cut the cords connecting them to your body, whatever you do dont try to remove the entire scrotum otherwise you will bleed to death.

The goats don't bleed that much when you cut the testicle cords?
I thought you could bleed out from that


they can, its not safe. We never had any bleed to death but we where lucky. Im not saying its a good idea but if hes dead set on cutting them off thats the "safest" way to remove his testicles with a blade. I would still recomend hormone treatment before this and at the very least if you do cut them off go to the emergency room immediately after doing it as its not like they can put new ones in or something.

Ah ok

OP is a fucking lunatic

I'm curious if you've seen this though

I'm guessing you don't do it this way?

yeah that is how we use to do it before we banded them no biting though.

Just get some estrogen and rub it on your nut sack. After a couples, boom. Gone is your test permanently. No risk of infection, or complications from a tieoff.

There's Spiro too.

Y not 1st try spearmint tea 3x a day for a couple of weeks (real spearmint, not teas flavour with artificial flavour)and see what its like not having test before going to the extreme of permanent loss of it.

are you saying that spearmint (the plant) causes you to lose testosterone?

I did some research and it apparently reduces testosterone in women suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome
not sure what kind of effect it has on men

I did some more researcher and it is said to reduce testosterone in men as well but I cant find a medical study to back it up.

If this ancient ottoman painting is correct it looks like its not that bad


I'm worried about side effects from spiro

Also the cost of hormones
Spiro is like $500 a year
Cutting off my testicles...that's like $1 for a razor and like $10 to get drunk to numb the pain

I haven't heard of rubbing estrogen on your scrotum to reduce T production though

Is it more effective than taking Estro sublingually?

Stab your testicles with a needle and scramble the inside of your balls. Then you wont have to cut them off.

How do exactly?
Never heard of this method

Does anyone know anything about Calcium Chloride and alcohol injections?

I read about this somewhere on the internet. A guy said he did it this way and he had no problems. If you fuck up, you probably wont bleed out and they would probably cut off your nuts anyway.
Just sterilize the needle and everything before you try it. Maybe repeat the process a few times to really fuck up your balls.

It would really help me out if
you could find the link to it
Appreciate the info though

There are pills for that.

>what is a burdizzo
>what is an elastrator


You people should look into what happens when a man loses testosterone.
95% of it is produced in your testicles.

Low testosterone doesn't just make you girly.
It leads to muscle loss, bone loss - as in osteoporosis, increases your chance of diabetes, dementia, Parkinson's, and several other brain diseases.
Shortens your lifespan, reduces your intelligence and your memory.
Also increases various cancer risks significantly.

You fucking idiot fetishists are worse than the sick faggots looking for aids.
Once you realise what you've done, you'll either want to kill yourself or go on testosterone injections for life, and those are expensive and have serious long term side effects.



You will die, you can't just cut your balls op the pain will fuck you up.
If you are really interested and dont want to Just cut circulation to the area and start heating a rod of metal or a knife until it gets red.
Now take a really sharp knife and clean it with alcohol, cut the balls in one blow and cauterize the scar with the rod, it will hurt like shit but its the way to go.
Apply some pressure to the area with a bandage or something, if you got some cream to help the thing then use it, remove whatever you used to cut circulation.
Be sure to drink a lot before attempting this or the pain will be too much for you to take.

Hey thanks
I'm going to definitely give this a read

Most of that is from eunuchs who have no hormones whatsoever
I'll start on estrogen

You are right about osteoporosis for sure but don't know about all the other stuff

You are saying to cauterize only the opening wound on my scrotum?
What about the cords?

Are you one of those weird celibacy for life people? you do realize without your balls you will lose your sexdrive you will have the mind of a eunuch. It seems like your trying to hammer a nail in with a sledge hammer, and ultimately its gonna cause more problems then it solves.

>I just want to fuck me up pretty bad daddy

Not op btw, but yeah removing your test its a horrible idea, worse than becoming trans

What problems other than the possibility of bleeding out?

If I'm going to destroy my balls somehow, I'm going to take Estrogen


order it online.

spirolactone- will cause gynomastia

I've found this hotter than I should...
Interesting to know you can literally rip apart the inside of your testicles without having too many problems though. I'm surprised he didn't get some serious infections or sth.

Regarding getting rid of your balls. I really wouldn't advise it, but the procedure really is fairly straight forward. Cutting your sack open and "closing" it again probably is the biggest challenge. When you are actually doing it, please post pictures! For reasons...

It's probably some psychopath who got off on the idea and thus didn't feel pain somehow

Why are you doing this? I'm not judging, just wondering

I actually stabbed a needle through my balls but didn't scramble them. I doesn't hurt really bad. Getting kicked in the balls hurts alot more. I don't think the scrambing part hurts only stabbing it.

would u rather: a short life doing what you enjoy
a long life doing what u dont enjoy