Anyone know a good way to kill yourself without pain? I can't get guns or anything like that so don't suggest it

Anyone know a good way to kill yourself without pain? I can't get guns or anything like that so don't suggest it.

I know how to kill yourself with a lot of pain

Just fucking do it faggot


I want to but I need a way to.

You should get a gun and shoot yourself in the head, I hear that is painless

If you have vehicle just ram it into a tree at around 60 mph with no seatbelt

check out lostallhope

I can't drive I'm only 16

Jump off a reaaaally high cliff or building and try to swan dive that shit. Youll have fun in your last moments, right before you crack ur head open and snap your spine in 25 different places. Either way its painless if you get high enough and land on your head.

Sounds good

Btw dont kill urself lol, turn yourself over to Pepe and Kek and all will be good.

I already have lol, Pepe is my god and I wish to see him.

Don't make a mess of yourself on the ground or a road, or even a train track. If you can't use helium escape, then dry drown. Search it up


Thanks I'm too much of a pussy to jump of a building or get run over.

hang yourself

When do you plan to do this? Tonight or wait u till decision in the morning?

You just want attention. Work out and find a job you lazy bum

Use a bomb vest and detonate it.

Preferably in a public place, take as many lives with as you can in your suicide attempt.


I like being a lazy ass thanks

How the fuck am I meant to make a bomb

I'd look them up but I don't want to be on an NSA watchlist.

This is an 18+ board. Why are you here?

Well I'm off now, so get yourself a bucket full of water and breath deeply, you know what to do after that

Don't worry user, they were lying!!!!

Bruh we cant stop the kids from coming here its there choice, and its not like anyone follows the rules anyway

Wasn't there a thread in Sup Forums where a kid said "im 16 mate" and got like 18 million replies and a swift ban?

>calls other user, "Anonymous"
>says "Bruh" with out using sarcasm
>doesn't realise mods = gods