My retarded neighbor has 9 cats. I tried to reason with him, but it has no point...

My retarded neighbor has 9 cats. I tried to reason with him, but it has no point. I tried to ge them off of my yard and away from my dogsand his food, but without succes. What would you do?

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Capture one and fuck it

I actually wanted to put antifreeze in some minced meat and leave it in backyard...

kill one of his cats

Put barbed wire around your yard

Water gun, catnip on his yard, rattle a metal trashcan lid at them to scare them away? Orange peels also keep them away usually

Have you considered offing yourself?

Don't be a dick and hurt the animals because the owner sucks. Either report him to whatever animal control authority you have in your area and/or invest in those spinning fence toppers and whatever else you need to stop them from entering your yard.

I shot the bastards with those pistols shooting plastic balls... Didn't work.

This. Don't be an asshole. Cats don't like citrus, spray some lemon juice along the edge of your yard.

When 2-3 die, he'll either start paying more attantion or we'll all be sure that he gives 0 fucks about his cats...

That shit doesn't work...

According to Treehugger Magazine, big cat feces is where it's at. Ask at a local zoo or buy it online.

Don't leave your dog's food out in the yard nigger.

Give some coke to your dog and he shall do the job.

Antifreeze is cheaper...

Put catnip in the dog food. If neighbor doesn't want his cats to become drug addicts he'll keep em away

Cats are not as stupid as you are.

When he gets 2-3 corpses on his doorstep, he'll keep them away anyways.

>cats are not stupid
Those tards lick that stuff when it leaked from my car last time. That's how I got an idea.

You already know you just want to kill them.

Cat is good stir fried in some soy sauce.

Get a dog that isn't a pussy about defending his territory you faggot

general tso's "chicken"

Knock on his door and tell him that cats are an affront to Islam and if he doesn't remove his cats from your property at once you will take it as a personal offense to your religion and will have to take drastic measures to please Allah. Do this in the company of some of the members of the homeowners association or the PTA, or even a cop. If that doesn't spook him into stopping, then simply behead the ones that come onto your property and put their heads and bodies on his doorstep.

Yes, cats are stupid. Antifreeze has a very sweet taste to cats/dogs and they will absolutely drink that shit up.

I know girls with that many cats are almost always single
but what about guys?

And then Op gets 2-3 charges of animal cruelty on his doorstep you retard

BB gun


you knoe 4chin didnt used to be this way. we were a cat loving, oc generating, shithole that did fun stuff to fuck with the internet.
now its filled with white bros with anger issues. you all are the reason the pope rapes little boys.

Similar situation.

Traps. You need traps. No-kill traps.

Set them out around your home. The kind for possums and raccoons, you know?

He won't get rid of them most likely... but he'll keep them inside. Also. Make yourself unavailable. His little faggot cat is stuck in your trap, and guess who isnt answering the door to let it out?

Fucking you.


nah, he'd just use cat rescue as an excuse to tear apart your trap

the cat´s are not your problem, the owner is.
take an extra portion of food for the cats but make him pay for your extra service and food
fucked by spending all of his money for your expensive services will make him get rid of the cats by himself.

>or just call veterinarians, he don´t seem to feed them enough food.
Option B: get a pack of battaries and a towel an beet the fuck out of the owner

Sounds like you have a gay dog if he can't fight some cats