All the things blacks have created:

All the things blacks have created:

let's start with that computer you're typing on
- the software that drives it
- the internet & nearly all web applications
- recorded music
- motion pictures
- tv
- radio
- camera
- telephone
- light bulb
- the automobile
- rocketry
- satellites
- spacecraft
- airplanes
- skyscrapers
- telescope
- printing press
- eyeglasses
- contact lenses
- microwave oven
- metallurgy (most discoveries)
- materials science (plastics, compounds, & most other synthetics)
- 95% of medical advancements
- 95% of life saving pharmaceutical drugs
- modern food preservatives
- most scientific breakthroughs over the past 1000 years
- the bulk of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology
- astronomy (most discoveries and mapping techniques)
- sea navigation (most advancements)
- discovery of DNA
- microscope
- laser technology and it's myriad of uses
- harnessing electricity
- nuclear energy
- wireless technology
- air conditioning devices
- refrigeration
- modern agricultural techniques
- modern democracy
- modern capitalism (the greatest wealth distribution system ever, yes, even with all it's faults)

Blacks are the supreme race! Post this in every thread! Spread the Word!

Other urls found in this thread:

'Citation Needed'


All this shitpost and forgetting the literal ONLY thing blacks invented

Exhibit A:

If you say so buddy

Acient Egyptians != Current blacks
Most of the current blacks living were taken from South Afrika, not from Egypt. Egyptians are brown and doesn't have an ape looking face.

This bait belong on pol. Also almost all of this shit is fake with easy google searches.

Pretty sure white people did all that

you gotta admit, peanut butter is pretty great

sorry, aztecs had a peanut butter long before blacks (and at least 2 whites patented a butter-like peanut paste machine before Dr. Carver died penniless and insane, still trying to play a phonograph record with a peanut)

That is Mayan actually.

gay and sage for race baiting

>All the things blacks have created
>lists a bunch of things blacks didn't create

really? this cant be true.

I saw a list last year of 50-something "THINGS BLACKS INVENTED" with names and years.
I started checking and finding patents, history, and news records showing some non-black creating it years to decades before what the BlackCrimesMatter-troll list had on it. After checking about a dozen of them it seemed a useless effort to try to find the one or two that might actually be original black inventions.

Aids and rape

better list:
> slavery
> lying
> violence
> crime

mofuckin whitey stealin our dubs n shiet

Nig steals a tv. "Looks what Is boughts."

-10000/10 bait.

Actually that's a Native American invention; Aztecs and Mayans had peanut butter centuries before Carver "invented" it.

African blacks currently own more black slaves than there have been black slaves in the entire history of the USA.



Blacks invented the BlackLivesMatter movement...
oh wait.
>white liberal media


but black on black crime doesnt matter in the current year
neither does black on white crime
black on asian crime
black on latino crime

>smacks lips



hitler! they invented him too!




Nope those were all invented by german scientist Wernher Von Braun and russian scientist Korolev. Can't get much whiter than that.


>stealing the credit for inventions

Well its settled then. Niggers are useless. Not that that was ever in question

Weak ass Sup Forums pastabait faggot



They created it because most of the shit on this list is done by slave labor.

Egyptians at that time were much like greeks are now, incredibly closely related. So not really black pal



we wuz kangzzz.... but da witey stoled it from us..


Stuart Tyson Smith writes in the 2001 Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, "Any characterization of race of the ancient Egyptians depends on modern cultural definitions, not on scientific study. Thus, by modern American standards it is reasonable to characterize the Egyptians as 'black', while acknowledging the scientific evidence for the physical diversity of Africans'

the common folk and nobility of Egypt were a mix between Middle Eastern and African people it was after the Bronze Age when Egypt was still recovering that the European nations placed themselves as an authority in Egypt and married into the Royal families

Niggers are seriously the most disgusting creatures to walk the earth. Niggers look like apes, smell like shit, look like shit, they've got pubes for hair, and most of all they're just fucking black.

not the other guy
I don't see it that way when you call someone black that generally refers to a person who is culturally Western but from African descent to call an ancient Egyptian black it's just incorrect proper term would be African

look at this disgusting creatures
so fucking ugly i fell in love

Exactly, see how disgusting and ape-like this pube-headed coon bitch looks? Seems like she just fell out of the fucking trees only a week ago! Can't stand those fat nigger lips either..

I get the impression he was saying it's hard to categorise ancient cultures based on modern definitions and culture, so yeah you're probably right. Saying they were white is disingenuous though.

>All the things blacks have created

I bet you're an Aryan god right? Someone that critical of how others look must be a 10/10 and I can't wait for you to post pics so we can see what actual beauty looks like.


Actually, our numerical system was created by blacks, so they really are responsible for most of that.






Math fag here. Modern maths is the result of many different cultures refining mathematics. Base 10 came from one culture, 0 another, infinity another still. It tends to be the most academic culture of a time grows the field somehow and it's picked up by the next big academic society. Not just blacks, though plenty of it came from African cultures.

Niggs are like "we so strong, we so smart, we the original people"

Then please tell me why literally everything they get control of turns into a shit show. Hell, they are so fucking dumb that a white mudshark tricked them and became a leader in the NAACP.

Levantine and Indo-China are not black. That includes the Persians. Egyptian were Levantine descendents. Not of African stock. The Nubians were of African stock, particularly Ethiopian and Sudanese. Our numbering system comes from Indo Persian influences.

Well, if this was all true...
what went wrong...
& if something went wrong, why couldn't they fix it?

It's pretty sad that you have to go back a few thousand years in order to get a relivanat contribution.

>my opinion is correct despite many historian's disagreeing and I feel no need to verify or source anything I say

also, wishful thinking based on dated info
new evidence ties egyptian dna to sw asians/europeans


To be fair that's due to the big issue of brain drain in developing countries; why study at home when you can at better facilities elsewhere? Even then you only have to go back a decade or so to see African academics winning Nobel prizes for chemistry.

African American "studies" are a joke.

Sources please

Hold up. So what you're saying is, they were kings and shit?

>All the things blacks have created:

And the super soaker


What else is new?

This is an image of egyptians first encounter with "Punt" (modern day Ethiopia). notice how they depict the queen of punt and her attendants as black and fat. They differentiate them from how egyptians look, because egyptians were not black. Egyptians were Mediterranean/aryan, and they have more in common linguistically and ethnically with India than africa. Oh also, after Egypt was conquered by alexander the great - most of the royalty, including Cleopatra, were even less african. They were all Macedonian greek.

Do want Wikipedia or a university for the proof of an indo-arabic origin for out numerals in English?
What kind o proof you want for the levant DNA in Egypt? I mean I'm willing to prove, but it would be nice to know how hard I have to Google.

google it, it was published in a journal, then picked up by the bbc, and other mainstream media
im not writing your book report for you
if you dont want to, thats fine


Nando's came from Africa.


African surgeons basically perfected transplants, conducting the first heart transplant in the 60's. Any modern transplant surgery is due to the work of African academics.

Just someone who isn't an anonymous shitposter saying it would be nice. Honest question, not just autistically screeching like this guy suggests;
An academic paper or well cited wiki article would be fine

that picture is stupid,they wouldent even have that.brick?concrete?white man built monrovia and the nigs turned it to that.without whites entirely that area would just be trees and those proto nigger chimpanzee's

Then why are India and China doing so well?
A few decades? That is pretty sad

Should really read a book, OP.

I know this is a troll post, but... We're going to go too far with this master race bullshit one day, and then everyone will take social conditioning seriously. Then blacks will begin to run everything and then they will fuck everything up. I like being in a very low criminal activity area, I like being in the upper part of society. I don't wish to for everyone to be on the low end of the spectrum of society. Why can't they just come up here?

Because they spend more of their GDP on STEM fields. Africa spends under 1%. Its a funding and cultural issue rather than a biological or racial one.

And here is Egypt's ancestry
The Levant is the eastern Mediterranean



I don't see how you think that proves your point. They could follow their lead but instead they don't even try. Thanks for proving my point for me.

>All the things blacks have created
Children forced to grow up without a father present
Overcrowded prisons
Gang culture

I think those serious transgressions kind of balance out any good you may have done so you're going to do only good things from now on to be taken seriously...oh shit, too late, you're still niggers. Nice try tho.


They created the art of dick washing


No. You don't deserve a (You)

Proof gets posted in this thread.

>millennial sjws abandon thread so they can still pretend they're not pretentious pansies who have a massive inferiority complex when they're proven wrong in their emotional conjectures over history

Please stop mansplaining

Mansplaining? I can't help it if I have a way larger vocabulary than you do. Is that what mansplaining is? You call us brute hairy pigs because we talk better than you? Stop being an sjw lesbian cunt waffle. Can't understand what I type? Need a thesaurus to understand me? Drop your women study classes and take reading comprehension instead. Even in real life you couldn't make me stop.

Fact: White people invented black people

I thought that was a Jewish invention.

>All the things Finns have created