Oh look, one of those threads again

Oh look, one of those threads again.

Other urls found in this thread:


isn't it funny that these threads are disallowed but the endless porn dumps are A-OK?

Or shota, traps, furs and 3 seperate ylyl.


smh I'm getting old

We all are.

But I just got recognizably older right now which sucks

Happy one more year around the sun I guess. How many years is this now?

Thanks I guess
20 have supposedly passed

Still so young.

Poor you, must be horrible being such an old fart


I know, 27 is so damn ancient.


Im not far behind at 25...

Why aren't these threads on Sup Forums?

All the ancient wisdom and knowledge you must posses


We get people claiming from western cartoons and various games at times.

Sind die BiIder bearbeitet oder hatte Ai schon immer so nen riesigen Kopf?

All you old fogies in here.
And here I am a supple, 23 year old, tight piece of ass

Man I bet you loose. Like throwing a sausage down a hallway.

Große Köpfe für große Geister.

Large - for large -?

Huge heads for large minds.
Good job understanding half of it, you are now obliged to keep learning German.

Help my cat is too smug.

BIG F@ C@ T@S?
Aw scheisse.

deine mutter ins knie digga

MEAN. I am a delicate virgin flower

Yeah those. My cat manages to be smugger than Mako's, it's worrying.

Nun denn, Kamerad, an die Arbeit!

Wohl eher nicht

Im not Russian though.
So you're saying Makos c@ a shit?


I did say Kamerad and not Comrade, didn't I

As always.

Seems as though these types of threads are destined to go to Discord

You did. Though seeing a German say Comrade, even in their native tongue, should be considered heresy.
No, people just arent dedicated.
Hehe. He really needs to just stop being such a shit.


Dude, Kamerad is the normal german term for a fellow soldier

They disappear pretty quickly nowadays
I'm just saying a server would be easier