Get Rekt International edition

Get Rekt International edition


















wite wimmins be lovin the black man doe






why cant niggers just die in a fire

you keep feeding them

buenos dias, Chang





>dat filename





Explain this one!! It's some kinda cable somewhere, but it effects 3 vehicles, the fuck?


i want one....

nice technique


What a fuckin coward

I wonder what happened to him, he did break up a fight


he forgot to rape



I love that the fucking chimp gets angry.

i like how he looks pissed at the other guy who tried to pick it up


This is why everyone needs a gun

has Sup Forums infested everything?

What a little mother fucker that guy is.

is that a nigga magnet? crystallized watermelonium?




Well done.




good, natural selection at work


this needs hardbass



Damn niggers

They were couple. She's a nigger's cum meat and she got what she deserved.


fuck off with the gay slo-mo replay edits, you fucking mongoloid


This was in my city.
That girl wouldn't let the teacher take her cellphone, and then wouldn't get out of her seat when the school cop came to escort her out of class.
Family sued, cop lost his job.

does this guy think he is funny?



>using a woman as a human shield while he pulls his gun
beta faggot

Thats what happens when you drive a fucking bmw convertible and not wear a seatbelt.


equality m8 i would take a human male shield so

too bad the cop lost his job having to deal with stupid niggers like that


Explain please



Honestly that was pretty goddamn impressive though



>"Explain this one!!"
>explains this one
fucking aspie

Dude took like 8 shots before he went down though. Mustve been using juggernaut


faggot detected

fucking hero. seriously, what did these fucking shitskins expect?

What they fuck.

>tough guy takes a gallon of pepper spray to the face
>tries to keep acting tough
>starts to cry

Got his priorities straight.

kek first time on Sup Forums?

kek, they don't know how gay that is


god why can't one fucking psycho being filmed think to do this while the person is still alive and conscious?

pol is anti jew, b is anti niggers and untermenschen that are flooding in to our nations because of the jews.

Guess he shouldn't have pissed off the Yomi-Kugutsu.