Be me at 8 years old

>Be me at 8 years old
>Dad took my to see Star Wars Episode 2
>Went to school and was telling friends about it
>For some reason this one kid was skeptical
You didn't see it
If you saw the movie then what's the deep?
> 8 year old version of what in the actual fuck?
>What's the deep?
The DEEP! It's what the whole mpvoe was about
>No idea what the fucking deep is
So you didn't see the movie
>To this day whenever I watch Star Wars there's something in the back of my mind saying okay, pay attention, you're missing something what in the fuck is the deep?
>Either that kid trolled me so hard I'm still trippin 16 years later or he was a fucking austistic retard that meant the force instead of the deep
>Still can't shake the feeling I'm missing something though

Other urls found in this thread:

use the deep, luke

Go back to that person and confront and hime and possibly kill him for his skepticism

8 year old me was so frustrated. Why in the fuck would I be lying about seeing a movie?

Better question is, why are you still watching this abysmal failed rape of a movie 16 years later. Wasn't once enough???? I shudder.

>the deep
Many keks

Oh...this is what you are talking about.

Fuck out of here. Go suck frodo's cock. Star Wars is the shit.

Why you makin a big deal about the objective worst star wars movie? (this coming from one of few people that likes the prequels)
Almost the entire first half is shit
(It gets... ok tho once dooku comes in)

Nigga, I can still like Star Wars and hate Episode 2

Episode 2 is definitely my least favorite. It's just the movie this memory is tied to.

Happens to me with a movie called Sahara it's been over 12 years and I can forget that fucking asshole kid

One tactic people use to tell if you're lying is to mention something that doesn't exist in relation to whatever you're talking about. If you go along like you know what it is, you're caught in a lie.

But nah that kid just didn't believe you because he didn't see the movie himself, so he made up some shit to act cool.

It reminds me of that dane cook joke about kicking the door down and not stealing anything. The family going about their business and just being like "WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY STEAL?" that's me now. Any star wars movie. I'll just break down and be like "WHAT IN THE FUCK IS THE DEEP?!?! Why am I missing it?"

Lmao this is actually green text gold

Tbh, i kinda wish i had some weird memory associated with episode 2 to help me think of that while im waiting for the significantly better half of the movie to start. Seriously, considering the villains are the saving grace of the prequels, whos idea was it to not have the villain appear until over an hour in?

Saw it in Russia.

Attaka Clonov.

You can hate it, but no woman ever looked hotter than Natalie Portman did in that movie.

That alone redeems it in my eyes.

I only saw the deep after watching it the second time

Maybe that kid was talking about the jedi conspiracy of the lost archives in the library or the hidden clone army

Dane cook is a top tier faggot..... And so are you

You're story is immensely better than the story in that steaming garbage pile of a movie.

the Deep throat of Anakin