Any Sup Forumsros have tips for weight loss?

Any Sup Forumsros have tips for weight loss?

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Eat less, exercise more

you lot can thank me later

1. go outside
2. don't eat so much
3. eat ice when hungry
4. cocaine

stop eating grills first and foremost.


More vegetables, less white pasta or white rice (white carbs), no junk, exercise (small at first so you don't burn out)

stop eating.

eat less

the only real way is to eat less and to move a little

I lost 55 kg in about 5 months. Just spend almost all your money on speed and eat about once a day.

paleolithic diet

you cant /thread you own post, nigger


Just don't gain weight. Easy.

tru dis

drink lots and lots of water

To lose weight fast, it's easy. Stop eating carbs. But that's not a long term solution. There is gastric bypass operation, vegan diet or my fav which is eat 6 times a day, small meals and count calories. It's a lot of work but you will maintain your success in the long run

get tested for metabolic disease

take Metformin (it's cheap)


whoever says you need to excercise to lose weight is full of shit. while it may help, the most important part is better eating habits. eat less, count calories, don't snack during the day. you don't even necessarily have to eat more healthy foods, just keep track of caloric intake


For me. I basically eat cereal or toast in the morning. 3 slices of wholemeal bread. Always brown bread.

I eat a small lunch of meat and veg. I'll add potatoes or home made chips to bulk it up.
(Homemade chips: Chop up potato, boil for 10 mins, shake in a colander to fluff it up, cover surface with olive oil + Whatever herbs you want, oven cook for 10 mins, turn them, cook for another 10 mins, turn them, cook for 15 mins, done. Homemade chips.)

Then when I get home I use deli meats and make a sandwich. 2 pieces of bread. I then go and do boxing or muay thai depending on the day.
Or at least some yoga.

Then when I get home after boxing or muay thai I have a bowl of fruits inclusing Blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, apple and orange. And half a glass of fruit juice.

Roughly my diet really.
I work as a gardener, but the job isn't all that intensive.
Finding a physical hobby for afterwork is really the key thing here. Goodluck.

1. Figure out how many calories you burn a day, TDEE or BMR calculators are a great place to start. Getting a Fitbit is not a bad idea either, avoid one that has the heart rate monitor. I found that it over calculates how many calories you are burning.

2. Start a daily food log. Just keep track of how many calories you are eating and don't be conservative when you have to guess, that can bite you later.

3. Once you have figured out how many calories you burn on average a day, start cutting back the amount you eat so you are eating roughly 500 calories less a day than you are burning. You can have a cheat day here and there, especially when it's a Holiday or family event, just be mindful of how much you are eating.

3. Start a workout routine. Start out small, a half hour a day two days a week. You don't need to lift, you could go for a bike ride or a walk even. Just be active for at least a half hour for those two days. Then after a week or two of being consistent in your workouts, add another day. Then a couple weeks later add another, and so on. You want to be active at least a half hour a day 5+ days a week.

It is going to take time but if you can stick with it you will lose the weight.

Around Halloween last year I started counting calories, I was 240 lbs. I was already working out five times a week. I've kept it up, through the Holidays and winter and now into the summer. Today I weigh 192 lbs and I am down to roughly 14% body fat. I have kinda plateaued with the weight loss but I am keeping with it.

You can too, all you need it discipline and patience, you will lose the weight.

yup. This is more than enough. There's a lot of good apps for counting calories

Simple forumula for losing weight, even faggots can understand it:

If (Daily Caloric Intake > Calories Burned Daily)

Weight is gained

else if Daily Caloric Intake < Calories Burned Daily

weight is lost.

also, drink a lot of water. It makes you less hungry while it takes calories to process. Try keeping a big bottle of water with you at all times and just drink when you get hungry

These two worked for me the best

Wait on the coke until youve started to lose some. Youre already obese. Dont push yourself into a heart attack.

This is true, but exercise does help a lot. It doesn't have to be a workout that makes you want to puke. Some good exercises to start with are weight lifting, walking, yoga and believe it or not hacky sack. Weight lifting builds muscle easily, but doesn't stress you much unless you try too hard, and everybody enjoys having bigger muscles. Walking is easy and you get more sunshine which improves your mood. Yoga fucking sucks to start, but it's worth it. Hacky sack starts as a cruel game that punishes you for being bad at it. You kick it, you miss, you have to pick it up, over and over. Every time you have to reach for it with your foot, you're working on your flexibility. I kick the sack around every day and it's great because once you get better at it it turns into a light cardio work out and I fucking hate cardio.

hey grilling dude,

- quit eating/drinking carbohaydrates sugar, pizza, hamburgers, cola etc. all that junk food
- eat proteins, vegetables, legumes
- walk daily as an exercise 30-40 min. is okay. just walk
- profit

This. Find your BMR and make a caloric deficit out of that. Say you have a BMR of 1800. Make a deficit and only eat, say, 1300cal. You will burn a MINIMUM of 500 calories a day, excluding whatever you burn from moving around / excersize (*if* you exercize). This way, after a week, you will have burned at least 3500 calories, the equivalent of 1 pound, plus whatever you burned from doing manual tasks/walking/etc will be added on top of that.

I weighed 198.6lbs In january. I now weigh 171.4lbs, and only very recently have i been hitting the gym. I was able to lose this weight from my diet alone, plus I walk to and from work. You can do it, Sup Forumsros.

yes! start doing crack

look what cocaine did for me! it's fast and fun, plus you get to fuck some chicks on the way to the 50kg

Buy some new GENETICS

t. low test skelly
dont listen to this stick

I was so going to type this type of help out (see what I did there?) but got beat to it. So I'll off a different point(s) of view on it.

Motivation.....? I knew healthy choices....(ie., diet, portions, balance....ect.) I also I knew I needed a kick in the butt.!.! Some one to help you with a push or at least some one to walk with. Cut out some sugars like Soda/ pop Wheat in stead of white and less potatoes like fries and hashbrowns.

Pieces and all that i'ma gonna smoke some more.....


You have the body of a gay twink

I was 270 lbs and using a similar approach I lost 100 pounds in about 16 months.
Some random tips:
You can eat whatever you feel like, but calorie dense foods like cheese and pasta will necessitate smaller portions which can lead to snacking so be mindful.
It's all about willpower here; it's going to suck for a few weeks but once it becomes routine and "normal" it's actually really easy and as the pounds tumble off it becomes a great motivation to keep going! It feels really good to see the results.
If you aren't big into exercise walking is really good for you. Try and work up to walking for an hour everyday at a brisk pace. It will burn a good chunk of calories and it has a ton of other health/emotional benefits.

Eat Healthier eat less and excersize it's literally that easy

Any infographs/compliation diagrams of beginner yoga, workout, cardio/weights, etc pix?


Meth, its a great way to lose weight while also getting a lot of shit done

>gay twink
maybe all those faggets snort cocaine too.
but I am not gay, so it doesn't matter, cocaine it's an option to lose some weight.


Eat small and regular. Get healthy shit that you don't want.

Unsalted nuts first up

Fibrous chips / crisps - lentil / pea something like that.

Beef jerky.

Homemade soup.

Not many carbs, plenty of protein.

Monday / Wednesday - one hour free weight session - mingle shadow boxing in between reps. Trust, you won't ox up quick, but you'll lose plenty,

Tuesday / Thursday - exercise bike and floor exercises.

Smoke a few cigarettes, drink a bit of whiskey, smoke a few doobs, sniff some coke.

Job done.

It's all calorie in/calorie out. Figure out how many calories you're putting in and reduce that. I've lost 60lbs from this. Still a fat fuck (360 > 305), but I'm not as much of a fat fuck and I plan on getting even lower.

Think about stuff like steak and green beans. Tuna and mixed beans. Brown rice, if carbs. Wheat free carbs aren't as bad, though a little more unhealthy.

only eat stuff you can easily puke out. potato with sauce, ice cream, joghurt and stuff. eat as much as you want, then go and vomit. eating is joy, digesting isn't.

do it the model's way. thank me later.

Fasting, exercises and drugs

i'm currently doing the atkins diet
lost 8 lbs in the first week. down another 2 in the second. it's easy. you can eat as much as you want of certain things, just no carbs.

this is good for that

Where do you get meal ideas from because I started this and after week one I was fucking sick of steak and eggs and bacon and sausage.

Don't listen to these other autists they ain't got a clue, fastest way for weight loss is DNP (Google it) or if you don't want to take that go on a kitogenic diet. Under 50 carbs a day. All you eat is meat and veggies but I don't like veggies so all meat basically, fat will be your primary source of fuel once you go into ketosis. You will lose a ton of weight fast due to water loss then fat starts going away after 10lbs or so of water. You can eat bacon and eggs too. If you order a burger just don't eat the bun everything else is fine. Low carb ketchup, no bbq sauce whatsoever because it has like 20 carbs per teaspoon.

Eat cheese and dairy, but no milk.

That's full retard.

Eat like a bird, shit like an elephant, that's all you need to do.

1. Eat less calories than you burn
2. Go out for a walk once in a while fatty
3. ???????
4. Profit

Drink more water.
Don't drink soda, especially not diet soda.

Walk more
Keep busy

How much weight do you want to lose?

For example if you are some 400lb behemoth I would start looking into the water diet aka fasting.

Cut out unhealthy carbs altogether. This includes pasta, bread,processed grains. NO soda. Drink a shit ton of water, at least a gallon a day. Hit the gym and concentrate on cardio, at least 30 minutes and get your heart rate up between 120-130 bpms(as long as a doctor approves that you are okay for it) and hit the weights, light weight, but make sure there is some resistance and high reps per set. you want your heart to pump hard, but diet is the biggest contributor. Lots of dark greens, whole grains in moderation and lean protein. I lost 80 lbs in about 10 months. You will plateau, but that means you need to change something up, and don't get discouraged.

I need to add that don't be fooled by marketing ploys on food. If it says "no added sugars" or "low fat" or "heart healthy" means there's something not right about it. Read the nutritional label and ingredients. If you can't pronounce it easily, then most likely that shit isn't good for you. You can eat oatmeal, but make sure it isn't instant. Steel cut oatmeal is the best, and is simple to prep. Speaking of prepping, prepare meals ahead of time. The biggest hurdle people put in front of themselves for a healthy diet is they don't have time. Bullshit...prep your meals ahead of time, enough for a week...and PORTION CONTROL! In most cases, keep food portions to the size of your fist. Tree nuts should be portioned to what you can fit in the palm of your hand. You re going to cheat...eveyone does, and you shouldn't force yourself to avoid it. If you're going to indulge, do so in moderation. You have to settle the craving or you will binge the longer you resist. Did I mention NO SODA ? After a while you will lose the taste for soda and it will actually taste disgusting. There's a reason people use Coca-Cola to clean battery terminals...

Also....sleep. Sleep a decent amount a day. Sleeping is the time your body heals and recharges. Try to get a full 8 hours, but I manage on 6, but don't oversleep. Unplug an hour before you go to bed so it's easier for you to fall asleep. Read a book, write in a fact, make it a food jurnal to keep track of what you eat so you can connect your results to what you take in. Okay, I think I'm done.

Keto + being mentally tough. Stop being such a fucking bitch. Commit to it and shut the fuck up; do it.

Dubs and /thread

I have lost 50 pounds three times in my life. I can easily lose weight, I just cant maintain my low weight.

Secrets to weight loss for me:
- portion size is more important than what you eat. Slice of pizza is ok. Don't eat the whole pizza.
- If you don't like whats on the plate in front of you, don't eat it.
- only one dinner. If you didn't like dinner but you ate it, you don't get another shot at it.
- less sweets. candy bar twice a week is ok. Twice a day isn't.
- avoid bread. OK to eat a cheeseburger, but if you can eat it without the top bun, better.
- If you have a bad day dietwise - or even a couple in a row - don't beat your self up about it. Don't give up and binge.
- When nothing else is going on, go for a walk. Make it a regular part of your day. try to walk a little farther each week.
- Tell people you are dieting. It makes you accountable.
- Weigh yourself everyday. It sucks to do it the first time. But this is how you will learn what works for you.
- set one week goals. If you don't make them, its ok, but try to loose it. Great to tie them to events. Like try to loose a pound before the weekend, before a coming date or event.
- Nothing wrong with drinking some water. It makes you feel fuller. Drink some before eating.
- You will try to learn to cheat the above rules or any rules you come up with. watch for it, change the rules to be more effective. Use the daily weighings to spot it. (I was walking ever day, I started walking more often but less distance .etc.
expect plateaus and frustrations. Its ok. You get points for trying and sticking to it. Feel heroic for sticking with it.

eat the same, more exercise.

1. Dont eat at night (if you want, drink lot water) breakfast every morning
3.reduce or dont use sugar at all more healthy, or follow strict diet if you can
5.dont eat much at same time, eat less but often
6.start going to gym or exercise at homes, there is a lot exercises with no equipment, just google
7.dont eat junk food at all
9. ???

i'm a bad man but lost

1. thats dumb
2. breakfast is important
4. meh on strict diet, as long as it isnt donaldos and burgers every meal.
5. i eat/drink all the time + 3 meals a day. 172cm 80kg, 21% bodyfat.i allso go to the gym 3 times a week for one and a half hour.
6. boooooooring, start powerlifting. all you need is 5 PT lessons to learn desent techique. maybe more if you feel like getting it down.
7. yeah, i agree
8. shut the fuck up you degenerate piece of shit.
9. how old are you really?
10. stop ruining this place.

>it worked for me

Do NOT homo.
Do not think of the giant penises that are hardening in preparation for you being thin and attractive. They will circle and probe until they find any opening, and they will thrust into you and ravage you, pleasuring themselves on your insides, and finally a throbbing release leaving you being all girly in a puddle of their smoldering goo, hoping that they will call you. But they wont.


you write like you dont exercise.

>breakfast is important
second this
>i could skip it when I was younger, but I need to have something to eat in the AM, or I am irritable

no it didnt

losing weight is not a sprint. Don't try to starve yourself or put yourself on a brutal diet you can only stay on for a day. Losing weight is a long term thing. Its not what you do today, its what you do every day for the next month.

Did you binge today and have a bad day? its ok. Just don't do it again today or tomorrow. Its all the little things you do everyday for a month.

>portion control
>drink water , no alcohol or caffeinated drinks. Milks okay.
>no candy or other junk food
>more meat and veggies
>walk for an hour a day outside

Majority of what you have is water weight, in time with a sauna you will lose a tremendous amount. Energy and confidence will go up too.....

However it will only matter when you want to make it happen

I exercise, but that won't do shit if you're still packing away big macs, large pizzas and liters of soda a day.

Veggies, fruit, and protein are your friend. I'm 250 pounds, 6 foot 1 now, was 270 about 6 months ago. I just started counting calories loosely (1800-2000 a day, more if I absolutely need it) and drinking less beer / alcohol.

Food I eat daily: spinach, eggs, cheese, half a bagel, lean meat. Peanut butter. It's 5 pm here and I've only eaten 800 calories and have plenty left for tonight, and I'll be working out in a few hours too. Also, get a pedometer app and get 10,000-15,000 steps a day.

Did anyone mention yet that you should not think about giant penises that will menace you when you lose weight?

I was 330-ish pounds and now I'm 250, but I won't stop until I'm below 200. I'm not concerned about being cut or anything like that, but now I'm going heavier on weights to increase my strength, but not going crazy. The main thing I want is to not die before my kid graduates high school. My blood pressure on average was 130/90 now it's 116/68 and my heart rate was 80+ at rest, now it's in the 60's

Excercise a ton, don't eat less, just eat healthier.

You can actually just eat less and drink more water, since water fills up your stomach.

This! Plus, if you're going to watch TV, do some cardio while watching.

Bible is very clear that you get what you pray for: “The desire of those fearing [God] he will perform, and their cry for help he will hear, and he will save them.” (Psalm 145:19)

So forget all this useless info about diet and exercise. Eat all you want of whatever you want and sleep more and skip exercise. Just pray and have a pizza or two.

Yeah, go ahead and listen to this. At least when you die an early death, you're soul will be ready to cross over.

calories consumed < calories burned = guaranteed weight loss

No shit.

dammit, user, you just converted fat to stupid...

Cut out all sugar from your diet, it's the worst thing for the body. Milk, cheese, bread - minimal part. Don't eat 3-4 hours before bed, drink a ton of water, and lift weights every single day. Your stomach will shrink, and as long as you keep lifting to get your metabolism up you'll burn off most food quickly. Have to get used to being hungry though - water can help with that. Lots of lifting + minimal energy/protein food + lots of water = chiseled. It works.

Start smoking. I lost 30kg in 2 years.

If afraid of cancer you can also just start to vaporize.

Cut out all sugar from your diet, it's the worst thing for the body. Milk, cheese, bread - minimal part. Don't eat 3-4 hours before bed, drink a ton of water, and lift weights every single day. Your stomach will shrink, and as long as you keep lifting to get your metabolism up you'll burn off most food quickly. Have to get used to being hungry though - water can help with that. Lots of lifting + minimal energy/protein food + lots of water = chiseled. It works. More muscle = greater calorie burn.

Are you doubting god, dirty heathen? He says this in the bible which is without error. So that proves it.

lost 35kg over the last 3months by only eating a little once a day.

cut a limb off, that's at least 75 pounds right there

The best advice you will ever get.

you missed a variable. You have to factor in how much you spit and cum. That removes weight from your body. I keep a spit bucket on my desk at work. and when no one is looking, I yank a load out. It seems like such a little bit, but it adds up. After a month, I have about three gallons of spit and cum in the bucket on my desk. People started to notice the bucket, and I could tell they were impressed.

I disagree. Count calories. Have 1500 calories a day. Exercise is hard work. I lost over 50 lbs with zero exercise. I just watched my calories and the weight melted off.

This sounds kind of like what I'm doing, accept all I eat everyday is:

1. 4 protein shakes (400 calories)
2. 1/2 cup grilled chicken with salsa (100 calories)
3. Vitamins and supplements (35 calories)

Total caloric intake per day: 535
Cards: 16g
Protein: 88g

So far, I've lost 38 pounds.