Why do normies steal Sup Forums memes?

Why do normies steal Sup Forums memes?

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A meme can't be "stolen", by its very definition a meme is intended to spread from person to person. As you probably know- shit rolls downhill, once in a while when Sup Forums reaches maximum meme capacity, some memes tend to spill out and trickle down to the normies. But there is no need to get upset about it, user, once you see normies using Sup Forums memes, this is simply a clear sign that the meme is no longer dank, and it's time to come up with some fresh memes.

Because retarded children from here can't contain their power levels outside of Sup Forums and spam memes on places like Twitter and Facebook.

no no no no no no no
a meme is recognized by a community. IT IS DEFINED BY ITS COMMUNAL NATURE.
people outside of our community are thieves. if i have to suffer Sup Forums's shitposting for the rest of my life then I want memes normies can't have.

do it with this photo thanks

it was a shit tier twitter meme to begin with.

it wasn't MY meme. I wasn't littering Sup Forums with that garbage. if you were, you should probably kill yourself

>shit rolls downhill
This would've sufficed

This is why baneposting is a prime specimen of an Apex Meme.

Baneposting is so ridiculously situational that noone outside of 4swamp is aware of it's existence. That's why redditors hate it with passion - they can't just take it and use it to score their upvotes on normie sites.

It's been 4 fucking years and I've yet to witness a deliberate banepost anywhere outside of chans.

>they can't just take it and use it to score their upvotes on normie sites.

I read baneposts regularly on reddito

>literally a subleddit for Sup Forumsermin and their friends

*fuck the police starts playing*


Because half of Sup Forums is facebook normies pretending to be shut ins so they can be douchebags anonymously.

>Aint do nothing starts playing


A meme, by definition is memetic.

How is this humanely possible?

bright kid. reminds me of myself

Are you black?

I couldn't even fucking notice the other guys for the first few seconds lmao. I was like WTF that's just a pic of a swimmer

>always thought "lol black people can't swim" was just a meme
>start dating black girl
>get a hotel room
>notice it has a pool
>mention it, thinking we could go swim at some point
>she tells me she can't swim



Yeah, you can't just submit a picture of cia and get it to the front page, but baneposting is pretty common in the comment sections.