Im drunk asf qsk me anyrhing

Im drunk asf qsk me anyrhing

asl lol

Would you rather fuck a really manly trap or get fucked by cute gay guy? (Both having 8 inch benisses)

Cute gay guy all the way


Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

Would you have sex with me

want to make out

Would you cuck a guy?

Yes they dpo

Post pix

hell yeah

If u are a cute gay guy then yes

Add me if u wanna talk

So you'd let me watch you cream my qt gf?

Yeah hmu tbh

whats you drink i like whisky

are u molesting woman on fb as a main hobby? lmao

I drank fireball and then buttchugged somme bodkaa

I dont get it lol


ever heard of indian facebook?

Not that i can recall. Qhy

I meant the state induna anyway lol


why are you getting drunk on a monday

I work wednesday to sunday monday and tuesday are basically my weekend

Gibe email to see if you like her looks.

I dont feel comfortable givin ouy mu email

you ever watch Supernatral?

why are you drunk??
*why are you drinking??

No. It doesnt really interest ne

Because i hate my life anf being drunk removes me from reality for a while

how drunk from 1 to Jim Layey are you?

Who is jim lalalaley and also im so drunk i cant walk

why do you use asf instead of af ?

Im not sure to be onets. I thinl it lookes beyter

Thars not a ques6ion lol

Who would win in a fight?

30 gorillian mongolian warriors or the number 6

Mongolians cant count. The numbet 6vwins