Who does Sup Forums main on League?

Who does Sup Forums main on League?

Edgelord faggot for me

you cant main a character that came out a fucking week ago

Why the fuck not?

I main dota 2, where people actually learn more than 1 character because it's not a joke game.


Also kill yourself for "maining" a champion that came out days ago.

Blitz 800k




league is too hard for me too understand
Am in silver1

Riven when I played


heca when i still played this piece of shit game


Fite me idgaf

climbed gold 1 otp him

Dar is gross. Swain is whatever. Other 2 are respectable

Unless you started playing this week.
You played some other character more.


>unironically playing Dota 2
You don't belong here kid


You don't main him retarded, he came out like 2 days ago

Used to be Yasuo, almost 400k points and was in dia 3 but that acc got banned for flaming, now I'm playing Vel'koz and Talon mostly

the tentacle monster himself

>implying gp is respectable


absolutely D E G E N E R A T E

Also kill yourself for maining Anivia

I only play gp in normals because he's fun but I know I'd get shit on in ranked.

Ye, still a higher rank than you'll ever be though, I'd rather be a degenerate than shit :^)

dont really main anything, most points on lux i think

>mains yasuo
>gets banned for flamming

Nothing surprising...

It wouldn't surprise you to know that I have many banned accounts

one tricks are fucking disgusting

Yeah, I'd rather have people in my game that have no idea how to play their champs :^)

HotS. Because the HotS community isn't flooded with ten year old faggots who are obsessed with ever thing about HotS.

I'd like to point you towards this response

No i've been playing since December, I have the highest score on Galio but I literally don't play him anymore



Thresh Daddy reporting in

That game is fucking disgusting, not gonna lie.

Used to main Thresh when I started playing, but I got shit at him


>mfw I went almost 2 months without even opening League and during that time some niglet over in like korea guessed my password and got me permabanned for "3rd party program" or some bullshit so now I've been talking to some Riot dude the past few days trying to negotiate my account back.

It's not even a matter of not being able to play, because I rarely do and I just get pissed off when I do.
It's a matter of having spent money on the game for some shitty skins that I no longer can access because Riot is too busy busting out new skins and unbalanced champs instead of basic security like 2 factor authentication.

>League of Legends
>Heroes of the Storm
>Dota 2

Nah thanks, i'll stay with Smite, one of the best moba games of all times. Enjoy the saltiness fags

Viktor and Kassadin. Hard stuck plat 1 for a month now

Their security is shit, i've gotten my account hacked too but the person didn't do anything with it

>guessed my password
Not how it works buddy

Is it true that plat is the most toxic elo?

smite is just as toxic as any other moba. Even worse, if you have Curse open it automatically puts you in voice chat with some squeaker. And now on their other game Paladins, you don't even need curse to get paired up with idiots who deep throat their mic and have clanky keyboards. you can hear their sausage fingers tapping about. annoying af.

kennen ap 4 life

Having been through plat. all I can say is every elo is equally as toxic, plat players are just more smug about it

how does it work then? enlighten me, tech support.

i'm not sure of the damages because I haven't been able to log in yet. All I know is they changed my icon to what I think to be some ranked icon, which I never play ranked. And they also botted. I asked the guy in my ticket to reset my stats from the last 2 months or so but he said he couldn't do that.

Wait, do you legitimately think people sit there all day, typing in random usernames and passwords and hoping it sticks? Are you fucking autistic?
At this point I'm not even trying to offend you, I'm genuinely worried about your health, see a doctor please

Honestly, as far as feeders and afk's go plat is the most toxic elo I have been in. As far as flaming id say silver beats plat.

what do uplay now

is this low tier bait? I never said that. They would obviously be using automated software to crack passwords.

You never said that? You literally fucking said they guessed your password, retard


Usually in my plat 1 games its the d5's who flame the most because they think they are special to be a tier above you when in reality they are equally or more shit at the game.

are you this desperate for attention that you're nitpicking at my choice of words?
Have all the (you)s you can carry pal.
Take em all.

I know the OP he is a master yi main

>nitpicking at my choice of words
'guessing' and 'using an automated software' is entirely fucking different. Literally not even close to being the same thing. It's not nitpicking words it's just reading what you fucking said after you made a mistake you fucking gook

the toxicity on this thread is the reason i stopped playing league

and another (You)

fuck off



This, honestly.

wait a second isnt kek from world of warcraft

Kassadin, hands down

This thread



used to main urgot but quit now that he was reworked

The fact that you're resorting to this tells me I won the argument, thanks

Fiddlesticks is the best champion in the game. Anyone who says anything else can blow me.

why main that pillsbury doughboy lookin ass



No he isn't
>when can we meet up?

I main top, mostly play kennen gnar and jax. i want to learn irelia and kled though but I have bronze 5 mechanics no joke so it's a struggle picking up a new champion

why blow when you can D R A I N


I'd recommend kled, he's a lot more fun than irelia

>bronze 5 mechanics
>is plat 4

noice. Kennen is my secondary mid pick if Ziggs is already picked/banned
Tristana is my main adc. Sometimes I go ap mid with her. it's pretty fun and actually works.


Shaco is ma go to boy


fuck you piece of shit rat, your champ is aids


Katarina and Akali. But I haven't played in over 2 years.

Im gonna give you two (you)s, too.

Did you just reply to yourself because I stopped replying to you? Kek


Was the only champ that I could play and no one knew how he worked. Great times.

well played user
