What's the opposite of a psychotic breakdown?

what's the opposite of a psychotic breakdown?

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A great, positive acid trip

is acid the only way?

getting married and having kids

I'd recommend taking shrooms in the most best nature you have access to. ie a lush green forest, or on a large hill/cliff/mountain overlooking a small Valley. that type of shit. just make sure you take supplies like food and water etc. I wouldn't recommend acid though, way more likely to have a bad trip, one bad vibe like a friend saying the wrong thing can send you into a panic. Shrooms are a lot more chill and serene. after all, acid was some shit the CIA used to experiment with mind control, shrooms was some shit shamans use for spiritual enlightenment.

A wholesome breakthrough.

a rational fixup


The mdma completely negates the possibility of having a bad acid trip

do want

but he doesnt need pure euphoria, he needs to alter his perception and come out with a new outlook on life. idk i just dont buy into the mdma hype, i've done it and it just made me feel amazing but nothing else. this guy just needs to take an eighth of shrooms in nature.

i think shrooms are a bit darker and harder to manage psychologically, but a lot more rewarding

A revelation of transcendental euphoria

Lucid epiphany

A life changing epiphany.

A sane epiphany

a creative manic epsode

Actually mushrooms have far fewer incidents of 'bad trips' than any other drug.

I personally have felt more euphoric generally with mushrooms, more giggly. Mushrooms are a better method of having +4 experiences, they're up there with DMT but you need a much higher dose of mushrooms.

This youtu.be/XqS2g5WlMgM

To me, acid is just pure joy. And not in the euphoric way like saratonin or dopamine makes you feel, but in a life is amazing and everything is amazing kind a way. A genuine kinda way, not just a chemicals being released in my brain kinda way. That being said, thats all acid is to me. It doesnt really change my perception of life outside of the joy of that trip. Shrooms, on the other hand, ground you and make you realized how little everything other than breathing matters. Thats something i feel like you just dont get from acid.

I see where you come from with shrooms being darker and harder to manage though. Where i describe acid as pure joy, i describe shrooms as pure confusion. Idk i think that confusion is kinda fun though.

A logical positive change in mood.

Abstaining from all kinds of psychoactive drugs, "getting your shit together in life" according to the rules society puts up for you, holding down a job with regular income, leading a boring steady life with marriage and kids, and further strictly adhering to the rules of society until you die.

I miss my psychosis. Meh, time to get ready for work. Shoot me.

How the fuck is taking psychodelics the opposite of a psychotic breakdown? If anything it mirrors it.

Psychosis can be quite fun, it doesn't always have to be as dark as media portrays it. It can be fun as an acid trip, although there are no drugs involved and it lasts for months and there's no way of coming down from it..

falling in love? wait what


I've had large portions of acid trips turn into complete nightmares simply because a friend said something like "wait, wheres the weed." Where as on shrooms, realizing you've lost the sack of weed would send you into a 20 minute long thought where you ponder the implications of losing the weed, where could it have gone, what is the near future going to be like without the weed, do I really need the weed? etc.

I've never had a bad trip on acid.

I tried shrooms for the first time about 2 months ago with acid. The first few hours were great, music was amazing. Then my girlfriend said something that sent me into a bad trip. The corners of my vision were dark and my gf was saying things she would never say to me. She swears she never said any of those things, I kept telling myself it was just the shrooms but it wouldn't stop. At one point I heard her say "of course I want my son to love his dad (in a really passive aggressive way) " immediately followed by "I want him to hate you" I said what? She quickly said "nothing" in a I hope you didn't hear that kind of way, when she would say stuff like that I literally saw green coming from her face, it was jealousy manifesting itself in front of me. Some other stuff happened and I was just terrified the whole time. Every time I think about that bad trip I get anxiety. I'm deeply afraid of shrooms :(

who dis bitch she hot

notice how everyones bad shroom trips revolve around the paranoia of people being against you, or something along those lines? Its your insecurities and bad traits showing themselves to you. You even said it yourself with your jealousy manifesting. Thats why shrooms are so spiritual and acid is so fake. A bad acid trip can literally come from anything or anywhere, and have nothing to do with your personal subconscious, in my experience at least. I've had friends be sent into a bad trip from things as simple as something falling off the table.

Agreed. Acid brings the shit you don't normally see out to the forefront of your consciousness. Shrooms shatter the barriers you've come to accept and not even realize they're there, and often people put up those barriers for a pretty good reason.

You get some hell of understanding of yourself after both, though. Which one is better depends on the person.

So what should I do? Give them another go?
I want to like shrooms but that trip just fucked me up

Well how much did you eat? I've never tripped so hard off of the standard beginners dose (an eighth) that i had such a deep personal experience such as the one you described. Hell i barely even got visuals off an eighth, even when it was my first couple times. What you described sounds like something that wouldnt happen to me unless i ate at least a quarter ounce. Auditory hallucinations are some serious shit.

I took a little over an eighth and 1 tab of acid.

My gf and were at a music festival and that's where I took one cap and the acid (8 pm) and when we got home I ate the rest.

It was great, watched music videos on YouTube and could feel the music like I do with acid. This time though I also felt the emotion that the music gave. I was watching the live version of Mr Tambourine Man by Bob Dylan when I felt it the most, it was amazing honestly, I touched the wall with my hand and moved it downward and it left a rainbow.

And afterwards immediately went to shit after my gf and I started talking about how much we love our son.

well shit dog if you were on acid as well i dont think you can call that trip an indicator of what a shroom trip will be like. If you're seeing rainbows you're clearly frying pretty hard on the acid. I've never done both at the same time though so idk, but i've never seen rainbows on shrooms.

Although what i can say is that taking one substance when you're well into the trip of a different substance can cause some problems. If you ate the acid when you were still at the concert, then didn't eat the shrooms till you got home, then it sounds like you were well into your acid fry by the time you started to come up on the shrooms. It definitely sounds like the subconscious fears type shit, like your jealousy manifesting, that you get from shrooms was just amplified and made more visually and auditorily perceivable by the acid.

In my experience, frying on a psychedelic, then taking something else, drastically alters the mood of the trip. Usually for the worse.

I'd definitely just eat an eighth of shrooms while you're stone cold sober. Like i said, I've barely even gotten visuals on an eighth of shrooms, let alone auditory shit. Theres no way you can have that bad of a trip on an eighth alone. At least my friends and I never have. It wasn't till my friend at a quarter for the first time that he thought my other friend was trying to kill him, even though he was just staring at a wall.

I would've never thought it was the acid doing this stuff, usually with acid it's a body high and mild visuals. More of a music psychedelic for me for sure. Probably doing acid this weekend actually lol

I'll take your advice and try an eighth and see how it goes. Thanks bro