Ok Sup Forums, i'm trying my hardest to hate islam, but i just can't. i dont see what's so wrong about it...

ok Sup Forums, i'm trying my hardest to hate islam, but i just can't. i dont see what's so wrong about it, it contains so many things that Sup Forums supports. islam just has so many benefits:
- women kept in check
- strong emphasis on masculinity
- spiritualism is favored over materialism
- strong nationalism
- degeneracy is harshly punished
i fail to see any downsides other than that the christian tradition is gone. so what is it about islam that Sup Forums hates?
>inb4 every muslim country is shit, which is obviously because of the people, not the religion

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Dra deg tilbake til Afganistan din jævla brunsnegle.

Because its a bunch of hypocrisy where men can be degenerate fucks all they want while women shut up or get stoned to death

>degeneracy is harshly punished

Fucking literal children is fine though, Islam doesn't count that as degeneracy :^)

Music with instruments tho, thats some fuckin haram shit right there.

White people can't be muslim, it is an ethnic religion tied to arabs. The African muslims are treated like shit, you will be too.

Because believe it or not, women and man deserve equal rights. (And nobody should be stoned to death)

This. If you aren't arab and convert to Islam you are a beta as fuck person. I don't even use that alpha/beta male thing like that, but you are fucking beta. You will be treated like a fucking beta and possibly used as cannon fodder.

Damn I was betting on a Swede or a Brit.

If the admonishment to kill infidels doesn't bother you, then fuck it, be a Muslim.

The real downside is that you're literally a slave to a Semitic god. No objections? Jihad away, traitorous cuck.

Legitimate pedophila and bestiality.

Slavery basically based on whether you happened to be born male or female. Artwork being basically null and void since "muh graven images". A religious system that has spawned holy wars for centuries because of arguments over heresy (to this day, see multiple Shia/Sunni issues).

"Sharia" law is barbaric.

Not true at all, color has nothing to do with being a Muslim, people who convert to Islam are always treated with respect. Unless, they're forced that might be a bit different.

This sounds a lot like Christianity.

It's literally nothing like the reformed Christianity people practice today

Except the muslims still do it.

Holy fuck, are there people who actually believe this?

Please, explain the position of Arabic in Islam as an essentially liturgical language.


What does language have to do with my statement? I thought we're talking about color.

One day you'll realize it's not about hate or right vs wrong it's simply us vs them

>language has nothing to do with culture with has nothing to do with origin

Arabic is the holy language, but you don't see what that has to do with race?

Would you like to buy an SJW yet Ummah-compliant bridge?

>inb4 every muslim country is shit, which is obviously because of the people, not the religion.

They said this about communism. That the Chinese and the Russians were to blame for the failure of communism, the name they give it is Oriental Despotism. It is nonsense and it is also racist to blame people for the failure of a political system. But you will never get a progressive to feel the cognitive dissonance that racism is bad but the failure of communism is down to the races that tried it. The inb4 argument is analogous.

>ok Sup Forums, i'm trying my hardest to hate Orks, but i just can't. i dont see what's so wrong about them, they contain so many things that Sup Forums supports. Orks just have so many benefits:
>- women kept in check
>- strong emphasis on masculinity
>- deference to Sauron is favored over individuality
>- strong hierarchy
>- weakness is harshly punished
>i fail to see any downsides other than that the Western tradition is gone. so what is it about Orks that Sup Forums hates?

Because it's a religion of brown people.

>Legitimate pedophila
meme based on an unreliable hadith made up centuries after Muhammad's death

>Slavery basically based on whether you happened to be born male or female.

Slaves are prisoners of war, don't attack Muslims, freeing slaves is an obligation upon every Muslim.

>Artwork being basically null and void since "muh graven images".

Again, that's how the jurisprudence developed centuries after his death, it's literally commentary on Muhammad destroying the idols instead of Qu'ranic indication that it is haram (not talking about worshiping artwork).

>"Sharia" law is barbaric.

Opinionated, some people might say that the modern materialistic western lifestyle is barbaric, it kills way more people than sharia law that's for sure.

Islam is a religion for beta man babbies who can't compete for women and want a caliph to mommy them and lose sleep to keep their lives in check.

Anybody can speak Arabic, not only Arab people.

There is still competition for women but women have nothing to say about it, as they should.

Paying seven times a day in a stupid sounding language

No bacon
No bacon
No bacon

Christians still diddle kids, chimp out when muh Jeebus is depicted poorly (Hell, Harry fucking Potter was offensive to Cuckstians), and want to nuke Palestine.

Canon law is barbaric.

Arabs are Caucasian you cuck

That has nothing to do with some random Semitic language being elevated to a holy status by the dictate of some Semitic god who you suggest should be beyond such things.

In other words, your argument is, "but any kafir can submit and learn Arabic, TOTES NOT RACIST!"

To which I reply, "go fuck a goat in Arabic somewhere else, I will not be told that the languages of my fathers are somehow degenerate for not being Semitic."

Do you understand?

>quibbling over which Abrahamic religion is the least bad

They're all shit.

This. Slave religions for people who want to be slaves.


I was raised Catholic, and I tried to take it more seriously when I started college.

I just couldn't.

I dont think wants "women kept in check" in asmuch as they just hate 3rd wave feminism.

I dont think arraigned marriage is advocated here...

You don't have to learn Arabic, and still be a Muslim and practice Islam. The only reason why people who convert to Islam and choose to learn on how to speak Arabic is read Quran. That's the only reason I believe.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Islamic stoning, is in fact, Judeo/Christian stoning, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Islam plus Judeo-christianity. Stoning is not a punishment for adultery unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning jurisprudence system made by the reports, hadiths and scribe work developed centuries after the death of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh).

Many sharia laws run a modified version of Islam every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events the punishment for adultery in the Qu'ran, which is 100 lashes for married men and women and jail for unmarried women, is not used and many of its users are not aware that stoning is basically the Judeo/Christian system, developed by the Judeo/Christian Project. There really is stoning, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of Judeo-christianity.

The Qu'ran is the kernel: the holy book that shapes the jurisprudence of the various sharia laws and caliphates. The sharia is an essential part of Islam, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete Qu'ran and its tafsir. Stoning is normally used in combination with the Islamic caliphate: the whole system is basically Islam with Judeo-christianity added, or Islam plus Judeo-christianity. All the so-called “Islamic” distributions are really distributions of Islam plus Judeo-christianity.

But such innocent girls

Is to*

What about destroying the west?

there is nothing wrong with it except the submission to arabia

if everyone in europe could convert to islam and create their own independent sect like iran did it would be the best possible thing.


"the west" is shit and anglos deserve to die. there is only europe your cuck colonials can go liberate their assholes

Fuck off Muhammad.

jævla Norge. gå tilbake til huk i lopet av sopp og promper på dem. la den store gutten tenker å overlegne mennesker.

I'm going to go ahead and conclude that, judging by your English, you're an immigrant. That's as may be; the only reason I mention it is that I'm not sure you'll understand what I'm saying.

Fuck Allah. I give no fucks about some Semite desert god.

Why would I practice submission to a foreign god? What am I to gain from it? I don't believe the conceit of "he's the only deity, submit or get fucked up!" So why?

There's nothing for me, there. Literally nothing. The only things I could realize from such faggotry are slavery and shame.

>Muslim Countries
>Saudi Arabia

Even Iran is arguably not shit if you consider that most of the World had a trade embargo on them for several decades.


Sharia Law is literally Anti Degeneracy in text.

Islam may stagnate progress, never in history Islam was implanted peacefully in any country, there you go, the 2 reasons that overshadow any benefits. We must get rid of this shitty european society, but Islam is not the solution.

mhm. you better believe it

>Catholic girls

Nice meme


The people are shit because the religion is shit and vice versa. Do you think the exceptionally prominent inbreeding, corruption, military cowardice, tacky and crumbling architecture and urban planning, widespread inability to fulfill basic duties as a member of society, using women as workhorses, the inability to perform charity as anything other than self-gloridying lipservice and the ridiculous tribalism in Muslim countries just came out of nowhere? Do you honestly think none of this is reflected in the Qu'ran?

There are a few countries like Malaysia that avoided a lot of this but don't pretend it isn't the rule.

I want it to be true but it isn't and I cry

All religion stagnates progress you fucking dolt - it's a conservative institution.

meme er den andre veien rundt, dumme fjert nese


Get back to me when they start burning heretics.

They're all fucking shit. Saudi and UAE don't even fucking build sewers for their own people lmao. Iran is objectively the best country out of the ones you named.

Half of you 'muh Degeneracy' edge-tards glorifying Islam don't even know what degeneracy actually means and envelops, hint, it's not just trannies and blue-hairs and surface level clickbait shit.

What's masculine about shitting your pants and getting triggered every time someone dares to critique your religion or draw a cartoon of one of your idols? They run to white governments and law enforcement agencies to keep them safe, whether its from wars and shit their own culture has caused or because a white kid on youtube was mad at them. They accept billions worth of non Muslim welfare payments, they commit rape and child abuse on a massive scale disproportionate to their presence, they are cruel to animals, especially dogs, what exactly is right about islam? Nothing. It is literally the most pathetic, emasculated religion in existence.

>Fuck Allah. I give no fucks about some Semite desert god.
So because I'm white(slav) I shouldn't convert to a "semitic" religion? That's retarded this religion came for every man and in Mesopotamia civilization started the fact they worship the same god is impressive since then is impressive.

It's okay not to want religion but if you have to pick one Islam is clearly superior, not only it has a solid social framework AND strong spirituality it also betters you as a man. Only people who dislike Islam are insecure about their own religion, as they should be, or sjws leftists.

You are doing it wrong Bjarte.

That happens in the Congo.

What a poor attempt at sarcasm you little wanker. Orks are the master race. If you actually watched LOTR you'd have realized this. Their system is the ultimate redpill.

The time of degenerate cucks known as men is over. Ein Orkdom, Ein Eye, Ein Sauron!

I'm not asking anyone to submit. That's your choice, I'm not asking anyone to speak Arabic, that's your choice. Like I said earlier, it doesn't matter what color you are. If you want to be Muslim go ahead, no one stopping you. Also, I was born in the U.S, I'm currently on my phone, I type kinda fast so I might make mistakes here and there. But hey, I'm not say my English is the best right? We all make mistakes.

is that a serious statement?

Here is the main problem with Islam. They actually - seriously - believe that there is paradise waiting for them if they commit jihad against "infidels". This is why when a suicide bomber blows up he is usually smiling before - because he seriously thinks he is doing everyone a favor. This is why his family is happy after he blows up because they think he is in paradise and has paved the way for them to be in paradise.

It is a total fucking philosophy of conquest... If Islam were to be reformed so that they didnt believe a paradise was waiting for them after going all explody... then Islam wouldnt be that bad, and maybe there would be something to work with.

>Wont happen in our life time

Islam needs a reformation or an era of enlightenment that the Christans had to get them out of stupid kill mode. I dont know how you would do this... But really its the only way.

All those countries are garbage. Backwards shitholes with an oil-funded veneer of modernity.

Islam is explicitly anti-nationalist (the khilafa shall destroy all borders and unite mankind) and salafi-currents, which right now, are gaining support fast, oppose the kind of spirituality that sufis used to promote.
Also the concept of masculinity in Islam is very different and sometimes opposed to the one in the West.

>Sup Forums is full of idiots!
>I know this because they aren't Muslim
>t. the biggest faggot Fagsson

>because I'm white(slav) I shouldn't convert to a "semitic" religion?

Yes. Absolutely, you fucking cuck.

>this religion came for every man

Fuck off, slave of Semites.

>Islam is clearly superior

To slaves, sure.

>people who dislike Islam are insecure about their own religion

Literally the opposite. I am so entirely secure in my own religion that laughing at Semitic slaves is the most response you can elicit from me short of physical conflict. You're not threatening in any way, you're just sad. A traitorous son of ashamed fathers.

Christianity's kill mode happened because of the clergy and was political not because of the texts, you cannot "reform" the texts in Islam because of the nature of the Qu'ran.

Your belief that there is no paradise or whatever is not superior to our beliefs, that said suicide bombing innocent civilians is dumb and pretty new to Islam.

>I'm not asking anyone to submit

Submission to a Semitic god is literally the entire focus of Islam.


yeah dude female mutilation is super cool and hip these days

I'm pretty sure in Islam it's okay to stone your grandmother to death if she shows signs of senility.

Why in the seven fucks would they want to do this consider what utter cucks the enlightenment made christians? We're literally getting rid of ourselves. Glorifying females and raising them to positions of power instead of putting children in them like every religion ever says to. Feeling bad about shit and taking refugees instead of crusading all over the globe in the DEUS VULT fashion. Imagine how beautiful it would be.

If only we could swap out enlightenment to have happened to muslims instead. We wouldn't be such utter fucking useless cucks who are (thankfully) going extinct along with the insane ideas that allowed this madness.

>Christans had to get them out of stupid kill mode

What kill mode is that? The crusades were defensive wars.

>Christianity's kill mode happened because of the clergy and was political

I'm sure it had absolutely nothing to do with Muslims trying to conquer Europe for centuries.

Sheer coincidence.

The only reason my ancestors didn't convert is because they lacked knowledge, in the era of information I can make an educated decision pretty easily.

You're acting like a sjw throwing pitiful and irrelevant insults and this is why you'll lose.


Not true, if you have read the Quran, it says you can make your own choices, like I said you DON'T have to be Muslim, you can be white and still convert to Islam, and I know you don't want that, but what makes think that? Are you incharge of the white race? There's so many mistakes in your arguments, still thinking "allah" is some Arabian God, but it translatse to "God"..

>you dont have to submit to god to be muslim

lol fuckin wut

Lotr orcs a shit, zog off!

>my ancestors totally would have converted if they had the chance
>this is what I tell myself as I bow to Arabs
>you're an SJW

Yes, the idea that Europeans should reject foreign religions is a completely leftfag opinion. You caught me.

"Allah" is the Arabic term for the Semitic god Yahweh. This is not a mistake. This is common knowledge.

Rejecting Semitic gods is not a "mistake." It's a choice. I am not a Semite. I will not submit to Semitic gods. What part of this is complicated?

I didn't say Muslims don't have to submit you God, you don't have to be Muslim and still worship God. Get it?

Jumped your proxy a bit early.

Fuck Islam and anyone who preaches Islam as the best shit ever.

Go fuck some goats in the ass you insignificant fucks.

>christianity isnt a semetic religion because rome adopted it
so then if the eu adopts islam its no longer a semetic religion??

What's with the non-sequitur, my point is that it was political and not religious.
>Europeans should reject good stuff because it triggers me
Yeah no, but stay delusional Islam is the only religion worth getting into, rest is too corrupted and watered down or plain retarded to be taken seriously.

>non sequitur

That's not an accurate use of the phrase. Whether it was religious or political, the fact remains that Muslims invaded Europe for centuries prior to European retaliation.

>Islam is good stuff because rejecting it triggers me

Yeah, no, but stay delusional. Islam is Semitic shit for people who aspire to be Semitic shit (you never will be, because you're a second-class Muslims to the Semitic big dogs who founded and center the entire shitshow).

Why the heck is this post a deja-vu?






Literally more compelling that the Qu'ran. Khairete Poseidon!





>That's not an accurate use of the phrase.
You're not addressing my point, but maybe my english is not good enough and I used that word wrong please explain why.

>(you never will be, because you're a second-class Muslims to the Semitic big dogs who founded and center the entire shitshow).

Yeah, Islam is totally not okay with different ethnic groups it's not like there are more Asian Muslims than Arabs or anything. You're so retarded if those are your arguments you're going to get a heart attack in 50 years.

Islam is always relevant, it works and has a strong appeal if you're not a cuck but stay delusional.
