No export to Israel

>no export to Israel
what did they mean by this?

No support of a terrorist regime

Fuck, never was much into this band but that poster speaks to me on a lot of levels.
Also, No Israel probably means they don't support occupied areas, or the rape of Palestine.

>An end to borders
Godspeed you! BLACKED Emperor

hella epic dude

>le ironique respĆ³nse
Haha am I doin it rite? XD

you forgot your facebook frog and "we wuz" meme

Godspeed You! Emperor

Godspeed You! Belkan Emperor

Fucking idiots, hope the album suck and this fuckers go eat shit.

Well i guess im going to delete the my godspeed records from my library.

aren't gy!be jewish though

It means they're cucks

Can someone explain this 'open borders' thing in a non Sup Forums way? I'm not that into politics. Why do people want it and what will it accomplish?

>an end to borders
do people ever actually think this through before they say it?

Kek based ironyposter. I can easily fit in with you because critique is effortless.

I thought it was an Ace Combat meme.

>le I fucking hate trump band
fucking cucks

just what it says on the tin

also it's a bad thing because people from shitholes will just move to good areas and shit them up instead of taking cues and improving their own countries

>he actually had one saved to his computer
y i k e s

offensed israelis are the best thing in the world

>god's pee

>implying it's not oc
no talent shithead detected

Im not even jewish or from israel, i only hate stupid lefties pro-islam comunists.

Do it

le triggor'd xd

Alright so I'm not all to into this, and of course the answer would depend on who you ask, but these are at least a few of the ideas at play here.

1. Neo-colonianism - the way the west exercises power over developing nations and older colonies. Without borders, the nation state is dissolved and this would not happen.
2. Trading with developing nations is an exercise of power as the west can "negotiate" "better" due to political and economic influences on developing nations. The dissolution of the nation state again would prevent this.
3. The claim that every person has the right to settle anywhere they want, a basic human right. Nation states prevent this.
4. Furthermore, people from areas in full conflict should be able to move away from a conflict that they are not part of.
5. The Israel-Palestine conflict would not even happen without nation states.

And more, but really most of them are some variations of neo-colonialism, which is the driving force for a lot of people that they want to abandon nation states.

>God's peeing in you blacked emfartor

based hampman

Awesome! Downloading the album now.

People with no sense of their people's history think other groups' prosperity is more important than their cultural, racial, and sometimes even individual integrity. They view divisions between peoples as obstacles to their utopia. As usual with the left, the ideas are based on a faulty view of human nature, this time on the nature if territories and military/gang groups and in-group preferences.
On my phone actually.

He said in a non-Sup Forums way and you failed miserably.

Good try, stormfag.

The idea of no borders is pretty right-wing if you think about it. You know, free trade and movement and stuff? The whole idea of the nation state depends on the fact that the state controls what you can and can't do, and separates you from other nation states with different ideas of what you can and can't do.

Aside from the /pol meme as a pic his explanation itself wasn't filled with Sup Forums memes

I mean, I always knew they were some stripe of left-leaning anarchists, but.. wow, when they lay it this bare, there's just nothing there at all




I didn't even mention the kikes. What are you on about?
You're thinking of libertarianism. Libertarianism and liberalism aren't really that different.

this is where he paints over any right wing beliefs he dislikes with the term "neo liberal"

The meme was directed at the 8 layers of irony fag.

>an end to borders

And just like that, I gave up on GYBE forever.

That's more of an anarcho-capitalist thing as a "right wing" conclusion.

The end of borders and nationstates naturally lends itself to the concept of social hierarchies that form naturally, depending on your geographical location. There's really nothing about the dissolution of nation states that can be called leftist, because the state is an integral part to the goal of ending inequalities and removing social strata. The only way you could consider it left wing is if you take the idea of "no borders" to mean a single globalist nation state that controls the economy in a way that prevents inequality.

But what about separating the artist from their music that Sup Forums talks so much about??

are you only realising GY!BE are a political band who often speaks out against this stuff? they literally had an album telling you how to make a molotov cocktail

Guys, GYBE wants open borders.

GYBE made F#A#, Slow Riot and Lift Your Skinny Fists.

Did any of you make F#A#, Slow Riot or Lift Your Skinny Fists?




Another retarded fucking leftist shitmongle propaganda machine, open borders what the fuck? Do you guys really want all white people to die and the economy go to the shitter?

Do you really want everything to go to the shitter you fucking cucks? Please god let there be any major opposition to fucking open borders in the near future, PLEASE!! IF NOT WERE FUCKING DOOMEED!!!!!!!!!!

it means they are a bunch of beta leftists

the people who say that are the same people who secretly agree with the message

>muh shit crescendocore

I mean it was self-evident what with the track titles on ALFOTHAD and references in their later albums and whatnot.

Surprising it took you this long to figure it out.

palestine didn't exist before israel allowed it liberal

Do you really believe people on Sup Forums are mature enough to do something like that? Look at this entire thread lmao.

Can't believe people here didn't already know GY!BE are politically vocal. Really shows how much Sup Forums actually knows about the music they listen to.

I will not visit Sup Forums until this phase is over because I don't want this band to be ruined for me.

Just like with everything else if anything this thread is a live demonstration of how most Sup Forumstants are full of shit.

It's easy to claim objectivity when you're removed from something.

t. flustered righties always on about "respect our opinions" suddenly find engage in high speed multi track cognitive dissonance.

so they want both....

>an end to foreign invasions

>an end to borders

gee that really activates my fucking almonds

I've never really listened to GSYB because I thought their music felt too calculated and shallow compared to Stereolab, talk talk, and other post rock bands. Their naive open border policy just cements my dislike toward their music


>separating the artist from their music

literally no one does that

I don't listen to music made by the mentally ill

You can't invade a foreign nation if there are no longer nations.

I thought Sup Forums did, but the board is likely being brigaded by Sup Forums right now because the album attacks the very things that they are for.

If not, then y i k e s

Most Sup Forumstants are for political music until it attacks their political ideas and puts them in an uncomfortable position, which is what I've been noticing more and more.

>this is how liberals think

Sup Forums was right, it really is a mental disorder.

That "shit crescendocore" is a greater accomplishment than anything you, i, or anyone else on this site has ever done. Why should i think you have a better opinion over theirs?

>man why cant everything just be free and shit... fuck drumpf

I'd be okay with them making political statements that challenge my beliefs if they weren't so fucking BASIC about it


>Furfag who uses condescending cartoon animals as talking points
>No-lifer yet he thinks everyone else is better than him
So much for the master race

Poster reads like an edgy teenager writing poetry.

>open borders
Efrim, please refer to my gif.


what did they mean by this

*thnks he's better than everybody else

It's supposed to represent "kisses". You'd know this if you had ever interacted with a girl.

This thread is really bizarre. There is no fucking way that most of you didn't know that GY!BE are edgy anarchists. Why is everyone sperging out?

that was supposed to be sarcasm but ok

Hush now, little subhuman.

>avant garde metal
what did they mean by this?

I'm not mad about that, I'm mad that, if this poster is sincere (and it is) there's exactly zero substance to them and it's making me reconsider whether they were ever actually making any points that weren't shallow gay shit

??? My grandad called the Palestine because he was from a time when Israel didn't exist. Israel doesn't acknowledge Palestine's existence. I'm getting baited aren't I?

it just goes to show how underage and/or new Sup Forumsfags truly are.

This post also has zero substance, so there's that.

>shallow gay shit
woof. Being 14 must be hard.

Yeah fuck me for wanting actual anarchist critiques, but hey let's just do "open borders free healthcare, burn down buildings lol don't u hate when your boss makes you do shit?" feom a 47 year old man

> [email protected]

Oh what a surprise, a liberal woman ruined GY!BE.

Like they ruin everything else.

desu I can't tell if this post is ironic or not.

is this satire or genuine retardation I'm lost help

Nations states weren't formed for those leftist reasons though. The problem isn't with nation states themselves, the problem is with some of the current nations. Marx wanted a global workers movement to usher in statelessness didn't he? Globalism isn't only able to be arrived at through leftist thinking but it's a prominent feature of the left. The idea of equality between the races and sexes implies interchangeability. This is used by capitalists who want to import foreigners for economic reasons as well. The whole left-right thing is becoming obsolete largely because of how much it's melding in the middle. Even the extremes are both anti-Israel for different reasons though. As far as the supposed anarchist conception of borderlessness, the tribes that arose would not be capitalist or communist. In the most basic survival situations, you need compassion for your group and an ability for individuals to distinguish themselves. German national socialism did this best on a national level in the interwar period, from what I can tell. The dissolution of borders that would actually happen is merging on nations though, like what the EU flirts with and what in a sense what America did with it's states a long time ago.


open borders and free healthcare are 2 things that would objectively improve society.

Actual beliefs aside, I really dislike "all lowercase ! [[look]] at all of this imagery thee working class ! imagery imagery noam chomsky !" aesthetic they have going on.

>letting ideology get in the way of enjoying music

Just download the album illegally if you don't want to support them, you faggot. Goddamn, you're like the fucking lefties who won't let themselves enjoy Death in June because of supposed fascist ties.

Some Jews are very anti-Israel.

Some people want an end to borders. Some of them are right-wing and support it for free trade and free movement of peoples, and some on the left support it because they see borders as something that divides and distracts the working class. Some people also don't know the difference between states and nations.

>Libertarianism and liberalism aren't that different

Modern American libertarianism and 19th-century liberalism aren't that different, but if you're going to say that Ron Paul and Barack Obama aren't that different then that is wrong.

Okay okay, I get it, but if you're looking for nuanced socio-cultural anarchic analyses and critiques from music and musicians, you're doing it wrong. Art creates the jumping off point for such exploration, not the argument itself.

>Art creates the jumping off point for such exploration, not the argument itself.

You're an idiot.

>Modern American libertarianism and 19th-century liberalism aren't that different, but if you're going to say that Ron Paul and Barack Obama aren't that different then that is wrong.
That's acceptable.

>Some Jews are very anti-Israel.

25 years on this earth and never met such a jew

He was saying something true. Art is more emotional than logical, in a political sense.

>Some Jews are very anti-Israel.

Are you insane or just a liberal?

We had much better threads about this band before Sup Forums invaded every board.

We all knew they were anarchists anyway, Sup Forums kiddies need to go back to their containment board and fucking stay there.

>Art is more emotional than logical, in a political sense.

borders = nationalism = culture

Great rebuttal! You're very smart! :)

>The whole left-right thing is becoming obsolete largely because of how much it's melding in the middle.
I mean, right wing implies that there are naturally occurring social hierarchies and that there's nothing wrong with inequality. Left wing argues that we should strive to counteract social hierarchies and that everyone is equally worth. That's really the distinction, and the social and economic models revolving around them tend to largely reflect these basic ideas.

Marx's ideas (of which statelessness wasn't one, afaik that was Engels) don't really work in theory in modern society because globalism makes everything vastly different from how it was on his time when the ideas were written. Nothing wrong with that, it's pretty obvious you can't talk about economic theories and socialism in the same way when in one scenario the scale of things is basically "everything within a few hours of travel by horse and carriage or train" and the other is "the entire world".

I don't really disagree with anything else you said.

why did you even make this post?