Who is more valuable as survival partner? - men or women. And why?

Who is more valuable as survival partner? - men or women. And why?




both are required or reproduction will not take place and survival will cease

It depends on what you want. Men are better suited for hunting and gathering. Women have a more motherly instinct.

men for function, women for trade.

Someone with survival knowledge. Duh you will not live if your lack that knowledge or just be a burden

That might have been ture 10000 years ago just not now.
A modern man do not know how to hunt

Women. Can provide milky.

think he was speaking in reference to physiology, not psychology.


For making shelter, making tools, finding supplies, hunting, foraging, all that? Men.

For continuing the species in the event of an apocalypse? Women.

At this point physiology is pretty much irrelevant because most of survival is about knowledge, unless we're talking about two equal people in every way knowledge wise. I'd rather have some 5'1" girl that couldn't bench her own weight but knows a bit about survival than some 6'4" Olympian that can't tie a knot.

Take a random man and a random woman, and assign them the task of hunting something.

Who has the better odds of succeeding?

Hint: It's the man. The man might have some knowledge of how to hunt, whereas the woman is less likely to have such knowledge.

Also, in the instance of them both having no knowledge, men tend to be more inclined towards a natural behavior of forestry stalking, because that's the kinds of games that boys play. Girls do not play games that involve sneaking or faux-killing

Have you ever known a girl that can tie a knot or make cordage?

Because it's kind of a distinct difference between what Boy Scouts do and what Girl Scouts do.

A woman. Nowadays in normal modern society men and women on average probably know as much about survival as the other one does. I'd choose a woman. Though men have more of a plus on their physique women on the other hand might come up with different thought patterns for fixing problems. The more different perspectives on something the better you can fix or build, mend or heal anything. And if that would not be the case you always have more of a primal drive in you as a man to provide for a woman. You will find your willpower in keeping her safe, fed and alive etc. Therefor she is in my mind more valuable than a man. Going from the standpoint that when you asked the question: Who is more valuable as survival partner? - men or women. And why?"the perspective would be that the one asking the question would be indeed a male.
As long as you have both 1 man and 1 woman you will be better off than with 2 of the same sex. Both man and women need above all else the willpower to survive. If you pick 2 of the same sex the factor will not be as strong and you will perish sooner as a species. The species being the same sex survival partners for this particular instance.

No, it's men.

If it's all about perspective, why are there so many more successful male engineers, mechanics, and doctors than women, and why do females in those roles so very rarely introduce new concepts or ideas?

Men drive the world, and have always been the ones to push society forward. I'm inclined to trust them in the rebuilding of it.

Men, modern women worth nothing in case of SHTF

What was that Survivor series that was men vs women? The one where the men had made shelter and had systems for gathering food and clean water and all that on the first day, and on day 3 the women were basically just sitting on the beach sunbathing and their shelter was a pile of sticks and leaves. Like, to the point where it got so bad that they had to borrow one of the men to set them up properly.

I'm not saying men don't drive the world. They do indeed drive the world. It's about what keeps the men driving. Women.

depends on your definition of survival..... short term or long term

I do, and fish, and basically completely live off the land. Well I do

I haven't, but none of the men in my circle of friends could survive worth a shit either.