Why do American's allow this?

Why do American's allow this?

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Confirmed 5 million in illegals voted as spurred on by Obama on live television. You're welcome.

Prove it

It's called the United STATES. Just about everything was decided state by state throughout history. There was literally a civil war over it. Mind your own business and stop talking about bullshit you know. It's set up like that so the more populated immoral nigger filled states don't always win.

MFW You faggots love to make fun of things you actually don't understand it's hilarious. Ignorant fucks.

American's enjoy being ruled over.


please kindly inform me how we would go about disallowing this

Because we're not a democracy. That's just a fairy tail we tell kids so they think life is fair. It's like Santa Claus. It's just not true and if you believe it, you're either seven or retarded.


Originally the electoral college was supposed to serve as a protection against unhinged populist demagogues.

It was actually this guy's idea.

>The last 3 elections the candidate who carried the most states won
Seems to me like the process is working.

>the Civil War
>forgetting the States attempting secession lost

Because the people that founded this country wanted full control of the election system in the case that the people decided to elect someone who went against the political and economic interests of the elite.

We don't necessarily allow it, as much as we can't change it, and the media acts as a mouthpiece for the government on both sides to keep public opinion from going down the route of abolishing the college because 'then the people in the cities will basically choose the President'. But honestly the only fair system is one person one vote popular wins OR splitting the electoral votes based on the percentage won per state to give a voice to those in traditionally red or blue states.

I wonder how he would react if he were alive today.

good thing that hasn't happened yet!

[citation needed]

that's why democrats were calling for the electoral college to be abolished after trump won

You mean progressive democrats very briefly called for it. I haven't heard them talk about it in months now.

>He actually thinks a bunch of poor welfare city dwellers should control every election for the good of the other 45% of the working class country

>doesn't know the majority of welfare recipients live in rural area in solidly red states

Top welfare states are literally all red:

Mississippi, 42.9% federal aid as percentage of general revenue
Louisiana, 41.9%
Tennessee, 39.5%
South Dakota, 39.0%
Missouri, 38.2%
Montana, 37.4%
Georgia, 37.3%
New Mexico, 36.6%
Alabama, 36.1%
Maine, 35.3%

Yes, they voted for Trump in their hatred of Obama...

Red states have highest:
-Opiod addiction
-Teen pregnancies

Red states are literal shitholes that not even their inhabitants can stand, so they all do heroin or off themselves.

So explain to us why your backwards-ass retarded electoral college system works the way it does


Americans are as dumb as they are fat: VERY.

>teen pregnancies
I need to move to a red state and find me some fresh out of high school bitches then.

Wikipedia is a terrible source youtube.com/watch?v=eaADQTeZRCY

Hope you like crystal meth.

nice, well said.

>I'll take Republics for $500, Alex


Provide counter-source or else you are just dodging.

because California and NY don't run the entire USA

>because empty space can vote

AKA special snowflake rural weirdos need a handicap

Guess whom has historically gotten screwed over by the electoral college the most? I'll give you a hint, it's not the Democrats.

According to the framers Federalist papers, the purpose of devising the electoral college was a compromise to allowing common people to vote. Some still had British sensibilities towards disallowing Democratic elections, so the electoral college was supposed to be comprised of wealthy, educated, politically knowledgeable people, with the intent of preventing either a populist, or foreign (British) influenced candidate from bamboozling the populace into voting for him.

>Top welfare states
Yeah, California is 11% of the population and over 1/3 the welfare, but it's totally got less welfare because Mississippi has 42.9% of it's population on welfare! LOOK HOW BIG THAT NUMBER IS!, THE FACT THERE'S LESS PEOPLE IN THE WHOLE STATE THAN ON WELFARE IN CALIFORNIA MEANS NOTHING! FUCKING REPUBTARDS

Your ignorance of our system allows it.

Not the American people.

are you actually fucking retarded?

the electoral college favors more rural areas where the republicans are heavily in control

unless you're going to give me the party swap meme, in which case KYS

That kind of stupidity is why the United States is a Republic and not a Democracy.

Why, you might ask, since you are reading this and are part of the problem, OP? Because the masses are fucking stupid, that's why.

Democrats 4 out of the 5 times it's happened.
The 1st time neither party existed.

>Being this angry about your own culture of gimmie gimmie and handouts

Just own up to it, sheesh

That depends on whether you think States matter, or people matter. One man one vote? Or 1.4 votes per Montana man, and .8 votes per Californian.

We live in a democracy. Get real.

this, the masses are stupid and can be easily bamboozled. Great word choice.

America is desperately trying not to become Europe. Besides, Europe is going to need us to free them from Muslim slavers. How else do you think it's going to play out? Europe has been systematically emasculated, now I know that many are trying to do the same here. The point is, the entire west will be better off if this does not happen to us. We're going to have to do a lot of killing, unfortunately, to free the west from the African/Asian invaders. It's like I always say, if you want to know what's going to happen regarding the "migrant crises", just look to how they live currently and historically. All those guns you all insist we don't need, that's going to be your freedom in the coming years, assuming we don't get taken over because of the current state of "Liberal" politics, or "The grand cucking" of the left.

All emasculated empires/kingdoms/societies fall. All great empires/kingdoms/societies that have fallen first were emasculated. It's a common theme in history.

Its best we keep at least one western power, powerful.

You're all welcome. Now fall in line.


nobody cared when obama lost the popular vote

>It's set up like that so the more populated immoral nigger filled states don't always win.
>gerrymandering is only necessary because NIGGERS

Sounds pretty fucking Republican, here.

>Being this brainwashed

I hope this schizophrenic prepper fantasy is worth it

obviously you have never been to california

I know what you mean. The way Hillary cheated Bernie out of the nomination doomed us all. That crooked bitch.

>Liberal areas have marginally lower percentages of welfare per area, but significantly higher actual numbers on welfare

>Republicans have marginally higher percentages on welfare per area but SIGNIFICANTLY less people on it.

"Muh republicans take all dem welfares u mad u mad"

k, boss

Obviously you tried, and failed, to find that citation.

We didn't fight the Civil War over the Popular Vote vs Electoral College...

Repubs also make up a smalller pop total, if they were a equal pop they would have more people on it. Just because they are a smaller pop doesn't make them not lazy shits.

didnt bother to look when i can simply go to the local home depot my nigga

>completely ignores the extreme size and variation in culture, resources, and economies across the GIANT country made up of states comparable to other countries on their own

>thinks 51% in 2 cities controlling 49% in the rest of it is a good idea

Full idiot.

Unfortunately, the framers failed. The electoral college is comprised of common men and women, so the purpose is defeated. Also, of they called for a new election, or elected someone else, the nation would have revolted, not realizing their while purpose from the very beginning was too prevent someone with 1) no experience and 2) was a populist and 3) was influenced by foreign powers (those things are SPECIFICALLY called out).

>Thinks his less popular opinions deserve a handicap

But why?

And do you also support affirmative action?

Actually, quite a number of (it's HER turn) Dems were extremely buttmad. And Republicans initially used this as a talking point considering what had happened with Bush/Gore in 2000.

The electoral college protects the votes of states like North Dakota from the votes of bloated nigger and spic filled states like California.
A board of people weigh general public opinion based on flat averages instead of raw majority.
Literally any retard can vote and that makes it so overpopulated areas get manipulated by corrupt politicians into making uninformed and thoughtless decisions. (Like with Hillary Clinton factually receiving money from the middle east going ignored by every liberal shithole in America)
People who actually need things a certain way in order survive their environment can easily be deprived of it by the worthless parasitic votes coming out of the overpopulated areas.

The electoral college gives more power to smaller states in the event of the current situation where the bloated states have nigger farms dedicated to breeding dumb voters who are easily manipulated into voting for whatever the TV tells them to.

Someone already explained how important states keeping their individual rights are to this country but you will always be too stupid to understand that while you flood your shithole country with angry and violent muslims that want you dead. You will also perish because you have been utterly stripped of all defense capabilities.

Stay jealous.
Stay mad.
Stay oppressed.
Stay retarded.

I'll be enjoying my guns and individual rights while you're slowly driven into slavery by the nicest politicians to ever love everyone.

Fuck you mods

Who let the niggers out?

How's dial-up, fag?

>forgetting Trump squeaked out an electoral vote with less than 1% in some places

i dont recall seeing a single thread on Sup Forums back then bitching about hillary getting screwed

Somehow my isp banned me from posting on pol. Love you mods that was a test

How's the taste of my cock, tea-drinker?

Sup Forums was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY less political in 2008

"In Federalist Paper No. 68, Hamilton expanded on what this meant for presidential elections. While “talents for low intrigue and the little arts of popularity” could win over a single state, a candidate would need “other talents and a different kind of merit” to win over the electors"

that fucking silence.

>Thinks 6 people should be able to vote to kill 4 people because "That's just democracy!"
>Thinks we have ever been a straight up democracy
>Thinks states rights aren't important

I literally didn't mention Trump. I also didn't vote for Trump.

well to be fair the paid shills werent around then i guess

Stay paranoid as your areas fall further and further behind globally, as you continue to suck on blue states teat for welfare money, as you continue to od on heroin and shotgun suicide, and your prepper fantasies never come true.

Dodging the question with ludacris example, do you support affirmative action? Why not give every minority opinion this same weighted voting?

>I literally didn't mention Trump.
Nice deflection.

but Mississippi has a more powerful % of the electoral college by percent of population. That's the entire point of the thread.

So we don't have a single county controlling the outcome of our nation's election.


ITT Liberals learned the US isn't a democracy.

Being this clueless. Sorry son, you've been emasculated. You're now blind.

I promise this will happen. All of this has happened before, all of this will happen again.

You talk about voters who are easily manipulated as if you're not one of them, but 90% of what you said is misinformed horseshit, and 10% is racism.


Americans are stupid because libtards hijacked the school system.

alright guys only 4.2million more to go!

Because republicunts are too stupid to teach anything. 90% of them think the world is 6000 years old and that humans evolved from a magic rib lady, and 40% believe the sun revolves around the earth.

stay tuned the fun is just getting started newfriend


Hamilton was vigorously Abolitionist especially for that era.

>when Trumptards post fake news

>No Child Left Behind program
>hold back the smartest so the dumbest can catch up
>everyone loses

While liberals believe communism works, transsexualism isn't a mental illness, and the wage gap exists. We sure do live in a dumb world

thanks bush

I admit you may be right, but none of those things is dangerous to believe. Liberal idiocy is not as dangerous or destructive as conservative idiocy.

>but terrorists! Immigrants!

Ha. Lint is more dangerous, fucking cowards. Gun toting cowards.

There's lies, damned lies, and then there's statistics.
People use them to lie like they were taught by Lucifer himself, in order to make their arguments.
California has the most welfare recipients because they also have one of the largest populations, it's just a smaller percentage than say, Mississippi, because Cali is 13 times the population size of Mississippi.

Actually, if you wanted to put it into perspective and make the point without using hyperbole...
>Vending machines are more dangerous, fucking cowards. Gun toting cowards.

Guns aren't dangerous, liberal retard.
I have yet to hear of a gun going out on its own and raping people then killing them by itself.

Estimated slaves per country with Muslim majority population:
Indonesia 736,100
Pakistan 2,134,900
Bangladesh 1,531,300
Iran 495,300
Turkey 480,300
Egypt 572,900
Algeria 248,300
Morocco 219,700
Iraq 403,800
Sudan 454,700
Saudi Arabia 92,100
Afghanistan 367,600
Uzbekistan 1,236,600
Yemen 303,200
Syria 257,300
Malaysia 128,800
Niger 127,000
Somalia 121,900

We'll stop there. They all have slaves, still. They have always had slaves since the time of ancient Mesopotamia. Arabs were trading slaves 700 years before the Trans Atlantic Slave trade.

Iraq: 895 terror attacks on Muslims by other Muslims for the year 2016 alone.
Syria: 317 terror attacks for 2016
Yemen: 71 terror attacks for 2016
Somalia: 98 terror attacks for 2016
Libya: 59 terror attacks for 2016
Iran: only 3 for 2016 but they openly want to kill us, and don't forget the 495,300 slaves.
Sudan: only 4 for 2016 literally ruled by wanted war criminals, and don't forget the 454,700 slaves.

Islam majority = terror and or slavery. There's no denying it. Period. There is approximately 20+ million slaves in the Islamic world. There has been about approximately 300,000+ terrorist acts in the last 16 years in the Islamic world. All most all victims of terror are Muslims. We get the smallest amount of it. The more of them there are, the closer to their countries we become.

Stopping Islam from coming to the west, in particular America, the way it's rapidly being imported into Europe is more important than you're tiny ignorant brain can handle.

Of course, you couldn't be fucked to think for yourself. Instead opting for the easy narrative hand fed to you like the nonthinking lemming you seemingly are.

You're the fucking coward. You dare not think.

>Using Wikipedia as viable source of information

Wew lad, you've still got a long way to go

1) That's not what he said.
2) Accidental shootings are a thing.


more perspective

>Responsible for low 21 million to a high of 70 million deaths
>but none of those things is dangerous to believe.

what a retard LOL

Did I say guns were dangerous? Or did I just call republicucks cowards who like carrying guns? Republican retard can't read.

Guns are far FAR more likely to be used against someone in the household than against an intruder, but not because they're dangerous. Guns are just fucking objects, dumbass.